WCMS 3 Advent calendar #19: responsive columns and sidebars

Sunday, December 19, 2021
by Kevin Paxman

Do you know that columns and sidebars can change widths, and stack at narrower screen widths? This is known as responsive design, because the design responds to different devices and screens.

As the screen gets narrower, the content area will get narrower. Eventually, the sidebar (if present) will stack underneath the main content area.

screenshot of content with a sidebar at full width
At full width, the sidebar displays beside the content area.
screenshot of content with a sidebar at medium width
As the screen narrows, the size of the content area begins to shrink.
screenshot of content with a sidebar at narrow width
At narrower widths, the sidebar moves below the content area, and both areas are the same width.

When you add a section with multiple columns, the columns will gradually stack, with the sidebar following the same rules as before.

screenshot of content with a sidebar and columns at full width
At full width, the columns are all side-by-side.
screenshot of content with a sidebar and columns at medium width
As the screen narrows, the columns begin to stack.
screenshot of content with a sidebar and columns at narrow width
At narrower widths, the columns all stack.

Because sizing can change, you should avoid anything that relies on things being an exact size - for example, "positioning" text using spaces, or "slicing" an image into multiple pieces and putting them side by side.

Because alignment can change, as well as for accessibility purposes (screen readers don't announce layout), you should avoid mentioning anything as being in a specific alignment to another piece, e.g. "see the screenshot on the right".

a decorative line

How did you like this tip? Is this something you are already doing, or maybe something you will look to adapt? Are you inspired with suggestions for future tips? Send us feedback!