Research interest

AI and machine learning in public health, data science, data-driven evidence-based public health decision making and decision support, health technology assessment and economic evaluation on mobile health (mHealth) interventions.
PhD in Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo
MSc in Public Health and Health Systems (2017), University of Waterloo
MBET in Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (2006), University of Waterloo
BEng in Computer Engineering (1995)
Rena is currently a PhD student in the School of Public Health Sciences at University of Waterloo. She previously worked in IT, eCommerce, electrical generation, transmission and distribution, and medical devices industries across China, Singapore and Canada. She also has a background in sales and marketing, customer service, business operations and human resources. Her Master's thesis focused on fall risk classification by leveraging wearable sensor data and the interRAI assessment. Her current research is on risk profile phenotypes of polysubstance use and dynamic transitions of use patterns among Canadian youth, applying machine learning methods.