Thank you for your interest in being part of the Anxiety Studies Participant Pool.
Please use the following link to continue to the survey: Anxiety Studies Screening Form.
After clicking the link, you will complete an online questionnaire with some questions about your mood, anxiety, drug/alcohol use, unusual sensory experiences and physical symptoms. This will take about 10 minutes and will be done confidentially. After completing the online screening form, potentially eligible participants will be contacted to arrange a brief phone call with the Anxiety Studies Research Coordinator to confirm eligibility for the study. The study itself will involve a series of online questionnaires and taking part in a virtual meeting with a clinical psychology graduate student. The entire study will last approximately 2 hours and participants who complete the study will be compensated with a 40$ Amazon Gift Card. Please click on the Anxiety Studies Screening Form for more information and to get started with this process.
If you would like to learn more about our team, including who we are, our mission, current studies we are offering, and more, please visit our website.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our confidential email anxiety@uwaterloo.ca, or call our confidential phone at 519-888-4567, x45920.