Posts for Staff

On the Rural Road with RW Library: Baden Coffee Company

Rural Road Image

Whether you are calmly kicking back with fresh coffee and a good book or studying like mad with empty mugs and stacks of textbooks, the end of term is drawing to a close! In collaboration with the Region of Waterloo Library, Baden Coffee Company has released a behind-the-bean interview.

HOLIDAY SPECIAL: Chef Mark's Famous Bread Pudding Recipe


  • 1 larger loaf white bread
  • 12 eggs, 6 whole 6 yolk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1L 35% Cream
  • 1 tbsp vanilla


CHEF BLOG: Chef Daniel's Ultimate Mac & Cheese

Chef Daniel Photo and Description


This recipe is what I call comfort food, it’s affordable, and it’s something I can create with my family. This recipe is great to prepare on weekends and reheat during the week and to take to school or work.  

Student Review: The Market at CMH

Entering the cozy warmth of the cafe with three of my friends, I scanned the general area and was impressed at the cleanliness and the organized layout. The food counters were spotless, the drinks were well stocked, and it was easy to navigate the different categories of food throughout the spacious cafe. My mouth watered at the various complementary smells, the scent of sizzling spice drew me towards Warrior Burgers and I hungrily eyed the menu. 

Decoding Nutrition Labels

We’ve all seen it before, but do you really know what it means and what it’s saying? There’s a TON of information found on nutritional labels, and figuring out how to read it may be daunting. However, it is still a very useful and needed skill to have to make informed choices for your diet. The good news is, your days of googling what it all means are done! We’ve summarized the key info you need in just a few paragraphs. So let's get decoding!

Grocery Shopping (on a budget) 101

Tips on Grocery Shopping

One of the many things that comes with adulting is buying groceries on your own and it can get very overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! University is overwhelming and expensive enough already, so save yourself some stress and a few dollars with these easy tips:

1. Never go shopping hungry!

Going to the grocery hungry is asking for impulse purchases and brain fog. You’ll be tempted to buy more than you need, and probably forget a few things on your list while you’re at. Grab a snack before going and you’ll thank yourself later.

Get Started on Meal Prepping!

Reasons to meal prep

Meal prepping is one of those things you know you should do but don’t know where to start. Or you’re scared it will take too much out of your already busy day. We get it! School and work takes a lot out of the day. But what if I told you it isn’t as bad and as scary as you think it is? 

From Mindless Eating to Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating Tips

Let’s face it, you’ve opened a family sized bag of chips while watching Netflix and next thing you know it’s all gone... What just happened? It can be all too easy to mindlessly munch away without truly enjoying the foods we are eating. It's time to stop, slow down, and practice some mindful eating.

I went Plant-Based for a week! Here's what I found...

Plant VS Meat

One of the core values that we truly believe in and try to deliver here at UWFS is providing choice to our customers. We want to make sure that everyone has a variety of food options to choose from here on campus, whether that’s accommodating for allergens, diet restrictions, religious reasons, and even picky eaters! As a student myself, I wanted to see how true this was.

For an entire week I went plant based for my meals to find out just how many options there are for students, and let me tell you, I found some awesome lunches across campus!

A student’s guide on how to improve one’s diet with realistic food swaps.

Pineapple in residence cafeteria

I’ve struggled for many years to incorporate healthy food options. I hated the fact that I had to eat healthy food to survive because it is GoOd fOr YoUr HeAlTh. Eat fruits to get energy, eat vegetables to grow strong, drink milk for calcium, and the list goes on and on. Sigh, so many dietary rules and restrictions. I was always so discouraged to jump right onto restrictive diet routines that strips me of all the foods and flavours I love. What do you mean I can’t eat chocolate? What do you mean I can’t eat chips? What do you mean no more Coca Cola?

However, lately, I had to face the consequences of my poor eating habits. That’s when I decided things must change.
