Atlas launch at Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Go for launch!

Michael Seasons
School of Planning, University of Waterloo

The Atlas was officially unveiled on May 30 to a full room in a lunch session as part of the Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG) 2012 Annual Meeting, which itself was part of the larger 2012 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities. After a quick run-through presentation of the website by Markus Moos, a good round of discussion followed among the scholars in attendance.

Markus Moos giving presentation

Markus Moos presenting at the launch of the Atlas of Suburbanisms.

Students thinking

Pablo Mendez, post-doctoral researcher at University of British Columbia, inspects the Atlas with another scholar.

Professor talking

Clarence Woudsma, Director of the School of Planning, speaks on ways to engage the community in the suburbanisms conversation.

Person having a conversation

Milton Friesen, Director with the Cardus think tank, speaks on the relationship between the Atlas and open access to information.

Following the aim of providing a platform through which conversations about suburbanism can occur in an accessible and contemporary manner, the Atlas gained some buzz among the Twitter crowd:

From all of us with the Atlas of Suburbanisms: thank you for the support, and we hope you’ll join us as we keep the conversation going.