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The Implementation Plan

By September 2024 we will:  

  • Establish an implementation team and identify values champions (reflecting a cross-section of campus) 

  • Create resources/reference guides supporting the integration of the values in day-to-day interactions 

  • Integrate the values into the onboarding and orientation of new employees  

And from September 2024 onward: 

  • Communications plan for socializing the values, including materials required (e.g. website, posters, video) 

  • Embed into our performance development, recruitment practices and learning programs 

  • Further embed across the university (e.g. student recruitment, brand & marketing, fundraising) 

  • Develop a staged roll-out plan

University of Waterloo sign

Engaging with the university community

The launch of the University of Waterloo's values represents a commitment to build on our existing cultural strengths but also identify areas to evolve. The journey in the creation of our values took us into consultations with all six faculties, multiple units across campus including Equity Diversity Inclusivity and Anti-Racism Office, Indigenous Relations Office, Human Resources, Sustainability, Cooperative and Experiential Education, the Senate, Board of Directors, and more. We heard from close to 200 students and we held focus groups enabling staff to come together in conversation. The values working group was diligent in staying connected and offering feedback and revisions to ensure alignment to the ambitions laid out in Waterloo at 100, the President’s Anti-Racism Taskforce (PART) report recommendations and the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Building a Resilient University of Waterloo report plus more.