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- Search our Work-Integrated Learning Community Support & Research Portal for research contributions from the international co-operative education and work-integrated learning community.
2025 publications
2024 publications
- Can a work-readiness program mitigate unemployment scarring: the case of a co-operative education job market
- Work-integrated learning for students with disabilities: Time for meaningful change
- An investigation of barriers experienced by students from equity deserving groups in a Canadian co-op program
- Embracing Systematic Literature Reviews in Education Research: A Path to Rigorous Discovery
- Reversing Un(der)employment with Skills Development in the WE Accelerate Program
- Building pedagogical partnerships: Exploring an innovative work-integrated learning initiative
- Many similarities, some differences: An international exploration of students' conceptions of quality WIL
- A transformative journey: Exploring stress and learning during the co-op job search and application process
- Is our research aligned with the sustainable knowledge society concept? A thematic analysis of the International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning from 2018 to 2023
2023 publications
- The practice of co-operative education
- Having fun: Navigating an international research seminar in work-integrated learning
- What Gen Z views as ideal jobs and employers: Generalizations and nuances in the voices of 2,000 university co-op students
- Gen Z students' work-integrated learning experiences and work values
- How career development professionals can close the gap between human resources and Gen Z: The creation of sustainable relationships
- How approaches to learning explain lifelong learners’ successful work adjustment
- Work experience reduces a gender-based gap in time on tasks with supervisors in co-operative education
- Reversing un(der) employment: assessing the effectiveness of a novel work-integrated learning program
- Implications of remote work for co-operative education students’ workplace friendships
2022 publications
- Artificial intelligence and résumé critique experiences
- Priming jobs as skill developments opportunities and responses to job postings
- Use of an artificial intelligence-based resume critique product and co-operative education students’ job search outcomes
- In pursuit of WIL: Factors affecting the expansion of WIL
- Extending our understanding of work experience quality: the LIRN model
- Waterloo Experience Accelerate: Exploring a specialized work-integrated learning program and its application to support work-readiness
- Workplace friendships and organizational commitment in a remote work setting
- Signaling "student-oriented" job opportunities enhances job attractiveness in work-integrated learning programs
2021 publications
2020 publications
- Responding to an international crisis: The adaptability of the practice of work-integrated learning
- Remote work-integrated learning experiences: Student perceptions
- The role of work-integrated learning in the development of entrepreneurs
- Contributions of work-integrated learning programs to organizational talent pipelines: Insights from talent managers
- Lifelong learning mindset and career success: evidence from the field of accounting and finance
2019 publications
- Creating inclusive co-op workplaces: Insights from LGBTQ+ students
- Professional development needs of the international work-integrated learning community
- A systems approach to examining co-operative education: A case study
- The impact of work-integrated learning students on workplace dynamics
- Improving unmatched co-op students' emotional wellbeing: Test of two brief interventions
- Testing a model of co-op students' conversion intentions
2018 publications
2017 publications
2016 publications
- The influence of cooperative education and reflection upon previous work experiences on university graduates’ vocational self-concept
- Examining the effects of perceived relevance and work-related subjective well-being on individual performance for co-op students
- Building multi-target commitment through work-integrated learning: The roles of proactive socialization behaviours and organizational socialization domains
- Exploring cooperative education students’ performance and success: A case study