Dr. C. Lisa Prokopich achieved her Doctor of Optometry degree at the University of Waterloo and followed with a Residency at The Eye Institute of the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, now Salus University. Dr. Prokopich is a Clinical Professor at UWOVS in the Ocular Health Clinic specializing in ocular disease diagnosis and management. She had a hospital-based practice with the Grand River Hospital group for over 10 years, maintained private practice involvement, and has worked with various provincial scope of practice committees to resolve legislative issues for optometrists in Canada including the Eye Health Council of Optometry (EHCO). Teaching interests include ocular pharmacology, ocular disease and therapeutics, systemic disease management, and case-based learning. Dr. Prokopich is on the Medical Advisory Board for the Sjögren’s Society of Canada after years on the Board of Directors as Vice-President. She has lectured widely and published in the therapeutic field, including section editor and author in Bartlett and Jaanus’ Clinical Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics and co-author of the Canadian Dry Eye Guidelines and the Canadian Glaucoma Guideline.