Multimedia Machine Learning/AI for Multimedia Content Analysis

Friday, January 25, 2019 11:00 am - 11:00 am EST (GMT -05:00)

Xiao-Ping Zhang, Department of Electrical, Computer & Biomedical Engineering
Ryerson University

In this talk, we focus on a comprehensive overview on the model-based machine learning (AI) for multimedia content analysis with image and video related applications. Specifically, we discuss probabilistic graphical modeling based methods on video/image object detection, event and activity recognition and tracking. We also briefly discuss our theoretical and application work on 3D reconstruction, point cloud/depth map with tensor, manifold and graph signal processing framework.

Bio: Xiao-Ping Zhang received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tsinghua University, in 1992 and 1996, respectively, all in electronic engineering. He holds an MBA in Finance and Economics with Honors from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He is now Professor and Director of Communication and Signal Processing Applications Laboratory (CASPAL), with the Department of Electrical, Computer & Biomedical Engineering, Ryerson University. He has served as Program Director of Graduate Studies. He is cross-appointed to the Finance Department at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University. 

He has been a Visiting Scientist at Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research interests include statistical signal processing and big data analytics, multimedia content analysis, sensor networks and electronic systems, machine learning, and applications in finance, economics, and marketing. He is a frequent consultant for biotech companies and investment firms. He is cofounder and CEO for EidoSearch, an Ontario-based company offering a numerical data search and analysis engine for financial big data.

Dr. Zhang is a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario, Canada, and a member of Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society. He is the general co-chair for ICASSP2021. He is the general co-chair for 2017 GlobalSIP Symposium on Signal and Information Processing for Finance and Business. He is an elected member of ICME steering committee. He is the general chair for MMSP'15. He is the publicity chair for ICME'06 and program chair for ICIC'05 and ICIC'10. He served as guest editor for Multimedia Tools and Applications, and the International Journal of Semantic Computing. He is a tutorial speaker in ACMMM2011, ISCAS2013, ICIP2013, ICASSP2014, IJCNN2017. He is a Senior Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

He is/was an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingIEEE Transactions on MultimediaIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video TechnologyIEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, and IEEE Signal Processing Letters. He is an elected member of several IEEE Technical Committees including Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee (TC), Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing TC, Industry DSP Technology Standing Committee, of IEEE Signal Processing Society, and Multimedia Systems and Applications TC and Video Signal Processing and Communications TC of IEEE Circuits and System Society.