Brian
Kendall,
Department
of
Earth
and
Environmental
Sciences,
University
of
Waterloo
Take
a
deep
breath!
This
simple
act
provides
your
body
with
life-giving
oxygen
and
removes
waste
carbon
dioxide.
It
is
part
of
what
we
call
respiration,
in
which
the
chemical
energy
of
organic
molecules
(derived
from
the
food
we
eat)
is
released
during
a
reaction
that
consumes
oxygen
and
liberates
water
and
carbon
dioxide.
During
a
single
day,
an
adult
will
take
about
20,000
breaths.
Although
essential
for
our
survival,
we
routinely
take
each
breath
for
granted
as
we
proceed
with
our
busy
lives.
Have
you
ever
wondered
when
and
why
oxygen
became
so
prevalent
on
Earth?
Or
how
Earth
surface's
oxygenation
is
intertwined
with
the
evolution
of
life?
Why
do
we
care
about
the
past
distribution
of
oxygen
on
Earth's
surface?
Human
activities,
including
fossil
fuel
burning
and
deforestation,
are
pumping
greenhouse
gases
like
carbon
dioxide
into
the
atmosphere.
The
Earth
is
getting
warmer.
What
are
the
future
consequences?
We
can
expect
a
decline
in
ocean
oxygen
concentrations.
Oxygen
solubility
in
water
decreases
with
increasing
temperature.
Continental
weathering
accelerates
on
a
warmer
Earth,
delivering
more
nutrients
(e.g.,
phosphorus)
to
the
coastal
oceans.
Adding
to
this
nutrient
load
is
fertilizer
runoff.
These
extra
nutrients
enhance
the
growth
of
primary
producers
and
after
these
organisms
die,
the
decay
of
their
organic
matter
consumes
oxygen.
Declining
ocean
oxygen
levels
threaten
to
decimate
the
coastal
marine
biosphere,
including
fisheries
-
the
main
source
of
protein
to
many
countries.
Warm-season
"dead
zones",
which
contain
too
little
O2
(<
mg/L)
to
support
large
fauna,
are
expanding.
To
understand
and
manage
this
threat,
we
are
motivated
to
learn
the
lessons
of
the
past
by
"reading
the
rock
record"
about
the
past
history
of
ocean
oxygenation.
On
a
more
positive
note,
astronomers
have
discovered
hundreds
of
planets
outside
our
solar
system.
The
search
for
Earth-sized
planets
in
the
"habitable
zone"
-
the
region
around
a
star
where
liquid
water
might
exist
on
a
planet's
surface
-
has
commenced
in
earnest
(e.g.,
Kepler
mission).
Such
planets
could
potentially
support
complex
life.
How
might
the
geological
history
and
the
course
of
biological
evolution
on
other
habitable
planets
be
different
from
our
own?
Of
course,
the
big
motivator
driving
us
is
the
search
for
intelligent
life
elsewhere
in
the
universe.
Oxygen
is
thought
to
be
a
pre-requisite
for
the
evolution
of
complex
animal
and
intelligent
life.
logical
step
for
us
is
to
search
for
oxygen-rich
worlds.
To
guide
our
efforts,
we
seek
to
understand
the
co-evolution
of
life
and
environment
on
Earth.
Today,
the
Earth's
atmosphere
contains
21%
oxygen
and
most
of
the
oceans
are
well-oxygenated.
However,
for
most
of
our
planet's
million
year
(Myr)
long
history,
it
was
not
this
way.
Our
reading
of
the
rock
record
paints
a
picture
of
protracted
oxygenation
of
the
atmosphere
and
oceans
(Figure
1).
For
more
than
million
years
(Myr)
after
Earth's
formation,
free
O2
was
almost
non-existent
at
the
Earth's
surface
and
the
oceans
were
predominantly
Fe2+-rich.
Oxygen
did
not
begin
to
accumulate
in
the
atmosphere
until
2400-2100
Myr
ago
–
a
time
interval
called
the
"Great
Oxidation
Event".
During
this
event,
it
is
estimated
that
atmospheric
O2
concentrations
rose
to
a
level
equivalent
to
about
1-10%
of
today.
Figure
1.
Earth's
surface
oxygenation
through
time
and
its
relationship
to
significant
steps
in
biological
evolution.
The
upper
panel
shows
atmospheric
oxygen
abundances
in
%
relative
to
present
atmospheric
levels
(PAL).
The
lower
panel
shows
the
relative
distribution
of
oxygen-
(O2),
sulfide-
(H2S),
and
iron-rich
(Fe2+)
waters
in
the
shallow
and
deep
oceans.
Lighter
blue
shading
indicates
lower
dissolved
O2
levels.
Lighter
pink
shading
means
less
and
more
Fe2+.
What
triggered
atmospheric
oxygenation?
The
evolution
of
oxygenic
photosynthesis
was
undoubtedly
a
pre-requisite
because
this
is
the
single
most
important
source
of
O2
to
Earth's
surface.
However,
it
was
probably
not
the
only
factor.
There
is
growing
evidence
for
photosynthetic
O2
production
and
accumulation
in
surface
waters
along
some
coastal
regions
("oxygen
oases")
at
least
a
few
hundred
million
years
before
the
Great
Oxidation
Event.
These
oxygen
oases
may
have
even
hosted
the
first
O2-respiring
eukaryotes.
Why
then
did
the
Great
Oxidation
Event
take
so
long
to
occur?
Oxygen
had
to
first
overwhelm
the
flux
of
reductants
(e.g.,
H2,
CH4)
before
it
could
accumulate
in
the
atmosphere.
Photosynthetic
O2
accumulation
in
the
surface
oceans
may
have
started
off
slowly.
progressive
loss
of
hydrogen
to
space
or
a
decreased
flux
of
reducing
volcanic
gases
may
have
been
needed
to
tip
the
scales
towards
oxygenation.
Multiple
severe
glaciations
(extending
to
tropical
latitudes)
may
have
played
a
role.
High
atmospheric
levels
are
needed
to
end
a
severe
glaciation.
The
resulting
hot
climate
would
have
promoted
intense
weathering-related
release
of
nutrients
(furthered
by
glacial
erosion)
and
thus
high
rates
of
primary
productivity
on
tropical
continental
shelves.
Large
amounts
of
organic
matter
(dead
primary
producers)
are
then
buried
in
sediments.
Buried
organic
matter
cannot
react
with
O2,
which
accumulates
in
the
atmosphere
(Figure
2).
Figure
2.
Relationship
between
photosynthesis,
organic
matter
burial,
and
oxygenation.
An
increase
in
nutrients
to
the
oceans
will
stimulate
primary
productivity,
including
photosynthesis.
Decay
of
sinking
organic
matter
will
consume
dissolved
oxygen,
a
process
that
is
contributing
to
deoxygenation
of
the
coastal
oceans
today.
On
longer
(geologic)
time
scales,
however,
high
rates
of
nutrient
delivery
to
the
oceans
can
cause
burial
of
large
amounts
of
organic
matter
(CH2O).
Oxygen
produced
by
photosynthesis
cannot
react
with
the
buried
organic
matter
and
thus
the
gas
accumulates
on
the
Earth's
surface.
The
Great
Oxidation
Event
led
to
widespread
oxygenation
of
the
surface
oceans.
However,
atmospheric
O2
levels
were
not
high
enough
to
oxygenate
the
deep
oceans.
Instead,
the
Earth's
oceans
became
stratified,
with
oxygenated
surface
waters,
anoxic
and
H2S-rich
(sulfidic)
middle
waters,
and
anoxic
and
Fe2+-bearing
(ferruginous)
deep
waters.
How
did
the
sulfidic
conditions
originate?
In
the
presence
of
O2,
sulfide
minerals
exposed
on
land
would
be
oxidized
to
sulfate,
which
was
then
delivered
to
the
oceans
by
rivers.
In
coastal
regions
where
large
amounts
of
dead
organic
matter
from
primary
producers
were
sinking
from
the
surface
ocean,
bacteria
obtained
energy
by
oxidizing
the
organic
matter
while
reducing
sulfate
to
sulfide.
Sulfidic
conditions
then
arose
when
enough
was
produced
to
consume
all
O2
in
the
middle
water
column.
Widespread
ocean
redox
stratification
likely
persisted
for
more
than
Myr
of
Earth's
middle
age.
However,
this
period
of
time
was
not
entirely
monotonic.
The
younger
part
of
the
Great
Oxidation
Event
features
a
transient
rise
in
atmospheric
O2
levels
2200-2100
Myr
ago.
possible
explanation
is
that
the
onset
of
global
oxidative
continental
weathering
delivered
a
large
load
of
phosphorus
to
the
oceans,
triggering
massive
primary
productivity
and
burial
of
organic
matter
in
sediments.
By
contrast,
a
temporary
fall
in
ocean
O2
levels
occurred
Myr
ago
because
intense
volcanism
released
large
amounts
of
Fe2+
and
other
reductants.
Afterwards,
there
appears
to
have
been
relatively
little
change
in
atmosphere-ocean
oxygenation
for
a
long
time.
During
this
"boring"
billion-year-long
interval,
eukaryotic
evolution
proceeded
very
slowly.
In
stark
contrast,
the
interval
between
and
Myr
ago
was
marked
by
dramatic
changes,
specifically
a
major
oxygenation
event,
breakup
of
a
supercontinent,
at
least
two
severe
glaciations,
and
major
eukaryotic
diversification.
Formation
and
breakup
of
a
tropical
supercontinent
supplies
abundant
nutrients
to
the
oceans
and
may
have
led
to
high
rates
of
primary
productivity
and
organic
matter
burial.
Newly
evolved
marine
eukaryotes
with
organic
body
parts
more
resistant
to
degradation
could
also
have
allowed
more
efficient
organic
matter
burial.
However,
the
greatest
driving
force
for
change
may
have
been
the
glaciations
(Figure
3).
In
the
wake
of
the
youngest
global
glaciation
Myr
ago
(a
"Snowball
Earth"),
a
hot
climate
likely
promoted
elevated
primary
productivity
and
organic
matter
burial.
significant
increase
in
ocean
oxygenation
followed
shortly
after
the
glaciation.
Figure
3.
Glacial
sediments
deposited
~670
million
years
ago
in
an
ocean
basin.
This
type
of
rock
is
called
diamictite,
and
consists
of
a
poorly
sorted
mixture
of
large
and
small
clasts
surrounded
by
a
finer-grained
sediment
matrix.
Note
the
coin
for
scale.
Areyonga
Formation,
Amadeus
Basin,
central
Australia.
Photo
credit:
R.A.
Creaser.
For
the
first
time
in
Earth's
history,
the
oceans
contained
enough
dissolved
O2
to
support
large
complex
animal
life.
Shortly
after
the
end
of
the
Snowball
glaciation
and
the
increase
in
ocean
oxygenation,
the
first
large
complex
animals
appear
in
the
rock
record,
including
those
that
could
move
and
prey
on
other
organisms.
series
of
dizzyingly
rapid
evolutionary
innovations
driven
by
environmental,
genetic,
and
ecological
factors
then
culminated
in
a
"Cambrian
Explosion"
(named
for
the
Cambrian
Period
in
which
it
occurs)
of
skeletal
animal
life
some
to
Myr
ago.
It
is
remarkable
that
it
took
four
billion
years
of
Earth
history
for
evolution
to
produce
animal
life,
and
that
catastrophic
glaciations
played
a
role
in
doing
so.
Conventional
thinking
is
that
the
Earth's
atmosphere
and
oceans
have
been
well-oxygenated
since
then.
However,
recent
findings
suggest
lower
atmospheric
O2
levels
and
large
oscillations
in
oceanic
O2
levels
between
and
Myr
ago.
Another
O2
boost
may
have
been
triggered
by
the
diversification
of
land
plants
Myr
ago.
Land
plants
enable
more
efficient
organic
matter
burial
by
accelerating
the
rate
of
continental
weathering.
Organic
plant
material
can
also
be
highly
resistant
to
degradation
and
be
buried
more
easily.
The
resulting
increase
in
O2
levels
may
have
stimulated
the
evolution
of
large
predatory
fish.
Diversification
of
land
plants
and
formation
of
the
supercontinent
Pangaea
likely
played
major
roles
in
burying
enough
organic
matter
to
generate
the
highest
atmospheric
O2
levels
in
Earth's
history
300-275
Myr
ago.
Although
the
Earth's
oceans
were
predominantly
oxygenated
during
the
past
Myr,
there
were
brief
intervals
called
"ocean
anoxic
events"
that
were
accompanied
by
a
mass
extinction
of
life.
Ocean
deoxygenation
was
typically
caused
by
a
warm
climate
(high
atmospheric
CO2)
and
poor
ocean
circulation.
During
the
anoxic
event,
higher
rates
of
organic
matter
burial
and
continental
weathering
consumed
the
excess
atmospheric
CO2.
The
drop
in
promoted
a
return
to
colder
oceans
(favoring
greater
oxygen
solubility
and
ocean
circulation)
and
lower
nutrient
inventories
for
primary
producers
(less
consumption
of
O2
by
decay
of
organic
matter).
Together
with
the
preceding
organic
matter
burial
(O2
release),
these
changes
allowed
the
re-establishment
of
oxygenated
oceans.
The
Earth's
worst
mass
extinction
was
suffered
during
an
ocean
anoxic
event
million
years
ago.
Geoscientists
scrutinize
these
events
closely
to
better
predict
the
future
extent
of
ocean
deoxygenation
and
its
impact
on
human
civilization.
Finally,
how
do
geoscientists
reconstruct
the
history
of
Earth's
surface
oxygenation?
Our
clues
come
from
sediments
deposited
in
Earth's
ancient
oceans,
now
preserved
as
layers
of
sedimentary
rock.
We
can
sample
these
rocks
at
the
Earth's
surface
where
they
have
been
exposed
by
erosion
(outcrops)
or
by
human
activities
(mines,
road
cuts).
Alternatively,
we
can
obtain
samples
by
drilling
deep
below
the
surface
(Figure
4).
Geoscientists
prefer
drill
cores
because
the
recovered
rocks
have
not
been
affected
by
weathering
reactions
at
Earth's
surface.
Figure
4.
Organic-rich
black
shale
deposited
~2500
million
years
ago
in
deep
ocean
waters.
Shale
is
composed
of
fine-grained
sediment
(<0.0625
mm
particle
size)
and
is
fissile
(split
easily
into
thin
paper-like
sheets).
Also
visible
are
thin
laminations
and
nodules
of
metallic
brass-yellow
pyrite
("fool's
gold").
Mt.
McRae
Shale,
Hamersley
Basin,
Western
Australia.
Photo
credit:
B.
Kendall.
Our
preferred
method
for
reconstructing
the
story
of
atmosphere
and
ocean
oxygenation
is
to
study
the
distribution
of
oxygen-sensitive
elements
and
minerals
in
sedimentary
rocks.
One
example
is
the
massive
iron
formations
(the
major
source
of
industrial
iron
ore)
deposited
before
the
Great
Oxidation
Event
and
during
the
volcanic
episode
Myr
ago
(Figure
5).
Their
formation
requires
that
large
amounts
of
dissolved
Fe2+
accumulate
in
predominantly
oxygen-
and
sulfur-free
oceans.
Another
example
is
the
abundance
of
redox-sensitive
metals
like
molybdenum
(Mo)
and
vanadium
(V)
in
organic-rich
sediments
(Figure
6).
In
the
presence
of
O2,
these
metals
are
weathered
from
the
continents
and
transported
by
rivers
to
the
oceans
where
they
accumulate
in
oxygenated
seawater.
Upon
encountering
anoxic
conditions,
Mo
and
are
removed
from
seawater
to
sediments.
Metal
abundances
in
the
sediments
(now
black
shales)
can
be
used
to
infer
ancient
seawater
metal
concentrations
and
the
extent
of
oxygenation.
High
amounts
of
Mo
and
in
black
shales
indicate
a
large
metal
inventory
in
widely
oxygenated
oceans.
By
contrast,
low
amounts
of
Mo
and
in
black
shales
point
to
negligible
oxidative
weathering
or
O2-deficient
oceans
(which
favors
high
rates
of
metal
burial
in
sediments).
Figure
5.
Abundance
of
iron
formations
through
time.
Most
iron
formation
was
deposited
early
in
Earth's
history
when
the
oceans
were
predominantly
anoxic
and
Fe2+-rich.
As
a
consequence
of
the
Great
Oxidation
Event,
the
amount
of
dissolved
Fe2+
in
the
oceans
was
significantly
reduced
by
reaction
with
oxygen,
sulfate,
and
sulfide,
thus
largely
preventing
further
deposition
of
iron
formation.
An
exception
occurred
about
million
years
ago,
when
intense
volcanism
supplied
large
amounts
of
Fe2+
to
the
oceans.
After
this
time,
iron
formation
is
scarce
in
the
rock
record.
Modified
from
Rasmussen
et
al.
(2012).
Figure
6.
Abundance
of
molybdenum
(Mo)
and
vanadium
(V)
in
black
shales
through
time.
The
abundances
are
reported
as
parts
per
million
(p.p.m.),
where
p.p.m.
means
×
10-6
gram
of
Mo
(or
V)
per
gram
of
shale.
Metal
concentrations
are
also
divided
(or
"normalized")
to
total
organic
carbon
content
given
as
weight
%
of
the
shale)
to
correct
for
variable
amounts
of
organic
matter
in
the
sediment.
It
can
be
seen
that
Mo
and
concentrations
in
black
shales
have
increased
through
time,
reflecting
the
growth
of
the
oceanic
inventory
of
these
metals
in
response
to
ocean
oxygenation.
Major
increases
in
metal
concentration
are
observed
in
response
to
the
Great
Oxidation
Event
(2400-2100
million
years
ago)
and
shortly
after
a
"Snowball
Earth"
glaciation
million
years
ago.
Modified
from
Sahoo
et
al.
(2012).
Armed
with
these
tools,
geoscientists
will
continue
to
probe
the
Earth's
rock
record
and
provide
us
with
the
necessary
knowledge
to
ensure
that
we
are
best
equipped
to
deal
with
the
environmental
threats
facing
us,
and
to
guide
us
on
the
search
for
life
elsewhere
in
the
cosmos.
The
story
of
oxygen
on
Earth
is
one
aspect
of
the
rapidly
emerging
field
of
astrobiology
-
which
studies
the
origin,
evolution,
and
distribution
of
life
in
the
universe.
Perhaps
one
day
the
astrobiologists
will
answer
the
one
question
at
the
back
of
all
our
minds:
are
we
alone?
Selected
(recent)
papers
and
reviews
on
the
history
of
Earth's
surface
oxygenation:
Anbar
et
al.
(2007)
Science
317,
1903-1906.
Bekker
et
al.
(2004)
Nature
427,
117-120.
Bekker
and
Holland
(2012)
Earth
and
Planetary
Science
Letters
317-318,
295-304.
Berner
(2003)
Nature
426,
323-326.
Brennecka
et
al.
(2011)
Proceedings
of
the
National
Academy
of
Sciences
108,
17631-17634.
Catling
and
Claire
(2005)
Earth
and
Planetary
Science
Letters
237,
1-20.
Cohen
et
al
(2004)
Geology
32,
157-160.
Dahl
et
al.
(2010)
Proceedings
of
the
National
Academy
of
Sciences
107,
17911-17915.
Falkowski
and
Godfrey
(2008)
Philosophical
Transactions
Royal
Society
363,
2705-2716.
Gaillard
et
al.
(2011)
Nature
478,
229-232.
Holland
(2006)
Philosophical
Transactions
Royal
Society
361,
903-915.
Holland
(2009)
Geochimica
et
Cosmochimica
Acta
73,
5241-5255.
Kendall
et
al.
(2010)
Nature
Geoscience
3,
647-652.
Och
and
Shields-Zhou
(2012)
Earth-Science
Reviews
110,
26-57.
Poulton
et
al.
(2010)
Nature
Geoscience
3,
486-490.
Planavsky
et
al.
(2011)
Nature
477,
448-451.
Rasmussen
et
al
(2012)
Nature
484,
498-501.
Turgeon
and
Creaser
(2008)
Nature
454,
323-326.
Sahoo
et
al.
(2012)
Nature
489,
546-549.
Scott
et
al.
(2008)
Nature
452,
456-459.