The Ultraviolet Near Infrared Northern Survey (UNIONS) is a panchromatic imaging survey of the northern sky at declinations greater than +30 degrees. It combines data from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (u and r bands), Pan-STARRS (i and z bands) and the Subaru Telescope (g and z bands). Hudson led a successful large “Subaru Intensive” proposal to fill in the missing g-band from Subaru Telescope. The survey is roughly halfway to meeting its goal of covering 5000 square degrees. Hudson leads the 20-member international UNIONS gravitational lensing team. Some early lensing papers have been published, but most of the first round of weak lensing papers is expected in late 2023. WCA member Hudson leads the r-band component of CFIS and is the lead of the weak lensing team. He, along with WCA member Balogh, are on the UNIONS Steering Group. In addition, Hudson led a successful 14-night Subaru Intensive Program Time proposal (via Gemini exchange) to acquire g-band data for UNIONS (and Euclid) from Subaru Hyper-Suprime Cam. The latter component is now called the Waterloo Hawaii IfA g-band Survey (WHIGS).