Work term report awards

Dufault Awards for Work-Term Reports

The George Dufault Awards are provided from a fund established by the Sandford Fleming Foundation from the contributions of faculty, staff, students and friends in memory of the late Professor George Dufault of Electrical Engineering. Awards of $300 each are given to undergraduate students in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering for the best work-term reports in their classes. Up to four Awards are given each year.

Sandford Fleming Foundation Work-Term Report Awards

Prior to Fall 2019, the Sandford Fleming Foundation provided awards of $300 to students in second, third and fourth year classes for which industrially sponsored work-term report awards did not exist.  Due to the transition to opt-out fees from refundable fees, our foundation can no longer afford to support the ever increasing cost of work-term report awards.  We have eliminated them to maintain stable funding to our other programs that benefit the student body more broadly.