Sunday, Nov. 17th
7:00 AM - 7:55 AM
Registration & Breakfast
Conference check-in can be done at the registration table in the Markham Ballroom foyer (1st floor). A hot buffet breakfast will be available for all registered attendees.
7:55 AM - 8:00 AM
Welcome & Land Acknowledgement
Markham Ballroom (1st floor)
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
Breathe In, Refer Out
Markham Ballroom (1st floor)
Dr. Kelly Malloy | COPE ID: 92508-SD (1hr)
This case-based lecture highlights visual and ocular signs and symptoms which lead to the diagnosis of lung-related abnormalities. Optometrists have the skill set to suspect and recognize potential pulmonary issues if they take the time to listen to their patients, ask pertinent questions, and carefully assess visual function and ocular health. Accurate and timely referral to pulmonology or other appropriate specialists can save vision and prevent systemic complications.
8:55 AM - 9:45 AM
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Markham Ballroom (1st floor)
Dr. Kelly Malloy | COPE ID: 92440-SD (1hr)
This case-based lecture highlights visual and ocular signs and symptoms which lead to the diagnosis of heart-related abnormalities. Optometrists have the skill set to suspect and recognize potential cardiac and vascular issues if they take the time to listen to their patients, routinely monitor blood pressure and pulse, and carefully assess visual function and ocular health. Timely referral to the emergency department and/or cardiology can save vision, prevent stroke, and ultimately save a life.
10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Rapid Fire Panel Discussion: The intersection of OSD and Glaucoma
Markham Ballroom (1st floor)
Drs. Sarah MacIver, C. Lisa Prokopich & Olivia Ricci | COPE ID: 94576-TD (1hr)
Glaucoma and dry eye disease share many intersecting points; they are both chronic, visually significant diseases that have a significant impact on quality of life. Evidence about the high prevalence of dry eye disease in patients with glaucoma is mounting, and now more than ever, eyecare providers need to take dry eye treatment seriously when it co-exists with glaucoma. This rapid-fire course will elaborate on the importance of concurrently managing dry eye disease with glaucoma and include case based clinical pearls on how and when to adjust dry eye treatment, glaucoma treatment, or both, when managing all patients with glaucoma.
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Rapid Fire Panel Discussion: Advanced Scleral Imaging and Specialty Contact Lens Technology
Markham Ballroom (1st floor)
Drs. Chelsea Bray, Shalu Pal & Vishakha Thakrar | COPE ID: 94578-CL (1hr)
This rapid fire panel discussion will explore the latest technological advances in specialty contact lenses with case examples, including custom higher order aberration and multifocal optics, scleral profilometry, and impression based fitting.