How should I evaluate the résumé of a student who might not have much experience?

Some WIL students are first-time job seekers, so they may not have formal work experience to include in their application. These applicants will provide evidence they have the skills needed for the job through academic experiences, volunteering, and extra-curricular activities. Remember, these students are looking to gain experience, so don't be discourage by an applicant whose work experience section seems sparse. Here are some suggestions to evaluate candidates who might not have much experience. 

On the résumé

  • Note differentiating experiences that could be beneficial to the position. For example, experience in the same industry, or with comparable products, services, or clients to your organization. 
  • Which résumé(s) better communicate the relevant qualifications and accomplishments?
  • Which résumé(s) highlight the candidate’s contributions? What action words did they use to describe their experiences?
  • If the application links to a portfolio or personal website, use that information to help narrow down the field. Do not eliminate a candidate if they don't have a portfolio though, unless you specifically asked for it.

On the cover letter

  • Did the candidate create a tailored cover letter? Did they demonstrate they had researched the organization?
  • Did the candidate connect the dots between their experience and the role?
  • Did the candidate emphasize the value they can bring to your organization?
  • If writing and communication are an important aspect of the role, is the cover letter is captivating or memorable?

In the interview

  • Which candidate best articulated the skills that are relevant to the position? 
  • Which candidate demonstrated curiosity and interest about the role and the position?
  • Which candidate emphasized the value they can bring to your organization? 
  • Which candidate expressed how this role fits into their long-term career goals?
  • Which candidates indicated values that best match your organization's values?