How to remediate Profiles

In WCMS 3, the "People profiles" page migrates as "Profiles". When Profiles are migrated from the original site, certain fields in the Edit tab must be verified as they may be missing or contain incorrect information.

Remediate Profiles

  1. From the administration bar on your WCMS 3 site, select Workbench, then select My Dashboard.
  2. Select the profile that you are remediating from the Content list by searching for the name of the profile.
  3. If the Name for sorting purposes is missing or is incorrect, add/edit it using the naming convention Last Name, First Name.
    Contact name
    1. Note: the Profiles listing page may be misordered and need remediation following migration. See How to remediate Profiles page for instructions on rearranging the profiles.
  4. Navigate to the Summary and examine the content to see if a broken image with alternative text appears. This can look different depending on the web browser you are using.
    1. Google Chrome:
      Summary tab in Google Chrome
    2. Firefox:
      Summary tab in Firefox
  5. Select the broken image box and delete the item from the summary.
  6. Select Save.

Remediate Profiles page

  1. From the administration bar, select Workbench, then select My Dashboard.
  2. From Content types, select the drop-down arrow beside Profiles, then select Rearrange.
    wcms 3 rearrange profiles drop down
  3. Use the cross-arrow icon beside each contact to drag and rearrange the order of profiles displayed to match the WCMS 2 site.
    cross arrow icon
    • Alternatively, Show row weights to enter numerical values to rearrange the order of profiles.
    WCMS 3 screenshot of show row weights link
  4. Once complete, select Save order. If your site has a large number of profiles you may want to save periodically to prevent the page from timing out and losing your current progress.
    save order button on wcms 3

Record remediation completion in the Site Migration Remediation Tracker spreadsheet for your site.

Please refer to the Known Issues web page to view a current list of known issues and their workaround.