Resources for Graduate Students

A more complete listing of resources available to graduate students can be found from:

Here we pull out some specific resources around supporting mental health and well-being, and dealing with difficult situations.  You can also find these links posted in the WCA welcome area.

If you are having problems with your supervisor or issues that you feel you cannot talk with your supervisor about, you should first try to deal with it informally.  You can reach out to any faculty member you feel comfortable with or to the WCA admin, Carolyn (, to the Graduate Studies Chair, Jan Kycia, or the Graduate Officer, Kostadinka Bizheva.  

You will be listened to without judgement and we will try be good sounding boards and provide helpful suggestions for the way forward.  Usually, this approach provides a satisfactory outcome but, if an informal solution cannot be found, we will help you to open up formal proceedings. 

General resources


When things go wrong