Making a difference while learning: Using the campus as a living lab in your courses

March 3, 2022


  • Heather McDiarmid (Sustainability Office)

  • Shirley Yang (former UW Master student who worked on a living lab project)

  • Robyn McIntyre (current student working with living lab)

Looking to liven up your courses with real world projects that have a tangible impact? The Sustainability Office is reviving the Living Lab program. The program aims to support students in using the campus as a model for researching, testing, and applying innovative approaches to addressing campus sustainability challenges. The recommendations and solutions developed here have the potential to improve the campus and build the sustainability leadership that can help transform the world.

In this session, we covered the history of the Living Lab program at Waterloo, heard from students and instructors that have participated in Living Lab projects, and perused some of the sustainability projects looking for matching courses. How best can the Living Lab support instructors in integrating Living Lab projects into courses in a way that maximizes learning outcomes and campus impacts while respecting time and other course goals.

Watch the recorded session

Slides from presentation

Reflective Framework Models