Deep Impacts

Wednesday, May 24, 2000

By: Christine Kulyk

When something big from outer space
Collides with Earth, it leaves a trace--
Supreme celestial punctuation
Carving out an indentation
To scar the planet's face.

The years that pass with stately pace
May steadily obscure the trace
Of crater outlines and location,
And so obstruct investigation
With forces that efface.

Still, deep within the Earth's embrace,
Some evidence, yet unerased,
May yield to patient exploration--
And traces of this transformation
At last fall into place.

joke image fo man found only in fossil state

A lecture - "You will at once perceive," continued Professor Ichthyosaurus, "that the skull before us belongs to some lower order of animals; the teeth are very insignificant, the power of the jaws trifling, and all together it seems wonderful how the creature could have procured food."