WCMS 12 Days of Christmas | Day 5 - five days (or more!) of scheduled publishing

Wednesday, December 7, 2022
by Natasha Jennings

Five days (or more!) of scheduled publishing

In WCMS 3, you can choose to have content publish or unpublish at a specific date and time. (Note that while you can specify to the minute, the actual “publishing run” happens every 15 minutes on live sites, and once an hour on staging sites.) This can be handy if you have content that is only relevant for a limited period of time, or if something is not meant to go public until a specific day. Going to be out of the office but want to be sure your content goes live? Use the scheduled publishing feature!

Content that you’re intending to schedule publishing for should be ready in a draft state, and it will publish automatically on the next “publishing run” after your specified date and time.