Junior miner of Ontario competition

Saturday, March 1, 2003

Inspire Your Students to Bring Earth Science to Life!

Earth materials are used in every facet of our lives. A walk through city streets provides an opportunity to observe various stones used in buildings, roads and pavements. Our homes, transportation systems and machinery contain metals derived from ore deposits. From computers to toothpaste, minerals are used in such a variety of products. We need only to observe objects used in everyday life to discover the unique and essential role Earth Science plays in today's rapidly changing world.

The Junior Miner of Ontario Competition is an annual contest held by Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Mining Matters (PDACMM), and is intended to inspire students to discover the importance of rocks, minerals, metals and mining and the roles they play in our everyday lives. The competition features the outstanding work of students in grades 4 and 7 who submit a written composition describing why Earth's rock and mineral treasures are important in our day-to-day lives. Teachers that include this exciting competition in their yearly planning will provide students with a unique opportunity to be recognized for their interests and talents in the area of Earth Science.

Entries should be based on a solid knowledge of foundation concepts, be correct in all aspects and be presented in a unique and effective manner. Projects, essays, poems, stories, articles or other artistic expressions such as posters or photographic essays, are all equally encouraged. Creativity is very important. Small group or class projects may also be submitted for consideration. Written submissions may be in English or French, but must be no longer than 250 words, typed and double-spaced. Artistic expressions should be one page no larger than 11" x 17". The competition is limited to students residing in Ontario. Entries must be received before June 1, 2003. A team of teachers and Earth Science professionals will review submissions for each grade level and contact the winners before the end of the school year. Certificates of Achievement and cash awards will be mailed to the winners.

Visit the Mining Matters website to download a copy of the Competition Application Form.

The cash awards will include five standards of achievement as follows: 

Grade 4 & Grade 7 
Diamond $150 
Platinum $125
Gold $100 
Silver $75 
Copper $50

Mail your final submission along with the completed Competition Application Form to:

Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Mining Matters
Junior Miner of Ontario Competition
Suite 1500, 120 Adelaide Street West
Toronto, ON M5H 1T1

Since 1994, PDACMM has equipped teachers across Ontario with information and resources that inspire students to unearth the importance of rocks, minerals, metals and mining and the roles they play in their everyday lives. This unique collaboration between teachers, minerals' industry professionals and Ontario government geologists has lead to the development of a series of educational resources to meet the high standards of the teaching profession in Ontario and to provide students with an exciting means to investigate Earth Science, including Ontario's geology.

Building on the success of PDACMM's original Mining Matters unit, subsequent units for grade 4, Deeper and Deeper, and grade 7, Mining Matters II - The Earth's Crust, have been designed to meet 100% of the Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum Expectations for the topics "Rocks, Minerals and Erosion" and "The Earth's Crust".

For further information about the programs of PDACMM please contact Laura Clinton, Project Coordinator, at 416-943-6278 or pdacmm@teckcominco.com