Twelfth Night is our favourite of all Shakespeare's comedies and it is among our favourite three or four of the entire canon. We think the play was an ideal choice for students because it was about love and the complexities of that powerful word. And since students are between the ages of 18-23, discoveries about love and how we respond to emotions far more powerful than our intellect, struck us as entirely age-appropriate. Second, those of us beyond the student age range have plenty to feed upon in this play about what love means and how easily we work to make it a mirror for our personal needs. As with so much in Shakespeare, whether in the classroom or on the stage, the possibilities are limitless and the themes continue to resonate as we age and add to our experiences.
Our production was set in a land fairly overrun by time and neglect. We know that Olivia's father and brother have both recently died, we know that Orsino is pining for his love and we know that Viola and her twin brother, Sebastian, have been victims of a horrendous storm at sea. Everyone was in a state of chaos and disorientation. Until the couples are properly paired -i.e. until love becomes a genuine emotion rather than selfish whim - Nature cannot be calmed.
We also decided to set the play in the 1960's, but we didn't do a period send-up or a fashion portfolio of that era. Instead, we used a time that is known for its liberation of gender and sexual freedom and we hope that the specific references help to consolidate the play's themes. Every time a production of any Shakespeare's plays is re-set in time, the production is severely tested by the transposition. Our take on Twelfth Night was no different.
This Twelfth Night also included a fair amount of music. Since the play's opening line ("If music be the food of love, play on...) invited song, we interpolated eight songs from two different musical adaptations: Your Own Thing, a late 60's rock version of Twelfth Night, and an early 70's musical adaptation of The Two Gentleman of Verona.
Finally, with a cast of young actors playing all the roles, we decided to look at the play's optimism and vitality rather than its often-explored melancholy. So, our Feste was no older than anyone else was and he didn't reflect on the passage of youth. To the contrary, he set many of the play's event in motion, aided in large part by an invented character we called Spirit of Love. The drunken Sir Toby Belch was played by a youthful lad who was more Olivia's cousin than her uncle. (Since he is referred to as both things in the text, we elected to use what served us best.)
Fall 2001 Production

By William Shakespeare
Directed by: Joel Greenberg
Performances: November 14-17, 2001
Venue: Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building
Spirit of Love - Mia Praught
Orsino - Matt Borch
Olivia - Jen Waescher
Viola - Megan Flynn
Feste - Andy Trithardt
Sir Toby Belch - Graham Williams
Maria - Erika Sedge
Sir Andrew - Aguecheek - Jeff Gagnon
Malvolio - Brad Goddard
Sebastian - Robbie Osborn
Artistic Team:
Director - Joel Greenberg
Set & Lighting Designer - Glenn Davidson
Costume Designer - Jocelyn Sobeski
Musical Director/Accompanists - Peter DeSouza & Jacqueline Sadler
Sound Designer/Assistant Technical Director - Fraser Smith
Dramaturgy - Drama 301 Class
Text Coach - Lloy Coutts
Fight Supervisor - Nick Davidson
Stage Manager - Chris Lee
Assistant Stage Managers - Jessica Bowman, Erin Neilson, Meghan Wiggin
Production Team:
Technical Director - Scott Spidell
Production Manager - Jenna Pollard
Assistant Production Manager - Meredith Kenzie
Carpentry Head - Matt Borch
Scenic Paint Head - Meredith Kenzie
Scenic Paint & Carps Crew - Darryl Gardner, Sarah Holmes, Cathleen McKague, Kathryn Pierroz, Amanda Rees
Lighting Head/Board Operator - Nick Cumming
Lighting Crew - Scott Banks, Shannon Cottrell, Brett Haynes, Jessica Jnes, Jill Skene, Wendy Guymer, Jennifer Cook
Wardrobe Head - Megan Flynn
Wardrobe Crew - Leigh McClymont, Stephanie McKay, Rana Salimi, Lesley Tumber
Props Head - Stephanie Coleman
Props Crew - Sean Collins, Alison Neal, Sarah O’Neill, John Trinh
Sound Operators - Jen Cook, John Roberts
Poster Designer - Yen Chu
Programme - Drama 301 Class
Publicity Head - Joyce Hahn
Publicity Assistant - Andrea Kerswill
Publicity Crew - Daniel Errey
Front of House Manager - Tame Eveland
Thank Yous:
The Bowman Family
Barb Brown & Eastwood Collegiate Institute
The Coleman Family
Jen Emery
Erika Hopman
JM Drama Alumni
The Kenzie Family
Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre
Natalie Mathieson
The Neilson Family
Paradox Theatre Company
Paramount Canada’s Wonderland - Entertainment Department
Princess Cinema
Registry Theatre
Jamie Rodriguez
St. Jerome’s University
Theatre & Company