WCMS "people" survey summary

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
by Andrea Jennings

IST's Web Development team conducted a WCMS “people” survey to gather feedback from WCMS users that will help inform how “people” information is displayed on a website.

The survey was available to WCMS Point of Contacts (POCs) for a period of two weeks and received submissions from participants who were asked to comment on: how “people” are displayed; how information could be updated or configured; the content types used to display “people” information; how the “people” information is structed within the site; limitations or obstacles to using the current functionality.

What we're hearing from you

The results helped to identify these common desires:

  • editable fields to more accurately describe people associations, work status, specific information, etc.
  • better way to display different groups of people so not all people are displayed on the main listing page
  • more efficient way to filter and search the lists
  • a visual redesign
  • content reuse across sites
  • consistent method of populating information and uploading photos, and how that information is formatted when published
  • more efficient way to upload and maintain publications
  • amalgamate Person profile and Contact content types for ease of maintenance and updates, and avoid duplication of information
  • flexibility

Suggestions on how to improve working with “people” information on WCMS sites, in regard to the overall layout of the information, the incorporation of publications, and the current method of updating the information, was also shared.

For more details, download the

What's next

As we build the next WCMS - see the development roadmap here - we will work to include feasible changes to how things work. We're happy to say that many of the suggestions line up with the changes we have already planned. Some of the recommendations for "net new" functionality will be held as feature requests for consideration at the conclusion of the project, and some of the suggestions that were beyond the scope - content changes, search functionality, etc. - will be passed on to the appropriate teams.

Keep an eye on the blog for updates on our progress, an early look at coming changes, follow-up surveys, and other project related information.