In the media: Ethiopia’s controversial mega-dam

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Water Institute executive director Roy Brouwer, professor in the Department of Economics and University of Waterloo Research Chair in Water Resources Economics, appeared on the Al Jazeera nine o’clock news this week to discuss his views on the situation surrounding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

With Ethiopia completing a second filling of the GERD reservoir this week, tensions with downstream countries have risen.

Brouwer discussed the current situation and highlighted the importance of transboundary cooperation and, in particular, the importance of incorporating cooperative mechanisms into planning from the earliest stages to promote benefit-sharing across river basin countries.

The interview with new s anchor Rola Ibrahim aired Friday evening on the Al Jazeera Media Network.

Roy Brouwer interview

Water Institute executive director Roy Brouwer interviewed on the Al Jazeera Media Network.