Design for Critical Reflection (CTE753)

Thursday, October 8, 2015 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm EDT (GMT -04:00)

Location: EV1 241

Notes: This workshop is part of the Focus on Teaching Week offerings through CTE. Open to faculty (registration is required).


Critical reflection helps students generate, deepen and document their learning (Ash & Clayton, 2009). However, creating effective opportunities for students to reflect can be challenging. In this workshop, we will focus on why and how to integrate reflections into a course.  We will describe the characteristics of high quality reflections and different types of reflections, and we will review feedback and assessment strategies.  Participants will have the opportunity to design reflective activities for use in their courses/programs.

If you are considering reflective activities for a particular course, please bring along that course syllabus.

Facilitator(s): Katherine Lithgow, CTE, and Christine Zaza, CTE


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