Of the 46 co-op students the WCMS team has employed since Spring 2021, 6 have returned for a second term, and three have returned for a third term. These students return as senior migration specialists, leaning on their previous experience to help lead the new team. Those with the team for multiple terms hold a unique perspective, having watched processes continuously grow and adapt as the acceleration of migrations remained unwavering each term.
Wardah Ur-Rehman

Wardah began working with the WCMS team as a migrations specialist in Fall 2022, returning as a senior migration specialist for an 8-month placement from Spring 2023 - Fall 2023.
Working with the WCMS team for two terms now has made me realize how different each term is; Beyond knowing how to address new migration issues, I also had to learn the dynamics of an entirely new team. It’s a unique experience because I get to pass on my knowledge from previous terms, while also benefiting from the new co-op's fresh perspectives. As I enter my third term, I'm excited to see what new experiences await me.
Eman Khan

Eman began working with the WCMS team as a migrations specialist in Spring 2022, returning as a senior migrations specialist for the Winter 2023 and Spring 2023 terms.
Each term is different, but in the best way possible! Every term we’ve had a delightful, positive community of people to work with, each with their own special skill sets and expertise that help us to both find new methods of efficiency everyday and have a communicative, healthy work environment.
Willow Carmount

Willow began working with the WCMS team as a migrations specialist in Spring 2022, returning as a senior migrations specialist for the Winter 2023 and Spring 2023 terms.
It’s been neat to see how the knowledge and actions of each team are built upon by the next. In Spring 2022, we started by manually creating each spreadsheet and typing the URL of each page into our browsers. That process evolved incrementally over time. Now, in Spring 2023, my team member Syed Murtaza Shah coded a program that automates the entire process: What used to take up to 20 minutes now takes one.