Publications and presentations

Selected publications

Journal articles

Adekoya,  A., Daum, C., Neubauer, N., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2025). Implications of public disclosure of personal information in a mobile alert app for people living with dementia who go missing: Qualitative descriptive studyJMIR Aging, 8:e64847. DOI: 10.2196/64847

Miguel Cruz, A., Perez, H., Jantzi, M., Liu, L., & Hirdes, J.P. (2024). Pan‐Canadian estimates of the prevalence and risks associated with critical wandering among home care clientsAlzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. DOI: 10.1002/alz.14195

Cruz, A.M. *, Perez, H., Rutledge, E., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2024). Factors associated with a history of critical wandering among Medic-Alert subscribersBMC Geriatrics, 24, 564. 

Miguel-Cruz, A., Perez, H., Choi, Y., Rutledge, E., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2024). The prevalence of missing incidents and their antecedents among older adult MedicAlert subscribers: Retrospective descriptive studyJMIR Aging, 7:e58205.

Bults, M., van Leersum, C.M., Olthuis, T.J.J.., Siebrand, E., Malik, Z., Liu, L., Miguel Cruz, A., Jukema, J.S., den Ouden, M.E.M. (2024). Acceptance of a digital assistant (Anne4Care) for older adult immigrants living with dementia: Qualitative descriptive study. JMIR Aging. doi: 10.2196/50219

Perez, H., Miguel Cruz, A., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Comeau, A.K., Marshall, S.D., Letts, E., & Liu, L. (2024). Risk factors associated with missing incidents among persons living with dementia: A scoping review. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement

Hollinda, K., Daum, C.. Rios Rincon, A.. & Liu, L. (2022). Digital storytelling with persons living with dementia: Elements of successful facilitation, communication, building relationships and using technology. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 0(0).

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz A., Daum C., Rutledge E., Comeau A., King S., & Liu L. (2022). Technology acceptance of a mobile application to support family caregivers in a long-term care facility. Applied Clinical Informatics, 13(5), 1181-1193. doi: 10.1055/a-1962-5583

Liu, L., Daum, C., Miguel Cruz, A., Neubauer, N., Perez, H., & Rios Rincon, A. (2022). Aging, technology and health: Advancing the concepts of autonomy and independence, Healthcare Management Forum, 35(5),296-300. doi: 10.1177/08404704221110734

Miguel Cruz, A., Marshall, S., Daum, C., Perez, H., Hirdes, J., & Liu, L. (2022). Data silos undermine efforts to characterize, predict, and mitigate dementia-related missing person incidentsHealthcare Management Forum, 35(3), 333-338. doi:10.1177/08404704221106156

Miguel Cruz, A., Lopez Portillo, H., Daum, C., Rutledge, E., King, S., & Liu, L. (2022). Technology acceptance and usability of a mobile app to support the workflow of health care aides who provide services to older adults: Pilot mixed methods studyJMIR Aging, 5(2).

Perez, H., Neubauer, N., Marshall, S., Philip, S., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2022). Barriers and benefits of information communication technologies used by health care aidesApplied Clinical Informatics, 13(02), 270-286.

Liu, L., & Miguel-Cruz, A. (2022). Technology adoption and diffusion in healthcare at onset of COVID-19 and beyond. Healthcare Management Forum, 35(3), 161-167.

Ríos Rincón, M.M., Daum, C., Miguel Cruz, A., Liu, L. & Stroulia, E. (2022). Feasibility and acceptability of a serious mobile-game Intervention for older adultsPhysical & Occupational Therapy In Geriatrics.

Azad Khaneghah, P., Roberts, M.R., Liu, L. (2022). Alberta Rating Index for Apps: Study of reliability and validity. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy

Neubauer, N., Spenrath, C., Philip, S., Daum, C., Liu, L., Miguel-Cruz, A. (2021). Identifying adoption and usability factors of locator devices for persons living with dementiaDementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. 

Miguel-Cruz, A., Rincon, A. M. R., Daum, C., Torres, D. A. Q., De Jesus, R., Liu, L., & Stroulia, E. (2021). Predicting engagement in older adults with and without dementia while playing mobile gamesIEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine24(6), 29-36.

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2021). Mobile alert app to engage community volunteers to help locate missing persons with dementia. PLOS ONE, 16(7), e0254952.

Rios Rincon, A., Miguel Cruz, A., Daum, C., Neubauer, N., Comeau, A., & Liu, L. (2021). Digital storytelling in older adults with typical aging, and with mild cognitive impairment or dementia: A systematic literature review. Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Neubauer, N., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2021). Strategies to locate lost persons with dementia: A case study of Ontario first responders. Journal of Aging Research, 1–9.

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2021). Influence of perspectives on user adoption of wander-management strategies. Dementia, 20(2),734-758.

Miguel Cruz, A., Daum, C., Comeau, A., Salamanca, J. D. G., McLennan, L., Neubauer, N., & Liu, L. (2020). Acceptance, adoption, and usability of information and communication technologies for people living with dementia and their care partners: a systematic reviewDisability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-15.

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2020). Evaluation of antecedent behaviours of dementia-related wandering in community and facility settings. Neurodegenerative Disease Management.

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2020). Development and validation of a conceptual model and strategy adoption guidelines for persons with dementia at risk of getting lost. Dementia.

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2019). Dissemination and implementation of strategy adoption guidelines for persons with dementia at risk of getting lost. Aging & Mental Health.

Neubauer, N., Laquian, K., Conway, C., Liu, L. (2019). What do we know about best police practices for lost persons with dementia? A scoping review. Neurodegenerative Disease Management.

Azad-Khaneghah, P., Neubauer, N., Miguel-Cruz, A., Liu, L.  (2019). Mobile health app usability and quality rating scales: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology.

Liu, L.(2018). Muriel Driver Lecture (Keynote) – Occupational Therapy in the fourth industrial revolution. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(4): 272-285.

Neubauer, N., Azad-Khaneghah, P., Miguel-Cruz, A., Liu, L.  (2018). What do we know about strategies to manage dementia-related wandering? A scoping review. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring.

Neubauer, N., Hillier, L.M., Conway, C., Beleno, R., Liu, L (2018). Reflections of the use of locating technologies with persons with dementia: Proceedings of a key stakeholder forum. Neurodegenerative Disease Management. 

Neubauer, N., Lapierre, N., Rios Rincon, A., Miguel Cruz, A., Rousseau, J., Liu, L.  (2018). What do we know about technologies for dementia-related wandering? A scoping review. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(3), 196-208.

Fernandez-Cervante, V., Neubauer, N., Hunter, B., Stroulia, E., & Liu, L.  (2018). VirtualGym: A Kinect-based system for seniors exercising at home. Entertainment Computing, 27, 60-72.

Diaz Romera, D.J., Yee, N., Daum, C., Stroulia, E., Liu, L.  (2018). Activity classification in independent living environment with JINS MEME eyewear. PerCOM 2018: IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, 172-180. Paper presented in Athens, Greece, March 19, 2018.

Lapierre, N., Neubauer, N., Miguel Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A., Liu, L.,  Rousseau, J. (2018). The state of knowledge on technologies for fall detection: a scoping review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 111, 58–71.

Liu, L., Miguel Cruz, A., Juzwishin, D. (2018). Caregivers as proxy for responses of dementia clients in a GPS technology acceptance study. Behaviour and Information Technology, 37(6), 634-645.

Tinker, A., Fozard, J., Kearns, W., Mihailidis, A., Atoyebi, O., Bailey, A., Bet, P., Lapierre, N., Neubauer, N., Roque, N., Vermeer, Y., Tailpale, V. (2018). Twelve years of ISG masterclasses: Past, present and future. Gerontechnology, 17(4): 232-237.

Juzwishin, D., Miguel Cruz, A., Ruptash, T., Barnard, S., Sabastianski, M., Esmail, R., Liu, L.  (2017). Characteristics of a successful collaboration in evaluation of a health care innovation: Lessons learned from GPS locator technology for dementia clients. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Health, 4, 1-8.

Liu, L., Miguel Cruz, A., Ruptash, T., Barnard, S., Juzwishin, D. (2017). Acceptance of global positioning system technology among dementia clients and family caregivers. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 35(2), 99-119.

Azad Khaneghah, P., Ferguson-Pell, M., Miguel Cruz, A., Bently, P., Stroulia, E., Liu,  L. (2016). Users’ attitude towards personal health records: An exploratory pilot study. Applied Clinical Bioinformatics Journal, 7(2), 573-586oi. 

Liu, L. Stroulia, E., Nikolaidis, I., Miguel-Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A. (2016). Smart homes and home health monitoring technologies for older adults: A systematic review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 91, 44-59.

Liu, L. Miguel Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A., Buttar, V., Ranson, Q., & Goertzen, D. (2014). What factors determine therapists’ acceptance of new technologies for rehabilitation – a study using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Disability and Rehabilitation. 

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* Miguel Cruz, A. listed as Cruz, A.M.

Books, book chapters and policy briefs

Adekoya, A. (2022). Housing care models to support older adults to remain in their communities. Policy summary stemming from 2021-2022 Policy Challenge sponsored by AGE-WELL and the AGE-WELL National Innovation Hub – APPTA.

Liu, L., Daum, C., Miguel Cruz, A., Neubauer, N., & Rios Rincon, A. (2022). Autonomy and independence: Aging in an era of technology, Morgan & Claypool Publishers.

Adekoya, A., Daum, C., Neubauer, N., McLennan, L., & Liu, L. (2021). Community alert systems for missing vulnerable adults: A call to action for policy makers [Unpublished policy brief]. Aging and Innovation Research Program, Faculty of Health, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada.

Liu, L., Neubauer, N., Daum, C. (2020). From stakeholder engagement to policy change: lessons from Alberta’s Bill 210, the Missing Persons Amendment Act (Silver Alert). Case Study Chapter 21. In A Sixsmith, J Sixsmith, ML Fang, & A Mihailidis (Eds). Knowledge, Innovation, and Impact – A Guide for the Engaged Health Researcher. Springer.

Liu, L., Miguel Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A. (2019). Technology acceptance, adoption, and usability: Arriving at consistent terminologies and approaches. In C.M Hayre, D. Muller, & M. Scherer (Eds.). Everyday Technologies in Healthcare, Chapter 17, pp 319-338.

Stroulia, E., Nikolaidis, I., Liu, L. King, S., & Lessard, L. (2012). Home care and technology: A case study. Global Telehealth 2012, A.C. Smith et al. (Eds.). IOS Press. pp. 142-152.

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Selected presentations

Daum, C., Vahedi, V., Chawrun, I., Neubauer, N., Rutledge, E., Adekoya, A., Miguel Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2024). Co-creating resources to raise awareness of risks of going missing among persons with dementia. Gerontological Society of America conference, Seattle, United States of America, November 16, 2024. (Flash oral presentation and poster presentations).

Miguel Cruz, A., Perez, H., Jantzi, M., Liu, L., & Hirdes, J. (2024).  Perez, H., Jantzi, M., Liu, L., & Hirdes, J. (2024). Pan-Canadian estimates of the prevalence associated with critical wandering among home care clients. Gerontological Society of America conference, Seattle, United States of America, November 16, 2024. (Poster presentation).

Rutledge, E., Comeau, A., Daum, C., Miguel Cruz, A., & L. Liu. (2024). Usability and reliability of the online ARIA for mobile health apps. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Edmonton, Alberta, October 26, 2024. (Poster presentation).

Daum, C., Chawrun, I., Neubauer, N., Vahedi, V., Conway, C., Rutledge, E., Adekoya, A., Miguel Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2024). Building capacity of service providers and care partners to manage risks of getting lost and going missing among persons living with dementia. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Edmonton, Alberta, October 25, 2024. (Poster presentation).

Miguel Cruz, A., Rutledge, E., Letts, E., Jassal, A., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2024). Development of a scale to estimate risks of going missing among persons living with dementia. AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, October 24, 2024. (Poster presentation).

Daum, C., Vahedi, V., Rutledge, E., Adekoya, A., Miguel Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2024). Knowledge products to promote awareness about missing incidents involving persons living with dementia. AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, October 23, 2024. (Demonstration presentation).

Liu, L., Daum, C., Tola, Y., & Miguel Cruz, A. (2024). Evaluating a mobile application to support persons living with dementia at risk of going missing and their care partners. International Society on Gerontechnology Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2, 2024. (Oral presentation). 

Rios Rincon, Miguel Cruz, A., Daum, C. & Liu, L. (2024). Conducting agetech research with marginalized and underserved communities: Challenging assumptions. Presented within the symposium "Innovative technologies for health equity in marginalized groups and underserved communities", International Society on Gerontechnology Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2, 2024. (Symposium). 

Rutledge, E., Comeau, A., Daum, C., Miguel Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2024). ARIA index to assess the quality of mobile health apps: A usability and reliability study. International Society on Gerontechnology Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2, 2024. (Oral presentation). 

Miguel-Cruz, A., Perez, H., Rutledge, E., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2023). Factors associated with critical wandering among persons living with dementia: A retrospective study. Gerontological Society of America conference, Tampa, Florida, November 11, 2023. (Oral presentation)

Daum, C., Vahedi, V., Rutledge, E., Adekoya, A., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2023). Case scenarios of Canadian Medic-Alert subscribers with dementia who go missing. Gerontological Society of America conference, Tampa, Florida, November 8, 2023. (Oral presentation)

Daum, C., Letts, E., McLennan, L., Conway, C., & Liu, L. (2023). Implementation models for following up after a dementia-related missing incident. Gerontological Society of America conference, Tampa, Florida, November 8, 2023. (Oral presentation)

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Neubauer, N., Chawrun, I., Daum, C., Conway, C., & Liu, L. (2023). Dementia-friendly first responders edu-action: Development of interactive training materials for Indigenous first responders. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 28, 2023. (Poster presentation).  

Liu, L., Perez, H., Conway, C., Daum, C., Chawrun, I., & Miguel-Cruz, A. (2023). Dementia-friendly learning resources for first responders: From concept to implementation. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 28, 2023. (Poster presentation).  

Adekoya, A., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2023). Concerns using alert systems to locate missing persons with dementia: Preliminary findings. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 28, 2023. (Poster presentation).  

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Rutledge, E., Faller-Saunders, A., Letts, E., & Liu, L. (2023). An exploratory factor analysis of risk factors associated with dementia-related missing incidents from the perspective of stakeholders. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2023. (Oral presentation). 

Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Neuabuer, N., Philip, S., Maheswaran, K., & Liu, L.(2023). Brief questionnaire to assess technology acceptance and usability of technologies to locate persons living with dementia. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2023. (Poster presentation).  

Daum, C., McLennan, L., Letts, E., Conway, C., & Liu, L., (2023). Models for systematically conducting discussions after a missing person living with dementia is found: Implementation in Canada. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2023. (Oral presentation).

Miguel-Cruz, A., Perez, H., Rutledge, E., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2023). Risks associated with critical wandering among older adults with dementia who subscribe to Medic-Alert®. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2023. (Poster presentation).

Daum, C., Vahedi, V., Rutledge, E., Adekoya, A., & Liu, L. (2023). Stories of missing incidents among persons living with dementia through the lens of personas and case scenarios. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2023. (Oral presentation).

Tola, Y., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2023). The GuardIO mobile application: Acceptance and usability among persons with cognitive impairment and their care partners. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2023. (Poster presentation).

Chawrun, I., Neubauer, N., Conway, C., & Liu, L. (2023). Co-creation of a community-based toolkit to reduce the risk of going missing for persons living with dementia. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2023. (Poster presentation).

Rutledge, E., Comeau, A., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2023). Validation of ARIA index to assess the quality of mobile apps for patients living with chronic health conditions. AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 26, 2023. (Poster presentation).

Groeneveld, S., Mann, J., Khan, S., & Neubauer, N. (2023). Unseen and unheard: Access, use, and adoption of AgeTech to support autonomy and independence among older adults. AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 25, 2023. (Symposium presentation).

Tola, Yetunde, Ahmed, R., Daum, C., Beleno, R., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2023). Use of GuardIO, a Health Canada-licensed mobile application, and machine learning to describe mobility patterns of persons living with dementia. AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 25, 2023. (Poster presentation).

Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Liubaoerjijin, Y., Alshammari, S., & Liu, L. (2023). Validation of a brief scale to measure usability of locator device products. AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 25, 2023. (Poster presentation).

Perez, H., Letts, E., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2023). Validation of a scale to assess an individual living with dementia’s risk of getting lost. AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 24, 2023. (Demonstration presentation).

Daum, C., Vahedi, V., Rutledge, E., Adekoya, A., Ahmed, R., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2023). Personas and case scenarios as tools to mobilize knowledge about missing incidents involving persons living with dementia. AGE-WELL Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario, October 24, 2023. (Demonstration presentation).

Bults, M., van Leersum, C.M., Olthuis, T.J.J., Siebrand, E., Malik, Z., Liu, L., Miguel-Cruz, A., Jukema, J.S., & den Ouden, M.E.M. (2023). Anne4Care for immigrant older adults coping with dementia: A study on acceptance using a qualitative descriptive research design. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network, Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 28, 2023. (Oral presentation).

Liu, L., & Miguel-Cruz, A. (2023). Managing risks of going missing among persons living with dementia by building capacities of SAR personnel, first responders, and communities. SARScene 2023 conference, St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador, September 16, 2023. (Oral presentation).

Miguel-Cruz, A. (2023). High-level scientific research for Colombia’s technological progress. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO) at the Mutis Network Doctorate in Engineering, and the Doctorate in Bioengineering, School of Engineering, Cali, Colombia, August 18, 2023. (Invited oral presentation).

Miguel-Cruz, A. (2023). Implementing and adopting digital health technologies in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO) at the School of Engineering, Cali, Colombia, August 17, 2023. (Invited oral presentation). 

Adekoya, A. & Ryan, Y. (2023). Ethical and legal issues related to alert systems for missing seniors. AGE-WELL EPIC Conference 2023, online, May 25, 2023. (Oral presentation).

Conway, C., Daum, C., Chawrun, I., Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, H., Liu, L. (2023). Community engagement to create dementia-friendly resources for police. Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 22, 2023. (Oral presentation) .

Daum, C., McLennan, L., Letts, E., Conway, C., Liu, L. (2023). After a missing person with dementia is found: Return interviews to prevent future incidents. Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 22, 2023. (Oral presentation).

Daum, C., Rutledge, E., Vahedi, V., Adekoya, A., Miguel-Cruz, A., Liu, L., (2023). Understanding missing incidents involving persons living with dementia in Canada through analysis of hotline call data. Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 22, 2023. (Oral presentation).

Miguel-Cruz, A., Perez, H., Rutledge, E., Daum, C. Liu, L. (2023). Risk factors associated with missing incidents among persons living with dementia: A retrospective study. Law Enforcement and Public Health Conference, Umea, Sweden, May 22, 2023. (Oral presentation).

Daum, C., McLennan, L., Letts, E., Conway, C.. & Liu, L. (2022). Returned missing persons with dementia: What role can first responders and service providers play? Gerontological Society of America Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 5, 2022. (Poster presentation).

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Letts, E., Rutledge, E., & Liu, L. (2022). Perspectives on the risk factors associated with missing incidents in persons living with dementia. Gerontological Society of America Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 4, 2022. (Poster presentation).

Miguel-Cruz, A., Perez, H., Daum, C., Rutledge, E., King, S., & Liu, L. (2022). Understanding the adoption of a mobile application to support workflow of healthcare aides. Gerontological Society of America Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 3, 2022. (Poster presentation).

Liu, L. (2022). Dementia management measures in the community. Age-Friendly Digital Transformation (DX) Forum as a part of the13th World Conference of Gerontechnology, Daegu, South Korea, October 25, 2022. (Invited presentation). 

Neubauer, N., McLennan, L., Leung, E., Daum, C., Zhang-Kennedy, L., & Liu, L. (2022). An interactive guideline to mitigate the risks associated with getting lost among persons living with dementia. 13th World Conference of Gerontechnology, Daegu, South Korea, October 24-26, 2022. (Poster presentation).

Miguel-Cruz, A., Perez, H., Daum, C., Comeau, C., Rutledge, E., King, S., & Liu, L. (2022). A multifeatured mobile application to support paid and family caregivers. 13th World Conference of Gerontechnology, Daegu, South Korea, October 24-26, 2022. (Oral presentation). Proceedings: Gerontechnology, 21(s),513-513. 

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Comeau, A., Rutledge, E., King, S., & Liu, L. (2022). Family caregiver acceptance and use of mobile technologies to support older adults in residential care. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 22, 2022. (Oral presentation). 

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Letts, E., Rutledge, E., Mark, M., & Liu, L. (2022). Risk factors associated with dementia-related missing incidents: Perspectives of persons living with dementia and care partners. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 22, 2022. (Oral presentation). 

Chawrun, I., Adekoya, A., Conway, C., & Liu, L. (2022). Community resource guide for people living with dementia and their care partners: A grey literature review. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 22, 2022. (Poster presentation). 

Marshall, S., Philip, S., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2022). Toward coordinated data collection of missing incidents involving persons living with dementia: What do the literature and stakeholders say? Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 21, 2022. (Oral presentation). 

McLennan, L., Lettts, E., Daum, C., Conway, C., & Liu, L. (2022). When a missing person with dementia returns: What role can first responders and service providers play? Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 21, 2022. (Poster presentation). 

Adekoya, A., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2022). Ethical and legal issues in the use of alert systems to locate missing older adults. Canadian Association on Gerontology conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 21, 2022. (Poster presentation). 

Liu, L., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., Neubauer, N., Perez, H., & Rios Rincon, A. (2022). Ageing, technology, and health: Advancing the concepts of autonomy and independence. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 19, 2022. (Poster). 

Liu, L., Sixsmith, A., Daum, C., Neubauer, N., Miguel Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A., & Perez, H. (2022). Challenging the tenets of autonomy and independence: Implications for AgeTech. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 19, 2022. (Lunch 'N Learn workshop). 

Miguel-Cruz, Rutledge, E., Comeau, A., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2022). ARIA Online: Rating mental health mobile apps using a web-based index. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 19, 2022. (Poster). 

Miguel-Cruz, A., Choi, Y., Perez, H., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2022). Characterization of missing incidents involving people living with dementia. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 19, 2022. (Poster). 

Neubauer, N., McLennan, L., Leung, E., Daum, C., Zhang-Kennedy, L., & Liu, L. (2022). An interactive guideline to mitigate risks associated with getting lost: Usability for persons living with dementia. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 19, 2022. (Poster). 

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2022). An interactive tool to help people living with mild dementia stay safe while maintaining their freedom to go where they like. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 18, 2022. (Demonstration). 

Adekoya, A. & Liu, L. (2022). Ethical and legal issues in the use of alert systems through the lens of personas. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 18, 2022. (Demonstration). 

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Letts, E., Rutledge, E., Faller-Saunders, A., & Liu, L. (2022). Risk factors for getting lost in persons living with dementia: A conceptual framework. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 18, 2022. (Demonstration). 

Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Neubauer, N., Philip, S., Maheswaran, K., Liu, L. (2022). A questionnaire to assess acceptance and usability of locator devices. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 18, 2022. (Demonstration). 

Marshall, S., Philip, S., Daum, C., Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Liu, L. (2022). Data collection of missing incidents involving persons living with dementia: A white paper. AGE-WELL 2022 conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, October 18, 2022. (Demonstration). 

Adekoya, A. (2022). Ethical and legal issues in the use of locating technologies​ to manage dementia-related wandering​. Alzheimer’s Disease International (Virtual), June 9, 2022. (Poster).

Perez H; Miguel-Cruz A; Daum C; Comeau A; Rutledge E; King S; Liu L.  (2022). Usability of a mobile technology to support caregivers of older adults and persons living with dementia in care facilities. AGE-WELL EPIC Conference (Virtual), June 8, 2022. (Oral presentation).

Adekoya, A. (2022). Locator technology and the human rights of people living with dementia. AGE-WELL EPIC Conference (Virtual), June 1, 2022. (Oral presentation).

Philip, S., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Liu, L., & Miguel-Cruz, A. (2022). Features of locator devices that help people with dementia maintain their independence and safety. Symposium on Aging Research, Symposium on Aging Research, Waterloo, Canada, April 27, 2022. (Oral presentation). 

Perez, H., Neubauer, N., Marshall, S., Letts, E., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. Risk factors associated with the risk of getting lost in persons living with dementia: A literature review. Symposium on Aging Research (SoAR), Waterloo, Canada, April 27, 2022. (Oral presentation). 

Chignell, M., Liu, L., Kastner, M., & Farhad, Razak. (2022). Addressing patient safety challenges in the pandemic: Case studies on applying human factors principles to embed patient safety and experience at the clinical front line during a pandemic. HFES International Symposiumon Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care. New Orleans, Louisiana. March 23, 2022. (Paper presentation).

Daum, C. Philip, S., Marshall, S., Neubauer, N., Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2021).Collection of data on persons living with dementia who go missing: First responder perspectives. Gerontological Society of America Virtual Conference 2021, November 10, 2021. (Poster).

McLennan, L., Letts, E., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, Neubauer, N., & Liu, L. (2021). Return home interviews for missing older adults with dementia: A scoping review. Gerontological Society of America Virtual Conference 2021, November 10, 2021. (Oral presentation). 

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Marshall, S., Letts, E., & Liu, L. (2021). Risk factors of going missing in people living with dementia: A scoping review. Gerontological Society of America Virtual Conference 2021, November 10, 2021. (Poster). 

Neubauer, N., Spenrath, C., Philip, S., Daum, C., Liu, L, & Miguel-Cruz. (2021). Development of a locator device usability scale for persons with dementia at risk of getting lost.Gerontological Society of America Virtual Conference 2021, November 10, 2021. (Poster). 

Neubauer, N., & Liu, L. (2021). Guardianship and self-sovereign identity: implications for persons living with dementia.Gerontological Society of America Virtual Conference 2021, November 10, 2021. (Poster). 

McLennan, L., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2021). After a missing person living with dementia is found and returned home: Perspectives of police services. Canadian Association on Gerontology Virtual Conference 2021, October 23, 2021. (Poster). 

Perez, H., Miguel-Cruz, A., Daum, C., Marshall, S., Letts, E., & Liu, L. (2021). Four factors associated with critical wandering in persons living with dementia: A scoping review. Canadian Association on Gerontology Virtual Conference 2021, October 22, 2021. (Oral presentation). 

Adekoya, A., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2021). National forum on community alert systems for older adults at risk of going missing in Canada. Canadian Association on Gerontology Virtual Conference 2021, October 21, 2021. (Poster). 

McLennan, L., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2021). Validation of the Canadian Guideline for Safe Wandering. Canadian Association on Gerontology Virtual Conference 2021, October 21, 2021. (Poster). 

Marshall, S., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., Perez, H., Philip, S., & Liu, L. (2021). Strategies for data collection on missing incidents of persons living with dementia: A literature review. Canadian Association on Gerontology Virtual Conference, October 21, 2021. (Poster). 

Adekoya, A., Daum, C., Neubauer, N., & Liu, L. (2021). An online national forum on alert systems for missing older Canadians. Thinking Qualitatively 2021 (Virtual), July 5, 2021. (Poster). 

McLennan, L., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2021). After a missing person living with dementia is found and returned home: Police protocol and perspectives. 5th International Conference for Missing Children and Adults (Virtual), July 5, 2021. (Oral). 

Perez, H., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2021).Factors to determine the risk of getting lost and going missing among persons living with dementia: A scoping review. 5th International Conference for Missing Children and Adults (Virtual), July 5, 2021. (Oral). 

Adekoya, A., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., McLennan, L., & Liu, L. (2021). A witness seminar on community alert systems for missing older adults. AGE-WELL NCE EPIC conference (Virtual), June 15, 2021. (Oral presentation). 

Philip, S., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Spenrath, C., Liu, L., & Miguel-Cruz, A. (2021). Supporting autonomy, independence, and safety through locator devices for persons living with dementia. AGE-WELL NCE EPIC conference (Virtual), June 8, 2021. (Oral presentation). 

Perez, H., Letts, E., Marshall, S., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2021). The risk of going missing in persons living with dementia: A scoping review. AGE-WELL NCE EPIC conference (Virtual), June 8, 2021. (Twitter presentation). 

McLennan, L., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2021). What is the role of police after a missing person living with dementia is found and returned home? Perspectives of police services in Canada and Scotland. AGE-WELL NCE EPIC conference (Virtual), June 1, 2021. (Twitter presentation).

Miguel-Cruz, A., Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Spenrath, C., & Liu, L. (2021). Identifying acceptability criteria of wayfinding devices for persons living with dementia. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Virtual Conference (CAOT Virtual 2021). (Oral presentation).

Rios Rincon, A., Daum, C., Neubauer, N., Comeau, A., Miguel-Cruz, A., & Liu, L. (2021). What does the literature say about digital storytelling in older adults? Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Virtual Conference (CAOT Virtual 2021). (Poster).

Hollinda, K., Daum, C., & Liu, L. (2021). Rubber meets the road: Intersecting clinical experience with digital-storytelling research. Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Virtual Conference (CAOT Virtual 2021). (Poster).

Neubauer, N. (2021). Missing persons with Dementia in Canada: Return home interviews, streamlining the collection of missing persons’ data. Center for Advanced Research in Emergency Response (CARER) Conference, hosted by Linköping University (Sweden).

Liu, L. (2021). Innovation in 2021 and Beyond: A Rehab Clinician’s Role. Rehab Tech Summit (Virtual). (Oral presentation).

Neubauer, N., Gambier-Ross, K., Daum, C., Clarke, C., Liu, L. (2020). The importance of international collaborations to address wayfinding and missing persons incidents. Abstract accepted for a poster presentation at the Alzheimer Disease International Conference, December 10-12, 2020, Singapore. (Poster). Conference postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic. 

Azad Khaneghah, P., Roduta Roberts, M., Stroulia, E., Ferguson Pell, M., Liu, L., (2020). Alberta Rating Index for Apps (ARIA): Helping older adults find acceptable mobile health apps. Presented at the 12th International Society for Gerontechnology World Conference, Trondheim, Norway, held online, October 7-9, 2020. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Liu, L. (2020). Strategies for persons living with dementia at risk of going missing: Applying the Goldilocks Principle. Presented at the 12th International Society for Gerontechnology World Conference, Trondheim, Norway, held online, October 7-9, 2020. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2020). What is self-sovereign identity and how can it be applied to persons living with dementia at risk of going missing? Presented at the 12th International Society for Gerontechnology World Conference, Trondheim, Norway, held online, October 7-9, 2020. (Poster).

Liu, L., Azad Khaneghah, P., Miguel Cruz, A., Stroulia, E., King, S., Sayed, M. (2020). A mobile app for unlicensed support personnel who care for older adults with dementia. Paper presented at the 12th International Society for Gerontechnology World Conference, Trondheim, Norway, held online, October 7-9, 2020. (Oral presentation).

Neubauer, N., Liu, L. (2020). Dissemination of strategy adoption guidelines for dementia-related wandering. Presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists annual conference, held online, May 7-9, 2020. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Liu, L. (2020). From restricting wandering to promoting safe wandering in dementia. Presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists annual conference, held online, May 7-9, 2020. (Poster).

Azad Khaneghah, P., Roduta Robert, M., Stroulia, E., Ferguson-Pell, M., Liu, L. (2020). Alberta Rating Index for Apps (ARIA): A reliability study. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists annual conference, held online, May 7-9, 2020. (Oral presentation).

Hollinda, K., Daum, C., Liu, L. (2020). Facilitators’ strategies for digital storytelling by persons with dementia. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists annual conference, held online, May 7-9, 2020. (Oral presentation).

Rios Rincon, A., Liu, L., Daum, C., Comeau, A., Rincon Martinez, D.,Izquierdo Martinez, LC (2020). Engagement in older adults during gameplay: an ethogram. Presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists annual conference, held online, May 7-9, 2020. (Poster).

Daum, C., Liu, L. Hollinda, K., Kaufman, D., Astell, A. (2019). Skills and strategies of facilitators who co-create digital stories with persons with dementia. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) annual conference, Austin, Texas, November 13-17, 2019. (Poster).

Daum, C., Neubauer, N., Olivia, C., Beleno, R., Liu, L.  (2019). Accuracy and usability of a mobile alert system for community citizens to help locate persons with dementia who get lost. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) annual conference, Austin, Texas, November 13-17, 2019. (Poster).

Stroulia, E., Liu, L., Rios Rincon, A., Daum, C., Miguel Cruz, A. (2019). Vibrant Minds study. Paper presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, Moncton, NB, October 24-26, 2019. (Oral presentation).

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Oliva, C., Beleno, R., Liu, L. (2019). Community ASAP: An alert system engaging citizens to help locate persons with dementia who get lost. Paper presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, Moncton, NB, October 24-26, 2019. (Oral presentation).

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Liu, L. (2019). Concerns about the release of personal information in an alert system for people with dementia. Paper presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, Moncton, NB, October 24-26, 2019. (Oral presentation).

Neubauer, N., Liu, L.  (2019). Development and validation of a strategy adoption guideline for persons with dementia at risk of getting lost. Presentation at the Alzheimer Association International Conference, Los Angeles, USA, July 14-18. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Liu, L.  (2019). Development of a best police practice guideline for missing older adults with dementia. Presentation at the Alzheimer Association International Conference, Los Angeles, USA, July 14-18. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Liu, L.  (2019). Best practices used by police services in the search of missing older adults with dementia. Presentation at the Alzheimer Association International Conference, Los Angeles, USA, July 14-18. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Gambier-Ross, K., Liu, L. Clarke, C. (2019). The international consortium on dementia and wayfinding. Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Missing Children and Adults, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, July 3-5, 2019. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Laquian, K., Conway, C., Liu, L.  (2019). Development of a best practice guideline for police in search for missing older adults with dementia. Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Missing Children and Adults, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, July 3-5, 2019. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Liu, L.  (2019). Development and validation of a conceptual model and strategy adoption guideline for persons with dementia at risk of getting lost. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Missing Children and Adults, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, July 3-5, 2019. (Oral presentation).

Neubauer, N., Liu, L.  (2019). A framework to describe risks associated with dementia-related wandering. Presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists National Conference 2019 Niagara Falls, Ontario May 29 – June 1, 2019. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Laquian, K., Conway, C., Liu, L.  (2019). Best police practices in the search of missing older adults with dementia: A literature review. Presented at 2019 CADTH Symposium, April 14-16, 2019, Edmonton, AB. (Poster).

Liu, L. Ríos Rincón, A., Miguel Cruz, A., Daum, C., Neubauer, N. (2018). Digital storytelling in interventions with older adults - what does the literature say? Presented by Neubauer at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) conference, November 14-18, 2018, Boston, MA. (Poster).

Liu, L.  Owens, H., Park, E., Astell, A., Beleno, R., Kaufman, D., (2018). Persons with dementia use digital storytelling to enhance memory, connect socially, leave legacies. Presented by Neubauer at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) conference, November 14-18, 2018, Boston, MA. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Azad-Khaneghah, P., Liu, L. (2018). What does the literature say about uses of strategies to manage wandering in persons with dementia? A scoping review. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) conference, November 14-18, 2018, Boston, MA. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Liu, L. (2018). Ethical and legal considerations with the release of personal information using a community area silver alert system. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) conference, November 14-18, 2018, Boston, MA. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Lavergne, B., Vander Meulen, J., Fernandez, V., Daum, C., Yee, N., Azad-Khaneghah, P., Stroulia, E., Liu, L.  (2018). Feasibility of a Kinect-based system to support physical activity in older adults. Presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, October 18-22, 2018, Vancouver, BC. (Poster).

Ríos-Rincón, A., Stroulia, E., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., Altura, KC, Pertschy, D., Liu, L.  (2018). Promoting engagement in playing serious games in older adults: a usability study. Presentation delivered at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, October 18-22, 2018, Vancouver, BC. (Oral presentation).

Astell, A., Liu, L., Pan, Y., Beleno, R., Simonian, N., Owens, H., Park, E., Kaufman, D. (2018). Digital storytelling experience of people living with dementia. Presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, October 18-22, 2018, Vancouver, BC. (Poster).

Liu, L. Ríos-Rincón, A., Daum, C., Miguel-Cruz, A., Altura, K.C., Stroulia, E. (2018). Two measures of engagement developed for older adults living with dementia. Symposium presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, October 18-22, 2018, Vancouver, BC. 

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Liu, L. Beleno, R., Savard, K., Bartel, P., Mungham, J., McCallum, P., Noh, S., Coyle, M. (2018). Mobilizing community and technology in the search for missing and vulnerable seniors. Workshop presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, October 18-22, 2018, Vancouver, BC.

Pertschy, D., Stroulia, E., Daum, C., *Ríos-Rincón, A., Miguel-Cruz, A., Liu, L.  (2018). Designing serious games to cognitive maintenance in older adults: qualitative findings. Presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, October 18-22, 2018, Vancouver, BC. (Poster).

Hollinda, K., Daum, C., Park, E., Liu, L.  (2018). A facilitator's role in digital storytelling with older adults living with dementia. Presented at the Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference, October 18-22, 2018, Vancouver, BC. (Poster).

Azad-Khaneghah, P., Neubauer, N., Stroulia, E., Liu, L.  (2018). Features of acceptable mental health mobile apps: Perspectives of stakeholders. Paper presented at CAOT annual conference. June 23, 2018, Vancouver. (Oral presentation).

Park, E., Daum, C., Liu, L.  (2018). Experiences of a clinical researcher: Relational ethics in research practice. Symposium presented at CAOT annual conference, June 22, 2018, Vancouver.

Daum, C., Rios-Rincón, A., Miguel Cruz, A., Pertschy, D., Altura, C., Guana, V., Stroulia, E., Liu, L.  (2018). Computer games for older adults: Findings of a usability study. Presentation at CAOT annual conference, June 22, 2018, Vancouver. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Rios Rincón, A., Liu, L., Beleno, R., Conway, C., Mihailidis, A. (2018). Stakeholder partnership on an online consumer guideline for locator technologies. Presented at CAOT annual conference, June 21, 2018, Vancouver. (Poster).

Azad-Khaneghah, P., Roduta Roberts, M., Stroulia, E., Liu, L.  (2018). Mobile applications quality checklist. Presented at CAOT annual conference, June 21, 2018, Vancouver. (Poster).

Rios-Rincón, A., Neubauer, N., Conway, C., Juzwishin, D., Mihailidis, A., Liu, L.  (2018). Usability of an online consumer guideline for locator technologies. Presented at CAOT annual conference, June 21, 2018, Vancouver. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Azad-Khaneghah, P., Liu, L. (2018). What do we know about strategies to manage dementia-related wandering? A scoping review. Presented at the 11th ISG World Conference on Gerontechnology, Florida, USA, May 7-9, 2018. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Daum, C., Beleno, R., Aloisio, B., Stroulia, E., Liu, L.  (2018). Community ASAP – Usability of a localized alert system for missing older adults. Oral presentation at the 11th ISG World Conference of Gerontechnology, Florida, USA, May 7-9, 2018. (Oral presentation).

Romero, D., Stroulia, E., Liu, L., Rios-Rincon, A., Miguel-Cruz, A. (2017). Measuring emotions using Emotiv Epoc+ while playing serious games. Canadian Association on Gerontology, October 19-21, 2017, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 

Rios-Rincon, A., Miguel-Cruz, A., Liu, L., Stroulia, E. (2017). Engagement during computer serious games: A rapid literature review. Canadian Association on Gerontology, October 19-21, 2017, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 

Owens, H., Park, E., Kaufman, D., Liu, L.  (2017). Digital storytelling and dementia: Benefits and opportunities. Canadian Association on Gerontology, October 19-21, 2017, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Neubauer, N.A., Fernandez, V., Hunter, B., Liu, L. Stroulia, E. (2017). Effect of Kinect Tai Chi on overall health of dementia clients: A feasibility and usability Study. Presentation at the 21st International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, July 23-27, 2017, San Francisco, CA. (Oral presentation).

Rios Rincon, A., Miguel Cruz, A., Wilkinson, A., Chignell, M., Liu, L. Stroulia, E. (2017). Computer based assessments for assessments and interventions for cognitive health. Workshop at the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology conference of North America (RESNA), June 29, 2017, New Orleans.

Park, E., Daum, C., Liu, L.  (2017). Clinical researcher or research clinician? Relational ethics in occupational therapy. Paper presented at Canadian Association of Occupational Therapist Conference, Charlottetown, PEI, June 21-24, 2017. (Oral presentation).

Neubauer, N., Beleno, R., Conway, C., Liu, L.  (2017). Value of stakeholder perspectives on the design and implementation of a web-based consumer guideline for decision-making about locator technologies. Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) Symposium, Ottawa, April 23, 2017.

Lapierre, N., Neubauer, N., Miguel-Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A., Liu, L., Rousseau, J. (2017) Comment sont évaluées les technologies de détections des chutes? Journée scientifique CRIUGM-CAREC, Montréal, Canada, 17 mai 2017. Abrégé #13.

Lapierre, N., Neubauer, N., Miguel-Cruz, A., Rios Rincon, A., Liu, L., Rousseau, J. (2017) Comment sont évaluées les technologies de détections des chutes? 2e Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation: Réadaptation en action, Montréal, Canada, 18 et 19 mai 2017. Abrégé #126, p77.

Liu, L. Juzwishin, D., Ruptash, T., Miguel Cruz, A. (2016). Can global positioning system (GPS) devices help people with dementia stay in the community and give their caregivers peace of mind? Paper presented at BIT’s 4th Annual World Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology (WCGG 2016), November 18-20, 2016, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Oral presentation).

Sobhannelad, R., Mohebbi, P., Azad Khaneghah, P., Neubauer, N., Liu, L., Stroulia, E. (2016). Blue Alert – observing changes in social activities as a proxy for mood changes. Presented at Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference, October 20-22, Montreal, Quebec. (Poster).

Lapierre, N., Neubauer, N., Miguel Cruz, A., Liu, L., Rousseau, J. (2016). What is known about technologies to detect falls? A scoping review. Presentation at Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference, October 20-22, Montreal, Quebec. (Poster).

Neubauer, N., Lapierre, N., Rios Rincon, A., Rousseau, J., Liu, L.  (2016). What do we know about technologies for wandering? A scoping review. Presentation at Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference, October 20-22, Montreal, Quebec. (Poster).

Rios Rincon, A., Miguel Cruz, A., Liu, L.   2016). How is digital storytelling used among older adults? A systematic review. Paper presented at Canadian Association of  GerontologyConference, October 20-22, Montreal, Quebec. (Oral presentation).

Stroulia, E., Liu, L. Fernández Cervantes, V., Park, E., Hunter, B., Arychuk, S., Kwan, W., Rasmussen, K., Rozsa, C., Tupala, M., Goto, Y. (2016). Feasibility of the Kinect Tai Chi for use with older adults as an alternative to group Tai Chi. Presented at Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference, October 20-22, Montreal, Quebec. (Poster).

Liu, L., Juzwishin, D., Miguel Cruz, A., Ruptash, T. (2016). GPS devices for dementia clients: Ethical considerations. Paper presented at 10th World Conference of Gerontechnology (ISG 2016), September 28-30, 2016, Nice, France. (Oral presentation).

Park, E., Daum, C., Liu, L.  (2016). Relational ethics and technology: Considerations for qualitative health research. Presented at e-Health Annual Conference & Tradeshow, June 5-8, 2016, Vancouver, BC. (Poster).

Ohyanagi, T., Miyazaki, M., Goto, Y., Sengoku, Y., Liu, L.  (2016). Wireless physiological monitor system adapted for Apple watch and iOS. Presented at e-Health Annual Conference & Tradeshow, June 5-8, 2016, Vancouver, BC. (Poster).

Azad Khaneghah, P., Neubauer, N., Liu, L.  (2016). Design guideline for mobile applications for mental-health conditions in seniors. Oral presentation at e-Health Annual Conference & Tradeshow, June 5-8, 2016, Vancouver, BC (Poster).

Liu, L., Rios Rincon, A., Esmail, S., Taylor, L., Miguel Cruz, A. (2016). Usability of mobile technologies in an occupational therapy program. Paper presented at Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, April 19-22. Banff, AB, Canada. (Oral presentation).

Liu, L., Miguel Cruz, A., Barnard, S., Juzwishin, D., Ruptash, T. (2016). Wearable GPS devices for dementia clients: A usability study. Paper presented at Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, April 19-22. Banff, AB, Canada. (Oral presentation).

Azad Khaneghah, P., Liu, L.  (2016). Mobile applications for depression: Are they suitable for older adults? Presented at the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists Annual Conference, April 19-22. Banff, AB, Canada. (Poster).

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