"Writer of the City of Graz" Scholarship Applications Now Open

Friday, January 29, 2021

The City of Graz, Austria is once again calling for applications for the "Writer of the City of Graz" scholarship for the period of September 2021 until August 2022.

Program Intention/Description

The city of Graz awards the "Writer of the City of Graz" scholarship each year. It includes the provision of an apartment for free in the Cerrini-Schloessl on the Schlossberg, from September 1st of the award year until August 31st of the following year, and a monthly allowance of 1,300 euros.

The Kulturvermittlung Steiermark will supervise the guest in consultation with the City of Graz-Department for Cultural Affairs. The intention is to promote writers who show innovative ability and examination of current subject matters, quality in aesthetic and linguistic terms, authenticity and artistic independence. The residence in Graz should contribute to cultural exchange and interaction with the local literature scene. The scholarship holders explicitly agree to stay in Graz for at least 8 months during this period. Writers who already have been "Writers of the City of Graz" in the past cannot apply again for this scholarship.

For more information download the German call for applicants here or the English here. Please note all candidates should have basic German language ability.

The deadline for applications is March 31st, 2021.