Stephen G. Evans, Ph.D. (Professor, Engineering Geology and GeoHazards)
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo

Figure 1. The 2010 EARTH 490 field trip group on the Amazon/Pacific continental divide near Antamina Mine, Ancash, Peru (May 5, 2010)
- The geology of the Cordillera Blanca.
- Neotectonics in the Huaraz region, including the Cordillera Blanca Fault.
- The engineering geology of glacial lakes formed by recent glacier melting.
- Landslide hazards in the Cordillera Blanca, including the devastating 1962 and 1970 Huascaran events.
- The geo-archaeology of the Chavin de Huantar World Heritage Site.
- Geological engineering aspects of the Antamina Mine, one of the largest copper-zinc mines in the world.
DAY 1, Monday April 26
The field party left Toronto at 5:10 pm on Air Canada flight AC 80, arriving in Lima around midnight.
DAY 2, Tuesday April 27
DAY 3, Wednesday April 28
DAY 4, Thursday April 29

Figure 2. View of rockslope stabilization, utilizing anchors and rock bolts, above intakes to the Canon delPato hydroelectric plant. Rio Santa is in foreground of view downstream

Figure 3. Tunnel and rock slopes along the Canon del Pato road, south of Huallanca
DAY 5, Friday April 30

Figure 4. The site of Yungay before (A) and after (B) the May 31, 1970 debris flow in georeferenced aerial photographs. A: the urban area of Yungay is outlined by a white line. (Servicío Aerofotografíco Nacional de Perú photograph; January 9, 1962). B: the urban area of Yungay superimposed on the debris of the Yungay lobe deposited on May 31, 1970. (NASA aerial photograph; July 14, 1970. Cemetery Hill is visible near the lower margin of both photographs (from Evans, S.G. et al. 2009. A re-examination of the mechanism and human impact of catastrophic mass flows originating on Nevado Huascarán, Cordillera Blanca, Peru in 1962 and 1970. Engineering Geology, 108, 96-118)

Figure 5. Students gave presentations on 1962 and 1970 Huascaran events at the statue of Christ at the summit of Cemetery Hill, Yungay. About 100 people outran the 1970 debris avalanche and reached the top of Cemetery Hill to survive.
DAY 6, Saturday May 1

Figure 6. Field trip group on Pleistocene moraine to the west of the sharp fault-bounded front of the Cordillera Blanca batholith.

Figure 7. Laguna Llaca, a moraine-dammed lake formed by glacier retreat in the Cordillera Blanca. Protective works are visible in foreground and were constructed to mitigate outburst hazard by regulating lake level and protecting crest of moraine from erosion during possible overflow.
DAY 7, Sunday May 2
The group visited the Chavin de Huantar archeological site, focusing on its geohazards. From Huaraz, they travelled east and traversed the Cordillera Blanca mountain range to Chavin de Huantar (3140 m a.s.l.), via the 4516 m a.s.l. Kawish Tunnel. Chavin de Huantar (Figure 8) was constructed by the Chavin culture in ~ 900 B.C. According to geo.archaeologists, water supply for the site was facilitated by the presence of a rockslide.dammed lake in valley upstream of the site.

Figure 8. Plaza of Chavin de Huantar archeological site, now a United Nations World Heritage Site.
The site has been subject to debris flows from upstream glacial lakes. The most recent event occurred in January 1945 when an ice avalanche fell into Ayhuinyraju Lake causing an outburst. The debris buried part of the archaeological site and impacted the town of Chavin resulting in 500 deaths.
DAY 8, Monday May 3
The group visited Laguna Paron, near Caraz, with Ing. C. Portacarrero (National Water Authority). This lake is a major water source in the Rio Santa watershed. Extensive civil engineering works were completed in 1985 to control the lake level for hazard reduction purposes and to regulate the outflow of the lake for hydroelectric power generation purposes at Canon del Pato. These works include the excavation of a 3.3 km long tunnel in granodiorite, which the group had the opportunity to examine. The tunnel resulted in a maximum reduction of 41 m in the lake level (Figures 9 and 10).

Figure 9. Student presentation at Laguna Paron with the Toyota Hiace minibus used during trip.

Figure 10. Field trip group at Laguna Paron. The level of the moraine-dammed lake is controlled by a 3.3 km long tunnel through the Cordillera Blanca granodiorite batholith.
DAY 9, Tuesday May 4
Day 9 was the long.anticipated visit to the Antamina Mine (Figure 11). The group departed very early in morning from Huaraz to arrive at the Casablanca control point. This was followed by a 118 km drive up the Antamina access road, a modern two lane paved highway, arriving at the mine at about 10.30 am.

Figure 11. View into the open pit at Antamina Mine. The depth of the mine is in excess of 500 m.

Figure 12. Overview of tailings dam at Antamina Mine. The structure, founded partly on karstic limestone, is the highest concrete1faced rockfill dam in the world and was designed by Golder Associates.

Figure 13. View of waste rock dumps at Antamina Mine. Dump slopes are formed by end-tipping of waste rock from 218 tonne (153m3) capacity Caterpillar 793C dump trucks visible at mid-right.
DAY 10, Wednesday, May 5
Day 10 started with a transect along the Antamina Mine access road. Landslide investigation sites were visited with Antamina and Golder Associates personnel. Throughout the day the group had lengthy discussions on landslide hazard and risk along the 118 km access road, a key element of the mining company Antamina’s risk management strategy. The road is the lifeline to the mine with dense traffic carrying fuel, food, and spare parts to the mine as well as the frequent bus transport of personnel to and from the mine site (Figure 14). The group also visited the famous dinosaur footprints exposed in a rock cut along the road (Figure 15).

Figure 14. Student writing notes on landslide hazard and risk on Antamina Mine access road. Note fuel anker in background illustrating the strategic importance of highway lifeline to Antamina Mine.

Figure 15. Dinosaur footprints exposed in Cretaceous rocks in a road cut, Antamina access Road.
DAY 11, Thursday May 6
On day 11, the group checked out of the La Joya Hotel and mostly spent a free day in Huaraz, but also included a meeting with Ing. C. Portacarrero at the National Water Authority offices. The group boarded the Cruz del Sur bus from Huaraz at 10:00 pm and travelled to Lima.
DAY 12, Friday May 7
DAY 13, Saturday May 8
Concluding comments and acknowledgements
The 2010 EARTH 490 field trip to Peru afforded a unique opportunity to students to see first hand, active tectonics, glacial geomorphology, glacial and landslide hazards as well as geological engineering aspects of hazard mitigation, hydropower development and massive open pit mining at high altitude in a spectacular mountain environment. The Antamina mine is a state-of-the-art mining operation and our group was very impressed by the way in which the company is addressing challenging technical and environmental issues.
The EARTH 490 class and instructors are grateful to John Pottie, P.Eng. and David Gilbert, P.Eng. of Antamina for their fantastic technical support and for facilitating a memorable visit to the Antamina mine. The group is also indebted to Ing. Cesar Portocarrero (National Water Authority) for leading a spectacular visit to Laguna Paron and the drainage tunnel constructed in 1985.
Finally, all those involved in the 2010 EARTH 490 field trip to Peru would like to gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the J.P. Bickell Foundation, the Prospector's & Developer's Association of Canada, the Dean of Engineering, the Dean of Science, the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Without this support this field trip to Peru would not have been possible.