Web Advisory Committee (WAC) Meeting

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 - Needles Hall (NH) 3004 - 3:00 pm


Mary Lynn Benninger, Janice Cooke, Sarah Forgrave Eva Grabinski, Chris Gray, Lauren Harrison, Adam Hewgill, Karen Jack, Janet Janes, Pat Lafranier, Christine Liebig, Geoff !McBoyle, Paul Miskovsky, Isaac Morland, Kris Olafson, Kevin Paxman, Wendy Philpott, Terry Stewart (Chair) and Evan Truong *Absent:* Lara Babalola, Marta Bailey, Michelle Douglas-Mills, Don Duff-McCracken, Guillermo Fuentes, Marlon Griffith, Jim Johnston, John Kemp, Tammy Marcinko, Paul Miskovsky, Kelley Teahen, and Jonathan Woodcock

1. Chair's remarks

Slides from the Accessibility conference are now posted.

Positioning Guide - Q&A and Walk-through
Kelley reported through Terry that she has been able to speak with all faculties except for Arts. As well, Kelley has met with Admin, Office of Research, Graduate Studies Office (GSO), Library, Marketing and Undergraduate Recruitment (MUR), Communications and Public affairs (CPA), Registrar's and Waterloo International. Kelley will be asked to present and have a Q&A for the WAC at the next meeting.

Kitchnere/Waterloo (KW) Drupal Users Group
Meetings may of interest to people on campus. Those interested are welcome to attend. This group meets the third Thursday of each month. Recent topics included "spaces v. multi-site" and "revision control systems". For more information, contact Eva, Lara or Jeff Voskamp who have been attending regularly.

University of Waterloo Web Developer's Lunch Meetings
Kris has organized an informal group that meets at St Jerome's for lunch once a month. Currently the group is developers and if you are interested, please let Kris know.

Usability Testing
From the web.uwaterloo.ca web site, the usability testing of the new design is underway. Sarah will have more to report at the special meeting next Wednesday (June 28).

Font Use -- Thanks to Marlon for circulating the excellent article on font use.

2. Minutes of June 16, 2010 - Approved

3. Skills For the Electronic Workplace (Pat Lafranier)

Pat is working on a draft report (PDF) of offerings for the upcoming SEW courses for the next year. Courses will be needed for maintainers of sites using current methods (Dreamweaver, Contribute, etc). Pat is also proposing two other streams: courses on planning/preparing for using the Content Management System (CMS) and courses on using Drupal itself. Some courses such as "Writing for the Web" cross all three streams. Sarah suggested that Remote Usability Testing be included.

4. CMS Project Update (Eva Grabinski)

The CMS project has taken a small detour with the approval of a 5-6 member team from the project sponsors (Alan George and Bob Hicks). This new Implementation Project Team will include members from the larger CMS team. The Implementation Team (PPT) will include a Project Manager (Eva); Systems Administrator (Jeff Voskamp), User Interface Design and Training and Support (Heather Wey) and a Web Developer and Drupal Themer/Web Designer (yet to be appointed). These individuals will be able to devote 100% of their full time to their respective themes. Major work underway will include the Drupal configuration plan, revision control system, accessibility review of web design, and space and computer set up for the implementation team.

The level of accessibility was approved at Canadian Technical Security Conference (CTSC) and Level AA compliance (WCAG 2.0) will be used.

5. Web Technology Standards Committee (WTSC) (Terry Stewart)

Terry has requested that the WTSC investigate the possibility of WTSC making recommendations on which browsers (and versions thereof) should be supported and similarly plug-ins and programming languages (eg, Flash, Ruby, PHP, etc).

6. DNS Resolution Policy Committee (Terry Stewart)

Alan George has received the report of the Committee with his thanks. Terry will take the final report to next University Committee on Information Systems and technology (UCIST) meeting in September.

7. Other Business

Reviewing Web-Site Content as University Records ( Karen Jack)

Carolyn Dirks (Records Manager) and Chris Halonen (Archivist, University Records) have circulated a set of guidelines to assist in capturing documents and photos and how to decide what should be saved; particularly those with historical relevance. The definition of "historical content" does exist and Sarah will post it to web.uwaterloo.ca for further clarification. Suggested also that this document be circulated to a larger University of Waterloo mailing list and asks that it be shared around the campus community.

Karen will circulate these guidelines to the WAC members and Pat will distribute to the University of Waterloo web mailing list.

* *YouTube Channel* *(Sarah Forgrave)*

Enhancements and playlists have been updated and interfacing is more direct so Sarah does not have be the only person authorizing. Each unit can now assign a person or persons who can authorize uploading. Faculties should let Sarah know who that person is.

* *University of Waterloo Events* *(Sarah Forgrave)*

The University of Waterloo Events page is being fixed. Pages have been locking up. This should finished by the end of the week.

8. Next Meeting - Wednesday, July 28 - 3:00 pm in NH 3004

Meeting adjourned - 3:55 pm

-- Terry Stewart - 23 Jul 2010