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Pierson McKibbon, Garrett Kurbis, Marwan A Rahman, Patrick Maloney

Pierson McKibbon, Garrett Kurbis, Marwan A Rahman, Patrick Maloney

Pneumo Sense


Ultrasounds are the most mobile and inexpensive diagnostic imaging techniques available, yet using them for lung evaluations is almost unheard of. Pneumo Sense is helping change that by platforming lung ultrasound AI models on a mobile phone app to facilitate rigorous testing, data collection, and AI utilization in real diagnostic settings. Developed in collaboration with Deep Breathe – a research group that converge lung ultrasound and deep learning – the app uses the phone’s camera and machine learning to analyze scans without requiring additional hardware.



Kithara Manawadu, Sarah Sparkes, Taylor Pearce

Kithara Manawadu, Sarah Sparkes, Taylor Pearce



Concussions in sports are both common and dangerous.

While most athletes will fully recover with appropriate treatment, a lack of an objective concussion screening method increases the danger of a concussion going untreated. TBiD is a rapid, saliva-based lateral flow device to be used by adult athletes following a suspected brain injury to reduce the risk of untreated concussions. The lateral flow device will perform concussion screening by detecting elevated levels of the protein S100-B, a concussion biomarker, in an athlete’s saliva sample.



Milena Galaszewicz

Milena Galaszewicz

Milena Galaszewicz

Milena Galaszewicz

Rebecca Wyllie

Rebecca Wyllie

Teresa Marotta

Teresa Marotta



Our team is developing a preventative solution for tennis elbow based on early intervention and education. This injury is caused by repeated stress on tendons from incorrect wrist mechanics, muscle overuse and improper form during tennis play. Our concept includes tensile inserts that reduce the degree of flexion at ball impact. Additionally, IMUs collect data to calculate wrist angle and classify tennis strokes. An app analyzes play and provides education on how to improve form to prevent the onset of this debilitating injury.



Jessy Song

Jessy Song

Zhuoyun Lin

Zhuoyun Lin

Nick Varenbut

Nick Varenbut

Tomer Brezner

Tomer Brezner



Carpal tunnel syndrome is a globally prevalent disorder. Specifically, manual, repetitive tasks such as assembling small electrical appliances and motor vehicles induce stress on the median nerve, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome. CarpalTracker aims to provide an objective assessment of this condition by analyzing surface electromyography (sEMG) signals. With the device, factory workers can conduct testing independently and access privately stored results on personal phones. Being more informed of their hand health condition can allow workers to take precautions and seek additional professional tests before impacting work productivity.



Faraz Ali, Zarifa Nazarali, Kathryn MacQuarrie, Angela Souza

Faraz Ali, Zarifa Nazarali, Kathryn MacQuarrie, Angela Souza

HOLA (Hand Orthosis for Living Activities)


Spinal cord injury (SCI) causes profound life changes for affected individuals, especially for those with injuries in the high cervical range. These injuries make it incredibly difficult for patients to perform common household activities, leading to a tremendous loss of independence in everyday life. The goal of this project was to design a device, to be used at home by C5-level SCI patients, that allows for patients to independently put on/take off the device and perform daily activities associated with differing hand grasps.


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