Project status updates - January 2021

January 2021 project milestones achieved

Testing and release timeline for 3.0.0 (standard website template, FDSU)

  1. 2021
    1. Jan
      1. Start of three Alpha testing phases

        Alpha testing periods:

        • January 11, 2021
        • February 1, 2021
        • February 22, 2021

    2. Mar
      1. Start of two Beta testing phases

        Beta testing periods:

        • March 15, 2021
        • April 5, 2021

    3. Apr
      1. 3.0.0 General Availability

        WCMS 3.0.0 will be made available to campus on April 26, 2021

    4. May
      1. Migration to WCMS 3.0 begin

        Migration of WCMS 2.0 websites to WCMS 3.0 begins May 18, 2021

Learn more about this project


Web Advisory Committee Membership

Reach out to a member of WAC to learn more or ask a question.


Project website

Explore this project website to learn more about the changes coming with WCMS 3, review the development roadmap, or share your feedback.

Next project update: February 8, 2021