Rohit Singh


Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc) in electrical engineering

Rohit Singh
Why did you decide to pursue an undergraduate degree in electrical engineering?

When I was five years old, I used to love Bob the Builder. I'd spend all my time either watching the show or trying to build things myself - using K'NEX and LEGOs. As I got older, my passion for building and designing remained, but my role model(s) shifted to my grandfather and my uncle - both engineers. Throughout my grade school experience, their influence manifested as I started applying to engineering schools across the country. I chose computer engineering (CE) initially, because I liked circuits and calculus in high school more than any other topic, and felt that computer engineering would be a good way to learn more about the topic. After two years in CE, I had the opportunity to switch into electrical engineering (EE) without having to retake any classes, and I jumped for it because I felt that my interests were better suited.

Why did you decide to study at the University of Waterloo?

I chose Waterloo because of the co-op program. I've always loved working in short spurts, and I found the rapid alternation of work and study terms, despite being overwhelming at first, was a great way to learn new things and then see the practical value of the new knowledge I had just picked up. I've never regretted this decision, because I am always able to enter a new term (study or co-op), with a fresh, optimistic and passionate approach.

What was the best surprise about the University of Waterloo or life in Waterloo?

The best surprise I had in moving to Waterloo was how it redefined me. Being able to talk about scientific concepts that make you excited with like-minded people is an amazing way to ignite your curiosity and to meet new people, and the school provides you with both like-minded people and vast amounts of exciting knowledge. I've spent hours talking to my friends about how exciting transistors are and not once did I ever have to think to myself, "This is such a boring and nerdy conversation topic" because everyone finds so much passion in what they do that these conversations are a way to deepen your knowledge. 

What advice do you have for new undergraduate students?

Look at the person next to you in all your first-week lectures and say hi. So many of my closest friendships now started out by just looking at someone and making conversation by saying something like "Are you excited for chemistry class?" Everyone is in the same position as you and wants to make friends, but if you take the initiative and just break the ice first it'll make the process so much easier.