Knowledge translation

Selected public presentations or webinars

Liu, L. (2024, October 22). The multiple dimensions of going missing among persons living with dementia. Oral presentation at the Alzheimer Society of Nova Scotia's 35th Annual Conference Exploring Unseen Dimensions of Dementia Care, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.

Liu, L. (2024, September 19). Understanding and managing the risks of going missing among persons living with dementia. Panel presentation at the Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward Island 13th Annual Alzheimer’s Awareness Conference. 

Adekoya, A. (2024, January 25). Engaging  the community to locate missing persons with dementia. Presentation at the Gerontological Nursing Association Ontario, Greater Hamilton Education Event.

Adekoya, A. (2023, December 13). Ethical and legal issues associated with sharing personal information in alert systems. Webinar to policy makers at the Saskatchewan Missing Persons Partnership meeting.

Adekoya, A. (2023, November 1). Actors and factors in ‘missing’ – policy and service design. Presented in collaboration with Alzheimer Scotland to stakeholders (e.g., service providers, Police Scotland, Scottish Government). Presented research on missing persons with dementia in Canada and the use of technologies such as community alert systems to mitigate associate risks.

Neubauer, N. (2022). ‘Get Published’ panelist. AGE-WELL EPIC Conference (Virtual), June 10, 2022. (Panelist).

Liu, L., Miguel-Cruz, A., Neubauer, N., & Conway, C. (2022). Search and rescue:​ Risk of going missing in persons living with dementia​. Webinar for the Edmonton Regional Search and Rescue Association, February 9, 2022.

Neubauer, N. (2022). Missing incidents. Webinar for Alzheimer Society York Region, January 28, 2022.

Neubauer, N. (2021). Emerging Leaders on Emerging Technologies panelist. AgeTech Innovation Week
event, hosted by AGE-WELL (Virtual). October 4, 2021.

Neubauer, N. (2021). Self-sovereign identity and guardianship: What does it mean for persons living with dementia and their caregivers? Blockchain Technology Symposium ‘21, hosted by the University of British Columbia (virtual). June 3, 2021. (Oral presentation).

Neubauer, N. (2021). Safely home: Reducing the risk of wandering. Webinar presentation to the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan. May 20, 2021.

Neubauer, N. (2021). Missing persons with dementia: using a multipronged approach to address the risks and improve the rapid response of lost incidents. Webinar for the Northern Alberta Search and Rescue meeting. May 4, 2021.

Neubauer, N., (2020). Mobilizing international partnerships to inform dementia and missing persons policies. Webinar for AGE-WELL Policy Rounds. November 26, 2020.

Neubauer, N., Kowalski, L., & Daum, C. (2020). Persons living with dementia who go missing: What do we know and how can we manage the risks? Webinar for brainXchange/. November 17, 2020.

Neubauer, N., McLennan, L. (2020). Demystifying grey literature: A guide to incorporating greylit into your research. AGE-WELL HQP Webinar Series, August 18, 2020.

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Liu, L. (2020). Mobilizing partnerships to inform policy on community alert systems for persons living with dementia at risk of going missing. APPTA Policy Education Program Webinar Series, July 23, 2020.

Neubauer, N. (2020). Using self-sovereign identity to address privacy risks among persons living with dementia. Lead witness presenter for the Witness Webinar: Can governments respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and still respect personal safety, May 5, 2020.

Neubauer, N. (2020). Strategies to reduce the risks associated with dementia-related wandering. Webinar presentation to the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, April 28, 2020.

Neubauer, N. and Daum, C. (2020). Partnerships, innovation and research:  multi-pronged approach to reduce missing person incidents. In person presentation at the Alzheimer Society of Ontario Finding Your Way Provincial Forum, Toronto, ON, February 5, 2020.

Neubauer, N. (2020). Guidelines to manage the risks associated with persons with dementia getting lost: A multi-pronged approach. Webinar presentation to the Alberta Dementia Advice Line Team, Edmonton, February 3, 2020.

Neubauer, N. (2019). How can self-sovereign identity be applied among data of lost persons with dementia? Webinar presentation for the Digital identity and dementia summit, Toronto, November 21, 2019.

Liu, L.  (2019). Digital Identity & Dementia Summit – What does it mean to your industry? Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, November 21, 2019.

Daum, C., Miguel Cruz, A. Rios Rincon, A. (2019). How can technologies facilitate aging well? Presented at the Edmonton Public Library Millwoods Branch, November 19, 2019, Edmonton, AB.

Sixsmith, A. & Liu, L.  (2019). Part 4: How to successfully partner internationally to create real-world products. AGE-WELL Webinar, September 19, 2019.

Neubauer, N. (2019). Strategy guidelines for persons with dementia at risk of getting lost. Webinar presentation for Dementia Friendly Communities/ Finding Your Way hosted by the Alzheimer Society of Ontario, September 5, 2019.

Neubauer, N. (2019). The changing face of dementia and missing person incidents: The International Consortium on Dementia and Wayfinding. Webinar presentation for Dementia Alliance International, August 28, 2019.

Neubauer, N. (2019). A framework to describe the levels of risk associated with dementia-related wandering. Oral presentation for occupational therapists at University of Alberta Hospital and KAYE Clinic, University of Alberta, August 14, 2019.

Neubauer, N. (2019). Stakeholder-driven approaches in wayfinding research: The importance of partnerships to enhance design and strategy acceptance for persons living with dementia. Webinar presentation for Dementia Advocacy Canada, April 30, 2019.

Neubauer, N., Rios Rincon, A., Liu, L. (2018). Consumer tracking webinar. Online presentation in conjunction with the ASANT Café through the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories, December 12, 2018.

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Selected invited presentations

Liu, L. (2022). Innovations in occupational therapy in a post-covid world. Brunel Occupational Therapy Student Conference (virtual). March 25, 2022. (Invited oral presentation).

Liu, L. (2021). Approaches to manage risks of going missing among persons living with dementia. Interdisciplinary Symposium on Spatial Cognition in Aging & Neurodegeneration (iSCAN Symposium) (virtual). November 29 – December 1, 2021. (Invited oral presentation).

Liu, L. (2021). Innovative strategies to reduce risks of going missing among persons living with dementia. Innovative Solutions for Healthy Aging, hosted by Linnaeus University and University of Calgary (virtual). November 9, 2021. (Invited oral presentation).

Neubauer, N. (2021). Going missing in rural communities: Preventative strategies to reduce the risks of getting lost among persons living with dementia. Rural Action Dementia Action Research (RaDAR) Summit 2021 hosted by University of Saskatchewan (Virtual). November 2, 2021. (Invited oral presentation).

Liu, L. (2021). Innovation in 2021 and beyond: A rehab clinician's role. Rehab Tech Summit (virtual). February 19, 2021. (Keynote oral presentation).

Neubauer, N. (2021). Taking charge: Empowering students to be future leaders in technology. Rehab Tech Summit (virtual). February 19, 2021. (Invited oral presentation).

Liu, L. (2020). Keynote presentation on technology and aging. Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Enschede, Netherlands, January 21, 2020.

Liu, L.  (2019). Panelist for Wing Kei Village Development Planning Session, Calgary, AB, November 16, 2019.

Liu, L.  (2019). Role of technology in helping seniors be independent. Alberta Association on Gerontology (AAG) Vision 2030 conference, Edmonton, AB, November 13, 2019.

Liu, L. Bartel, P., Stirling, J. (2019). People with dementia who go missing: How innovation through partnerships can inform practice. Innovation Talk at AGE-WELL annual conference, Moncton, NB, October 15, 2019.

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2019). A framework to describe the risks associated with dementia-related wandering. Oral presentation at the Geriatric Grand Rounds, Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Edmonton, AB, April 30, 2019.

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2019). Ethics, privacy & the goldilocks principle: applications for a global audience. Oral presentation at the International Consortium on Dementia and Wayfinding Symposium, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 28, 2019.

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2019). A consumer guideline for locator technologies. Oral presentation at the AGE-WELL WP6 Knowledge translation event. Regina, Saskatchewan March 14, 2019.

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2019). Planning for an older Newfoundland: Tackling dementia through technology. Oral teleconference presentation for the Newfoundland Association of Occupational Therapists, March 6, 2019.

Liu, L.  (2019). How can technologies help seniors stay in their homes? Probus Club of Central Edmonton, February 26, 2019.

Liu, L.  (2018). Not all who wander are lost: What do Albertans living with dementia think about locator technologies for managing “risk” of wandering? Lunch & Learn, hosted by Alberta Health Services via videoconference to 60+ attendees, November 22, 2018.

Liu, L.  (2018). Invited panelist on Home Health Monitoring Technologies Forum: Hype, Hope, Reality, hosted by Alberta Health Services, Alberta Innovates, TecEdmonton, & Ward of the 21st Century (W21c), held at DoubleTree by Hilton, Edmonton, November 6, 2018.

Liu, L.  (2018). The Smart CondoTM and technologies for seniors’ health. Westend Seniors Activity Centre, Edmonton, AB, November 2, 2018. Organized by Community Relations, University of Alberta.

Liu, L.  (2018). KOHLER Design Forum Toronto on the topic of “ALL THINGS CONNECTED”, an evening of discussion focused on the future of smart technology in our homes, workspaces, cities and beyond, and what do designers or experts have to say about this. The forum was held at The Globe and Mail Center on October 12, 2018. 

Liu, L. & Rios Rincon, A. (Oct 9, 2018). Uses of digital storytelling in rehabilitation: evidence of benefits and challenges. Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Geriatric Grand Rounds, Edmonton, Alberta.

Liu, L. & Rios Rincon, A. (Oct. 6, 2018). Workshop on digital storytelling. Early Onset Dementia Alberta Foundation, EODAF 5th Building Dementia Awareness Conference, October 4- 6, 2018, Edmonton, Alberta.

Liu, L.  (2018). Muriel Driver Memorial Lectureship. Keynote address - Occupational therapy in the fourth industrial revolution. Presented in Vancouver, June 21, 2018.

Liu, L., Neala, M., Reiniger, J., Ferguson-Pell, M. Panel discussion on accessible Edmonton; Launch event of The Yards Magazine, CKUA Radio, @theyardsyeg magazine, June 7, 2018.

Liu, L., Urqhart, S., Hu, R., Emery, C., Juzwishin,D., Rauscher, B. (2018). Panel discussion on Emerging trends and disruptive technologies in prevention and healthy aging, at Biomedical Engineering Industry Partnership Day. University of Calgary, Calgary, March 1, 2018.

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Selected broadcast interviews, media, web stories, videos

Arias Orozco, S. (2025, January 19). Manitoba family on 'last big push' in petition for changes to missing vulnerable adults alert system. CBC News Manitoba, featuring contributions from Adebusola Adekoya and Lili Liu.

Miguel Cruz, A. (2025, January 14). Getting lost with dementia. Radio interview for CBC Edmonton “Edmonton AM with Mark Connolly and Tara McCarthy” (featuring Antonio Miguel Cruz)

Macpherson, A. (2025, January 8). Dementia missing incidents research could boost safety measures. University of Alberta Folio featuring Antonio Miguel Cruz.   

Liu, L. (2024, December 10). Tragic ending for missing BC seniors prompts renewed calls for Silver Alert system. Television interview with Kyle Stanton for Global News British Columbia. 

Liu, L. (2024, September 13). Silver alerts and how they could help find missing seniors in Canada. Television interview with Louise Martin for CBC Prince Edward Island.

Liu, L. (2024, September 12). Silver Alert app aims to help protect Canadian seniors. Radio interview with Laura Chapin for CBC Prince Edward Island (Island Morning).

Liu, L. (2024, September 11). Canada renews calls for a national silver alert program. Radio interview with Alya Ramadan for CBC Daybreak Kelowna (interview available at timestamp 1:37).

Liu, L. (2024, September 10). Canada needs a national Silver Alert program for older adults. Radio interview with Shaye Ganam for 630 CHED Edmonton and QR 770 Calgary.

Liu, L., Adekoya, A., & Miguel Cruz, A. (2024, September 9). Opinion: Canada needs a national Silver Alert system. The Globe and Mail. 

Galloway, M. (2024, June 17). Seniors with dementia often go missing. What can be done? CBC Radio The Current (featuring Lili Liu).

Gillmore, M. (2024, January 18). Silver Alerts no silver bullet for missing seniors. Canadian Affairs.

McBride, J. (2024, January 18). When seniors wander. The Local.

Miguel Cruz, A. (2024, January 4). Lack of data on missing persons with dementia concerning to U of A professor. Radio interview for CBC Edmonton “Edmonton AM with Mark Connolly and Tara McCarthy”.

La Presse Canadienne. (2023, December 16). Le nombre d’aînés portés disparus en raison de la démence suscite des inquiétudes. RadioCanada.

Lowrie, M. (2023, December 16). Concern rises over number of Canadian seniors going lost of missing due to dementia. The Canadian Press. CBC News.

Lowrie, M. (2023, December 16). Canadian seniors going lost of missing due to dementia. The Canadian Press. The National Post.
Lowrie, M. (2023, December 16). Concern rises over number of Canadian seniors going lost or missing due to dementia. The Canadian Press. Calgary City News.

Buckmaster, I. (2023, February 9). Search-and-rescue research project educates first responders on dementia wellness checks. Kitchener CityNews.

Perez, H. & Liu, L. (2023, January 10). Around the globe, dementia initiatives to decrease missing persons incidents. Opinion piece on website "Being patient: Alzheimer's news, advice, stories, and support".

Perez, H. (2022, November 16). How to prevent missing person incidents for seniors living with dementia.Radio interview for CBC Kitchener-Waterloo "The Morning Edition with Craig Norris".

Perez, H. (2022, November 10). How to prevent missing person incidents for seniors living with dementia.Radio interview for CBC Thunder Northbay 88.3 FM "Up North with Jonathan Pinto".

Perez, H. (2022, November 10). How to prevent missing person incidents for seniors living with dementia.Radio interview for CBC London 93.5 FM "Afternoon Drive with Allison Devereaux".

Perez, H. (2022, November 10). How to prevent missing person incidents for seniors living with dementia. Radio interview for CBC Ottawa 91.5 FM "All in a Day with Alan Neal".

Perez, H., & Liu, L. (2022, November 7). How to prevent missing persons incidents for seniors with dementia. Opinion piece in The Conversation (Online magazine). After publishing this opinion piece, it was republished by multiple media outlets in Canada and internationally.

Polanyi, M., Neubauer, N., & Liu, L. (2022, October 18). Press release: The Canadian Guideline for Safe Wandering. AGE-WELL (Margaret Polanyi) organized the developed and release of information about our project which was picked up by 97 media outlets.

Neubauer, N. (2022, October 17). The Canadian Guideline for Safe Wandering. Interview with CBC Saskatchewan "The Afternoon Edition". 

Bholla, C. (2022). Feds give $2.1M to UW researchers to improve finding missing people living with dementia. Minister of Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair announced the funding on Wednesday. Published in the Waterloo Record on June 29, 2022. Articles about this announcement were also published in other newspapers and websites including the Toronto Star, Education News, University of Waterloo, and Government of Canada websites.

Neubauer, N., & Adekoya, A. (2021). How do we manage the risks of getting lost among persons with dementia? Blog post on Missing Persons Research Hub. Published June 30, 2021.

Perez, H. (2020, Dec 2). Dementia - The risk of going missingWinner of the AGE-WELL 2020 HQP video competition.

Karmali, F., Popowish, D. (2020, Sept 5). Latest award-winning Canadian innovations to help older Canadians.

Betowski, B. (2020, Aug 5). New guidelines aim to help people with dementia stay safe if they get lost [Press release].

Williams, E. (2019, July 19). “This will save lives”: Some believe Silver Alert program could work in Saskatchewan. The Regina Leader-Post, also appeared in Star Phoenix and

Lowther, J. (2019, June 1).  Not all those who wander are lost. Podcast on Life With Dementia.

AGE-WELL NCE. (2019, May 13). New guidelines introduced to help those living with dementia reduce their risk from becoming lost.

CBC Calgary. (2018, June 6). Phone app in development could help police find missing seniors faster, experts say. Calgary police, Alzheimer Society test ways of alerting public when vulnerable adults go missing. Online story.

Livernois, C. (2018, March 5). Fall detection devices for seniors come up short of expectations. Article in Clinical Innovation and Technology.

Stempniak, M. (2018, Feb 28). Study, fall detection devices aren’t properly tested.

Health Matters, Global News TV Edmonton (time stamp 2:43).

Betowski, B. (2018, February 26). Why fall detection devices for seniors are falling short.

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