Across campus we went red to support the United Way Kitchener-Waterloo & Area. Why? It’s about connecting to the community we’re a part of. Whether you grew up in the region or you moved here to be a part of the University of Waterloo, you are part of a growing community where not everyone’s as lucky as we are.
So much of the research at Waterloo connects to the issues that agencies supported by the United Way seek to address, including mental health issues and gender issues. Here are just some of the research projects happening at Waterloo:
The Centre for Mental Health Research is not only a research facility, but also provides mental health care to people of all ages in the Region of Waterloo.
With mounting reports of anxiety amongst not only our studies, a number of faculty members in Waterloo’s Department of Psychology have formed an Anxiety Studies group. The team has a shared interest in understanding the development and persistence of anxiety problems.
A group of researchers on campus is looking to find new ways to understand, prevent, and treat eating disorders, and innovative ways to promote flexible eating, healthy body image, and well-being. On the day of campaign kick-off, a story about self-compassion was released from the Self-Attitudes Lab.
Several courses in the Faculty of Arts focus on gender and women’s issues from a range of different fields. These include Women and Politics (PSCI 360), Gender and Performance (DRAMA 282), Gender Issues (PHIL 202/WS 222) and Transgender Visual Culture (FINE 205). Learn more about how Arts is engaging students across a variety of disciplines.