Accessible Education Day 2024

Horizontal oriented web banner of two students at desks working individually on their laptops. Light yellow border framing the banner.

Accessible Education is education for all!

Join us for Accessible Education Day on October 16th (afternoon) and 17th (morning)—two half-day hybrid events to explore and enhance our efforts in accessible education at Waterloo.

October 16th and October 17th 2024

Sessions are available both online and in-person. To receive a link for the online sessions, you must register for each one individually. Links will be sent upon registration. All sessions will be recorded and posted online after they conclude.

Please see the schedule below for a breakdown of the event structure and events. 

Accessible Education Day

The Teaching Innovation Incubator is hosting a two half-day event to encourage dialogue, learning tangible skills, and to showcase the work taking place at the University of Waterloo to make education accessible for all of our learners.

Across these two days, sessions will dive into the heart of the work being done on accessible education at Waterloo and explore how it benefits our students, staff, and faculty. You'll have the chance to learn more about Waterloo's commitment to accessible education and the efforts taking place across our campus to support instructors and students in achieving accessible education. Attendees will discover practical skills to integrate these practices into your teaching

Topics to be covered include legislation governing Accessibility, Post-Secondary Course Accessibility Guide, Navigating Accommodations, Universal Design for Learning, available assistive technologies, among others. See the agenda below for more details.

Please confirm your attendance and RSVP through the link below.

Questions or Concerns?

Email support:

Accessibility Statement

The University of Waterloo is committed to achieving barrier-free accessibility for persons with disabilities. If you have questions concerning access or wish to request accommodations, please contact the event organizer via email (


Note that all sessions will take place in EST.

Day 1 - October 16, 2024

Afternoon Sessions
Time Session Location
1:00PM - 1:15

Opening Remarks

Speakers: David DeVidi, Kyle Scholz, and Samantha Fowler

EXP 1689

1:15 - 1:30 Break & Reflection Activity/Posters

EXP Atrium

1:30 - 2:15

Session 1A: Navigating Accommodations & UDL

Speakers: Jennifer O'Brien, David Vanderhorst, Haley Morrison, Michelle Meier, and Wanda White

Session 1B: Conversation about legislation and what we are doing institutionally, and at the sector level

Speakers: Joyce Barlow

BMH 1005 BMH 1016
2:15 - 2:30  BREAK
2:30 - 4:00

Keynote: Academic Ableism and its Alternatives 

Speakers: Jay Dolmage

Facilitated Discussion to Follow 

Speakers: Victoria Feth

EXP 1689

Day 2 - October 17, 2024

Morning Sessions

Time Session Location
9:30AM - 10:15

Session 2A: Getting to Know Assistive Technologies that Students Use to Enable Learning

Speakers: David Vanderhorst

Session 2B: Advancing Accessibility in the Faculty of Mathematics

Speakers: Jeremy Steffler

BMH 1005

BMH 1016
10:15 - 10:30  BREAK
10:30 - 11:15

Session 3: Resources, Tools, and Supports to Empower Accessible Teaching

Speakers: Christine Zaza, Michael Clark, Tim Ireland, and Erin Jobidon

EXP 1689
11:15 - 12:00

Closing Discussions

Speakers: David DeVidi, and Samantha Fowler

EXP 1689