Mentorship Hub

Two students meeting

The Science and Business Mentorship Hub is an AI-powered platform by Ten Thousand Coffees that builds strong relationships between students and alumni through multiple programs.

Mentorship Programs  

Mentorship programs are structured programs occurring from October to April of each year, providing one-on-one mentorship of the following types: 

  • Student-to-Alumni Mentorship – 3rd and 4th year students are mentored by alumni. 
  • Peer-to-Peer Mentorship – 1st and 2nd year students are mentored by 3rd and 4th year students. 
  • Alumni-to-Alumni Mentorship – Early-career alumni are mentored by experienced alumni. 

Networking Program 

The networking program aims to widen students' and alumni's networks by matching them with their peers (e.g., two 1st year students or two early-career alumni) through monthly one-time coffee chats. 

Office Hours 

Office hours are interactive events that connect students and alumni with industry leaders, such as: 

  • Career AMAs (Ask-Me-Anything) 
  • Fireside Chats 
  • Industry Spotlights 

I was able to connect with my mentor and we got a deep understanding of our mutual backgrounds, interests, activities and more. I was also able to discuss my future goals and he provided several strategies on how to tackle them.
