Changes in Socio-Economic Status of North Etobicoke, an Inner Suburb of Toronto

Sanathan Kassiedass presents “Changes in Socio-Economic Status of North Etobicoke, an Inner Suburb of Toronto”, the second in a series of working papers from the PLAN 675 Canadian Suburbanisms reading course.
Housing Affordability and the Canadian Suburb
Tristan Wilkin presents “Housing Affordability and the Canadian Suburb”, the first in a series of working papers from the PLAN 675 Canadian Suburbanisms reading course.
Guest lecture: John Lewis (School of Planning), PLAN 675 - July 10, 2012
Professor John Lewis, School of Planning, led a guest lecture offering his take on the unique task of writing and publishing for private sector and political audiences, drawing on his own experiences as a consultant.
Guest lecture: Glenn Miller (Canadian Urban Institute), PLAN 675 - June 20, 2012
Glenn Miller hosts a guest lecture for the PLAN 675 Canadian Suburbanisms working papers reading course, drawing on 25 years of editorial insight offered up for discussion.
Guest lecture: Robert Shipley (School of Planning), PLAN 675 - May 18, 2012
Robert Shipley, associate professor in the School of Planning, brought the editor’s perspective to continued discussions of how academic publishing actually works in the second guest lecture in PLAN 675.
Guest lecture: Pablo Mendez (University of British Columbia), PLAN 675 - May 16, 2012
Pablo Mendez, post-doctoral associate visiting from University of British Columbia (UBC), offers his insight on the finer points of academic publishing in the first of several guest lectures lined up for the PLAN 675 working papers class.
First class: PLAN 675 Canadian Suburbanisms Working Paper
This was the question guiding the discussion for the first meeting of the Canadian Suburbanisms Working Paper reading course (PLAN 675). Run by Professor Markus Moos, Assistant Professor in the School of Planning, the focus of the course is just as it sounds – exploring the nature of suburbs.