Advanced JQL Tips and Best Practices

Thursday, June 20, 2024
by Palak Chauhan

Weekly Blog: Advanced JQL Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

Welcome back to our weekly blog! This week, we delve into advanced Jira Query Language (JQL) techniques to help you create efficient and effective queries.

Understanding the Basics

Before jumping into advanced techniques, ensure you're familiar with the basics:

  • Fields: Common fields include project, issue type, status, assignee, priority, etc.
  • Operators: Use =, !=, >, <, >=, <=, ~, !~, IN, NOT IN, IS, IS NOT.
  • Keywords: Know AND, OR, NOT, ORDER BY.

Advanced JQL Techniques

Using Wildcards
Wildcards (*) help search for patterns in fields.

summary ~ "roadmap*" 
description ~ "log*" 

Descriptive Names for Saved Filters
Use clear, descriptive names for saved filters to make them easy to find and understand.

Relative Dates for Dynamic Queries
Use relative dates like -7d or startOfWeek() to keep filters up-to-date.

created >= startOfMonth() 

Using Functions
Functions like membersOf(), currentUser(), startOfDay(), etc., are powerful tools.

assignee in membersOf("jira-system-administrators") 

Searching for Linked Issues
Use linkedIssues() to find issues linked to a specific issue.

issue in linkedIssues("ABC-44")

Optimize Queries with Field Indexing
Use indexed fields like project, issuetype, status, and assignee for better performance.

project = "ABC" AND issuetype = "Bug" AND status = "Review" AND assignee = currentUser() 

Sub-Queries for Better Filtering
Break down complex queries into simpler saved filters.

project = "ABC" and resolution is EMPTY filter = "Unresolved Bug issues from the ABC Project" AND (assignee = "" OR reporter = "") 

Avoid Negations
Avoid negations (!=, !~, NOT) for better performance.

Text Searching
Use ~ for text search within fields.

Regularly Review and Clean Up Filters
Regularly review and clean up saved filters to ensure they remain relevant and efficient.

Incorporate these advanced JQL techniques to enhance your Jira queries.

Stay tuned for more tips in our next blog post!