Current undergraduate students

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Fall 23 WiM Undergraduate Committee

Are you passionate about mathematics? Here's your chance to make a real impact. Women in Mathematics (WiM) is on the lookout for enthusiastic representatives to join the Mathematics Undergraduates (WiMugrad). At the heart of it, the WiM committee is dedicated to cultivating an environment that empowers female and gender minority students within the math faculty.
WiMugrad is committed to addressing the issue of under-representation and strives to achieve a balanced, equal representation of all genders in the world of mathematics. Apply using the Google form here, or visit the WiM Undergraduate page for more information. 

Don't miss out, applications are open until August 23rd!

Join WiM in celebrating International Women in Math Day with a discussion on "The Social “Threatwork”: Connecting Women's Exclusion from STEM Social Networks to Implicit and Explicit Gender Stereotypes" with Dr. Hilary Bergsieker. 

When, why, and with what effect are women sometimes excluded from informal social networks in STEM fields? Drawing on social identity threat and structural hole theories, a series of studies assess social network dynamics that may limit women's full inclusion in STEM circles. 

Dr. Hilary Bergsieker is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Waterloo, where she leads the Diversity and Intergroup Relations Lab and serves as her department's Program Area Lead for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism. 

The event will take place on May 12th at MC 5501 from 10:30-11:30 AM. Register here. Everyone is welcome!