What's new - Nov 3rd, 2023

Friday, November 3, 2023
by Palak Chauhan

Best Practices

"Follow these helpful tips to make your work easier and more efficient:

  • Use Request Forms: Instead of directly adding people to your project, send us a request using this form. We use Grouper groups to organize your team.
  • Group Your Team: We put all your team members into different Grouper groups like admins, agents, developers, etc. This makes it easy to add or remove multiple people at once and to export lists of your teams.

New in Confluence

Transfer of page ownership between users

When a page is created, the person who creates is now known as the owner of that page. Atlassian has made it possible for page owners to transfer ownership of their page to another person at any time. Space and site admins can also transfer page ownership from one user to another.

This way, if a current page owner leaves a project, team, or company, ownership of the page can then be granted to whomever is most appropriate, and maintenance and validity of the page remains fresh.

A page owner is the ‘point person’ for a given page and their name appears in the byline, under the page title.

Learn more about page ownership and how it can be transferred

New in Jira Software

View subtasks directly on the backlog

Previously, only company-managed kanban projects displayed subtasks directly on the backlog – all other project types required you to click into an issue’s details to see its subtasks.

You’ll now be able to view subtasks on the backlog of all your projects, improving visibility and allowing you to better plan and prioritize your work.

New in Jira Service Management

No more duplicate fields on forms containing linked Jira fields

Avoid fields appearing twice on request types that use forms. Now when you’re in the form builder and link a form field to a Jira field that is already in use on an associated request type, Atlassian will remove it for you on the request form. The same goes when configuring your request types. Form fields will be unlinked in forms that contain linked Jira fields that are duplicated. This means customers and agents will no longer have to see two of the same field on the one request.

Find out how to link a form field to a Jira field, or see examples to understand more about duplicate form fields and Jira fields.

New in Jira Work Management

Colourful categories

Project admins can now assign colours to categories from the list view in Jira Work Management.