What on Earth Volume 7 2011

Figure 1. Cross-section along Bright Angel Creek.
Ribbon Falls Hike

Figure 2. Archean - Granite Gorge Metamorphic Suite 2 Billion Years Ago

Figure 3. Boudinage

Figure 4. Vishnu Schists and Zoroaster Granites.

The oldest rocks of the Grand Canyon Group are a basal conglomerate called the Hotauta Conglomerate.

Figure 6a. Hotauta conglomerate formed at the base of the Grand Canyon Group.

Figure 6b. Hotauta Conglomerate

Figure 10. Haitaki shale intruded by a diabase dike.

Figure 12. The Altar at Ribbon Fall

Figure 13. Ribbon Falls
Clear Creek Trail and the Great Unconformity

Figure 14. Phantom Ranch

Figure 15. Granite Gorge

Figure 16. Folded schist
Follow the trail along the unconformity into the valley with a great view of Zoroaster Temple. As you cross the dry stream bed, follow it down to and study the polished surface of the folded schist and the place where rocks are forced into the bedding during flash floods. This is as far as we ventured on our visit.

Figure 17. Clear Creek Trail near Zoroaster Temple.

Figure 18. Great Unconformity

Figure 19. Rocks forced into bedding during flash floods.
Hermit Trail to the Coconino Critters.

Figure 20 - 22 Tetrapod tracks in the Coconino Sandstone.