Twelfth Night is Shakespeare's great comedy that instructs us in the ways of love - what it means to play at being in love, what can happen to people who think that they can control love, and what havoc our own desires can create when we fail to acknowledge our own frailties.
The Drama department presented an adaptation of Twelfth Night which selected the plots of Viola -Orsino -Olivia, Toby - Andrew - Maria, and Malvolio - Everybody as its centres. The play was set in a timeless land where commerce is overwhelmed by love.
Joel Greenberg, Artist-in-Residence in the Drama Department, had adapted the play and directed the production. Marian Marshall designed set and costumes, and Al Anderson was lighting designer. The cast eas drawn from the senior level acting class that Joel auditioned at semester's beginning.
Fall 1989 Production

By William Shakespeare
Directed by: Joel Greenberg
Performances: November 24 & 25, 1989
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Feste - Sean Saunders
Viola 1 - Darlene Spencer
Viola 2 - Christine Brubaker
Sir Toby Belch - Marvin Hinz
Maria 1 - Kate Pugsley
Maria 2 - Kelly Wilson
Sir Andre Aguecheek - Craig Smith
Duke (Orsino) 1 - Michael Albert
Duke (Orsino) 2 - Phil Blackmore
Olivia 1 - Anne Hoselton
Olivia 2 - Cathy Haavaldsrug
Malvolio - Anthony Bristow
Sebastian 1 - Phil Blackmore
Sebastian 2 - Michael Albert
1 - November 24th
2 - November 25th
Director - Joel Greenberg
Set Designer/Costume Co-Ordinator - Marian Marshall
Lighting Designer - Al Anderson
Stage Manager - Jill Bryant
Props - Craig Mason
Sound - David Cheoros
Lighting Board Operator - Ken Burns
Costume Mistress - Karen Morton
Assistant Stage Manager - Cathy Prendergast
Publicist - Marjorie Bruce
Costumes & Set Crew - Drama 243
Special Thanks
UW Theatre Centre
Collins House of Formals, Waterloo