F. Sun, H. Ghosh, Z. Tan, and S. Sivoththaman, “Top-down Synthesis and Enhancing Device Adaptability of Graphene Quantum Dots”, Nanotechnology, vol.34, pp.185601 1-7, 2023.
F. Sun, H. Ghosh, J. Wang, Z. Tan, and S. Sivoththaman, “A Two-step Process for Reduced Graphene Oxide Films with Work Function Tunability”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.21, pp.481-488, 2022.
Y. Zheng, B. Sadeghimakki, J. Brunning, E. Piano, and S. Sivoththaman, “Emission and Decay Lifetime Tunability in Less-Toxic Quaternary ZnCuInS Quantum Dots”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.20, pp.525-533, 2021.
R. Tarighat and S. Sivoththaman, “Low Temperature Self-Aligned-Silicide-Capable Transistor Process Using Solid-Phase-Epitaxy and Lift-off for Hybrid Substrates”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.68, pp.244-250, 2021.
H. Ghosh and S. Sivoththaman, “A Type-I n-ZnO Nanowire/n+-Si Heterojunction With High Photoresponse For Photovoltaic Applications”, Proc. 48th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (Virtual Conference, June 2021) pp.2525-2528.
N. Bakshizadeh, R. Tarighat, and S. Sivoththaman, “Effective Work Function of Screen-Printable Graphene-decorated Conductive Nanocomposites”, Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42341-020-00211-1. pp. 1-5, 2020.
H. Ghosh, B. Sadeghimakki, and S. Sivoththaman, “Enhancement of UV Emission and Optical Bandgap of ZnO Nanowires via Doping and Post-growth Annealing”, Materials Research Express, vol.7, pp. 035013 1-7, 2020.
F. Sun, H. Ghosh, J. Wang, Z. Tan, and S. Sivoththaman, “Improving the Electrical Conductivity of Reduced Graphene Oxide Transparent Electrodes for Photovoltaics”, Proc. 47th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (Calgary, June 2020), pp. 2025-2028.
2015 - 2019
Y. Zheng, B. Sadeghimakki, J. Brunning, and S. Sivoththaman, “Ligand Exchange Functionalization of CIS Quantum Dots for CIS/ZnO Film Heterojunctions, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.18, pp.728 – 733, 2019.
F. Sun, B. Sadeghimakki, H. Ghosh, Z. Tan, and S. Sivoththaman, “Environmentally Friendly Method for Synthesizing Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) for Transparent Conductive Electrode (TCE) in Solar Cells”, Proc. 46th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Chicago, June 2019), pp. 1789-1792.
B. Sadeghimakki, Y. Zheng, R. Tarighat, J. Brunning, H. Ghosh, and S. Sivoththaman, “Addressing Safety Issues in Development of Quantum Dot Incorporated EVA Lamination of Photovoltaic Devices”, Proc. 46th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Chicago, June 2019), pp. 2143-2149.
H. Ghosh, B. Sadeghimakki, and S. Sivoththaman, “Investigation of Bandgap Modulation of Al Doped ZnO Nanowires Grown on AZO Seed Layer for Photovoltaic Devices”, Proc. 46th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Chicago, June 2019), pp. 1748-1752.
Y. Zheng, B. Sadeghimakki, E. Piano, and S. Sivoththaman, “A Method for Uniform Embedment and Self-Assembly of CIS-based Quantum Dots for formation of Ordered QD Thin Films in PV Devices”, Proc. 46th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Chicago, June 2019), pp. 1806-1812.
D. Dykaar, R. Tarighat, F. Chen, G. Hill, J. Vieth and S. Sivoththaman, “Progress in Active Pixel Technology for LED Video Walls”, Society for Information Display (SID) Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, (Los Angeles, May 2018), vol.49, Issue 1, pp. 314-317. (invited)
N. Bakshizadeh and S. Sivoththaman, “Graphene Decorated Nanocomposites for Printable Electrodes in Thin Wafer Devices", Journal of Electronic Materials, vol.46, pp.6922-6929, 2017.
Z. Gao, N. Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, “Large Area Self-Powered Al-ZnO/(n)Si Heterojunction Photodetectors with High Responsivity”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol.29, pp.1171-1174, 2017.
B. Sadeghimakki, Y. Zheng, N. Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, “Synthesis of CIS Quantum Dots in Low Temperature Regime: Effects of Precursor Composition and Temperature Ramps”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.16, no. 4, pp.659-666, 2017.
C. Baldus-Jeursen, R. Tarighat, and S. Sivoththaman, “Analysis of Recombination Mechanisms in Heterojunction Silicon Solar Cells with Rapid Thermally Annealed Thin Film Emitters”, J.Physics D: Appl. Phys., vol.50, pp.175501 1-6, 2017.
Z. Gao, N. Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, “Biased Photoresponse Analysis of Al-ZnO Heterojunctions with N and P Type Silicon”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.64, no.3, pp.1100-1107, 2017.
D. Dykaar, R. Tarighat, F. Chen, T. Davidson-Hall, G. Hill, J. Vieth, C. Brown, H. Aziz, and S. Sivoththaman, “Active Backplane Design for Digital Video Walls”, Society for Information Display (SID) Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, (Los Angeles, May 2017), vol.48, Issue 1, pp. 1020-1023.
N. Jahed, M. Mahmoudysepehr, and S. Sivoththaman, “Deposition and Parametric Analysis of RF Sputtered ZnO:Al Thin Films with Very Low Resistivity”, Materials Research Express, vol.3, pp.116402 1-8, 2016.
Y. Zheng, B. Sadeghimakki, N. Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, “Scalable Non-injection Synthesis of Cd-Free Copper Indium Sulfide/Zinc Sulfide Quantum Dots for Third-Gen Photovoltaic Application”, MRS Advances, vol.1, issue 30, pp.2193-2198, 2016. DOI: 10.1557/adv.2016.536
A. Hegazy, N. Kinadjan, B. Sadeghimakki, N. Allam, S. Sivoththaman, and E. Prouzet, “TiO2 Nanoparticles Optimized for Photoanodes Tested in Large Area Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC), Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol.153, pp.106-116, 2016.
C. Baldus-Jeursen, R. Tarighat, and S. Sivoththaman, “Optical and Electrical Characterization of Crystalline Silicon Films Formed by Rapid Thermal Annealing of Amorphous Silicon”, Thin Solid Films, vol. 603, pp.212-217, 2016.
B. Sadeghimakki, Y. Zheng, N. M. S. Jahed, R. S. Tarighat, P. H. Pham, J. J. Kim, N. C. Bols, and Siva Sivoththaman, “Toxicity and Safety Study of Cd-based and Cd-free Quantum Dots in Third-Gen PV and Scaled-up Processing Platforms”, Proceedings of 43rd IEEE photovoltaic Specialist Conference (Portland, June 2016), pp.3393-3397
R. Tarighat, F. Chen, G. Hill, J. Vieth, S. Sivoththaman, and D. Dykaar, “Device Mobility >300 cm2/V·S Using Planarized Single-Crystal Silicon Spheres for Large Area Display Backplanes”, Society for Information Display (SID) Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, (San Francisco, May 2016), vol.47, Issue 1, pp. 1217-1220.
Y. Zheng, B. Sadeghimakki, N. M. S. Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, “Scalable Non-injection Synthesis of Cd-Free Copper Indium Sulfide/Zinc Sulfide Quantum Dots for Third-Gen Photovoltaic Application,” Colloidal Nanoparticles - From Synthesis to Applications, MRS Symposium Proceedings (Phoenix, March 2016), DOI: 10.1557/adv.2016.536, pp.1-6.
H. Siboni, B. Sadeghimakki, S. Sivoththaman, H. Aziz, “Very High Brightness Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Devices via Enhanced Energy Transfer from a Phosphorescent Sensitizer”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol.7, pp.25828-25834, 2015.
M. Moradi and S. Sivoththaman, “Design and Modeling of a Chevron MEMS Strain Sensor with High Linearity and Sensitivity”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.15, pp.4791-4798, 2015.
M. Moradi and S. Sivoththaman, “MEMS Multisensor Intelligent Damage Detection for Wind Turbines”, IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.15, pp.1437-1444, 2015.
N. Jahed, M. Mahmoudysepehr and S. Sivoththaman, “Highly Conductive TCO by RF Sputtering of Al:ZnO for Thin Film Photovoltaics”, Proc. 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (New Orleans, June 2015), 10.1109/PVSC.2015.7356300, pp.1-4.
B. Sadeghimakki, Y. Zheng, N. Jahed, P. Pham, A. Babujee, N. Bols, and S. Sivoththaman, “Toxicity and Safety Aspects of Nanoparticle Spread in Third Generation Photovoltaic Device Processing Environments”, Proc. 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (New Orleans, June 2015), DOI 10.1109/PVSC.2015.7356390 pp.1-6.
F. Chen, R. Tarighat, J. Vieth, S. Sivoththaman, and D. Dykaar, “Development of a Silicon Process with Device Mobility >500 cm2/V-s Suitable for Large Area Display Backplane Using Embedded Single-Crystal Silicon Particles”, Society for Information Display (SID) Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, (San Jose, June 2015), vol.46, Issue 1, pp.1334-1336
2010 - 2014
B. Sadeghimakki, N. Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, “Spectrally Resolved Dynamics of Synthesized CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot/Silica Nanocrystals for Photonic Down-Shifting Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.14, no.4, pp.825-834, 2014.
B. Janfeshan, B. Sadeghimakki, N. Mohammad, and S. Sivoththaman, "ZnO Nanowire Arrays Synthesized on ZnO and GaN Films for Photovoltaic and Light-emitting Devices", SPIE Journal of Photonics for Energy, vol.4, pp.041599 1-10, 2014.
C. Baldus-Jeurson, R. Tarighat, E. Fathi, and S. Sivoththaman, “Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon Films by Rapid Thermal Annealing for Heterojunction Photovoltaic Solar Cells”, Canadian Journal of Physics, vol.92, pp.0601 1-6, 2014.
F. Liu, S. Sivoththaman, and Z-C Tan, "Solvent Extraction of 5-HMF from Simulated Hydrothermal Conversion Product", Sustainable Environment Research, vol.24, no.2, pp.149-157, 2014.
B. Janfeshan, B. Sadeghimakki, N.M.S.Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, “Liquid Junction Quantum Dot Solar Cells Based on ZnO Nanowire Arrays”, Proc. 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Denver, June 2014), pp.1051-1055.
B. Sadeghinakki, Z, Gao, and S. Sivoththaman, “Proof of Down-Conversion by CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots on Silicon Solar Cells”, Proc. 40th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Denver, June 2014), pp.2262-2266.
D. Dykaar, B. Esfandiarpour, F. Chen, S. Guthrie, J. Vieth, and S. Sivoththaman, “Large Area Display Backplane Using Embedded Single-Crystal Silicon Particles”, Society for Information Display (SID) Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, (San Diego, CA, June 2014), vol.45, issue 1, pp.638-641.
L. Tian, E. Fathi, R.S. Tarighat and S. Sivoththaman, "Nanocrystalline Silicon Deposition at High Rate and Low Temperature from Pure Silane in a Modified ICP-CVD System", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol.28, pp.105004 (1-5), 2013.
M. Moradi and S. Sivoththaman, "Strain Transfer Analysis of Surface-Bonded MEMS Strain Sensors", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.13, No.2, pp. 637-643, 2013.
B. Sadeghimakki and S. Sivoththaman, “Toxicity Study Needs for Quantum Dots and Nanoparticles in PV Fabrication”, Next Generation Inorganic Thin film Photovoltaics, MRS Symposium Proceedings (Boston, December 2013), vol. 1638, pp. opl.2014.207 1-6.
B. Sadeghimakki, B. Janfeshan, N.Jahed, S. Sivoththaman, “CdSe/ZnS QD-to-ZnO NW Charge Transfer Dynamics for Enhanced Efficiency Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells”, Next Generation Inorganic Thin film Photovoltaics, MRS Symposium Proceedings (Boston, December 2013), vol. 1638, pp. opl.2014.194 1-6.
B. Janfeshan, B. Sadeghimakki, N.M.S.Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, “Zinc Oxide Nanowire Arrays for Photovoltaic and Light-emitting Devices”, Proc. of SPIE: Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices II, (San Fransisco, Feb 2013) vol.8620, pp.86201Z 1-9.
M. Gharghi, E. Fathi, B. Kante, S. Sivoththaman, and X. Zhang, "Heterojunction Silicon Microwire Solar Cells", Nano Letters, vol.12, pp. 6278−6282, 2012.
R. Jeyakumar, Z. Gu, S. Sivoththaman, and A. Nathan, “Synthesis and Characterization of Low-k Films for Large Area Imaging Applications”, Microelectronic Engineering, vol.99, (2012) pp.58-61.
S. Visakhamoorthy, J. Wen, S. Sivoththaman, and C. Koch, “Numerical Study of a Butanol/Heptane Fuelled Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) Engine Utilizing Negative Valve Overlap”, Journal of Applied Energy, vol.94 (2012) pp.166-173.
N. Bakhshizadeh and S. Sivoththaman, "New Screen-printed Metal Paste Options for PV Manufacturing", Nanostructured and Advanced Materials for Solar-Cell Manufacturing, MRS Symposium Proceedings (San Francisco, April 2012), vol.1447, pp. opl.2012.1461 1-5.
M. Moradi and S. Sivoththaman, "MEMS Strain Sensors with High Linearity and Sensitivity with an Enhanced Strain Transfer Mechanism for Wind Turbine Blades", Proc. Nanotech 2012: Electronics, Devices, Fabrication, MEMS, Fluidics and Computational, (Santa Clara, June 2012), vol.2, pp.122-125.
M. Kamali, S. Sivoththaman, and S. McColl, “Analysis of Models for Audible and Low Frequency Noise Prediction for Wind Turbine Case Studies”, Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Low Frequency Noise LFN 2012 (Warwickshire, UK, May 2012) pp.1-16.
M. Gharghi and S. Sivoththaman, "Spherical Photovoltaic Device with Tailored Emitter Structure", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.32, Jan 2011, pp.48-50.
B. Janfeshan and S. Sivoththaman, Synthesis and Properties of ZnO Nanowires for Photovoltaics, Proceedings of SPIE: Photonics North (Ottawa, May 2011), vol.8007, pp. 800723 1-7.
B. Sadeghimakki, N. M. Sadeghi Jahed, and S. Sivoththaman, "Photoluminescence Properties of Core/Shell CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots Encapsulated with Transparent layers for Third Generation Photovoltaics," Third Generation and Emerging Solar Cell Technologies, MRS Symposium Proceedings (San Fransisco, April 2011), vol.1322, pp. opl.2011.1231 1-6.
C. Baldus-Jeursen and S. Sivoththaman, “Thermal Modelling of Laser Processing for Silicon Photovoltaics”, Proceedings of SPIE: Photonics North (Ottawa, May 2011), vol.8007, pp. 80071Y 1-6.
B. Esfandiarpour and S. Sivoththaman, "A Silicon Texturing Technique Based on Etching Through a Liquid-Phase Deposited Oxide Mask", Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol.13, 2010, pp.D97-D99.
B. Sadeghimakki and S. Sivoththaman, "Uniform Embedment of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dot Arrays in Thin Oxide Layers for Luminescent Down Shifting on Photovoltaic Devices", Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Honolulu, June 2010), pp.002955-002959.
2005 - 2009
J. Wang, M.F. Baroughi, S. Mariyappan , S. Sivoththaman and Roohollah Tarighat, "Passivation of Silicon Surfaces using Atomic Layer Deposited Metal Oxides," Amorphous and Polycrystalline Thin Film Silicon Science and Technology , MRS Symposium Proceedings (San Francisco, April 2009), vol.1153, pp.1153.A07.17 1-6.
J. Wang, S. Mariyappan , M.F. Baroughi, R.S. Tarighat and S. Sivoththaman, "Efficient Passivation of Silicon Surfaces Using Atomic Layer Deposition of Dielectrics", Technical Digest of the 18th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, (Kolkatta, India, January 2009).
S. Mariyappan, J.Wang, M.F. Baroughi, R.S. Tarighat and S. Sivoththaman, "Sol-Gel Processed Silica Gel for Si Surface Passivation at Room Temperature", Technical Digest of the 18th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, (Kolkatta, India, January 2009).
B. Sadeghimakki, R.S. Tarighat and S. Sivoththaman, "Fabrication Schemes for Advanced Solar Cell Architectures Combining Upright Si Nanowires and Thin Films", Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (Philadelphia, June 2009), pp.0021 38-43.
Hassan G. El Gohary and Siva Sivoththaman, "Influence of Different RTP Temperature Profiles on Low Temperature Epitaxially Grown PECVD Si Emitters", Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (Philadelphia, June 2009), pp.0013 31-34.
J. Wang, M.F.Baroughi, B.Bills, D.Galipeau, R. Samadzadeh, and S. Sivoththaman, "Substrate Dependence of Surface Passivation Using Atomic Layer Deposited Dielectrics", Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (Philadelphia, June 2009), pp.0019 88-91.
M. Gharghi and S. Sivoththaman, "Spherical Si Photovoltaic Devices with Surface-passivated Shallow Emitters", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol.23, pp.(105008)1-6, 2008.
M. Gharghi and S. Sivoththaman, "Growth and Structural Characterization of Spherical Si Crystals Grown from Polysilicon", IEEE/TMS Journal of Electronic Materials, vol. 37, pp.1657-64, 2008.
M. Gharghi, C. Cheng, and S. Sivoththaman, "Minority Carrier Recombination in Spherical Silicon Crystals", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol.23, pp.125035 1-8, 2008.
B. Sadeghimakki and S. Sivoththaman, "Investigation of Structural and Optical Properties of CdSe Quantum Dots in Glass Matrices for Photovoltaic Application", Proceedings of SPIE: Nanoscale Photonic and Cell Technologies for Photovoltaics (San Diego, August 2008), vol.7047, pp.70470W 1-9.
M. Gharghi and S. Sivoththaman, "Design of Antireflection Coating for Spherical Silicon Photovoltaic Devices", Proceedings of SPIE: Photovoltaic Cell and Module Technologies II (San Diego, August 2008), vol.7045, pp.704509 1-7.
B. Sadeghimakki, M. Gharghi, and S. Sivoththaman, “Zero and One Dimensional Quantum and Nanostructures for Advanced Photovoltaics”, Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (San Diego, May 2008), pp.4922606 1-6.
M. Gharghi and S. Sivoththaman, “Process Development for Tailoring the Emitter on Sphere Shaped Silicon Structures”, Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (San Diego, May 2008), pp.4922675 1-4.
B. Sadeghimakki and S. Sivoththaman, “Silicon Nanowires for Advanced Photovoltaics” 33rd Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada, (Fredricton, August 2008).
B. Sadeghimakki and S. Sivoththaman, “Quantum Dots for Next Generation Photovoltaics: Structural and Optical Characteristics”, 33rd Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada, (Fredricton, August 2008).
H. El-Gohary and S. Sivoththaman, “Doping Efficiency Analysis of Highly Phosphorous Doped Epitaxial/Amorphous Si Emitters Grown by PECVD for High Efficiency Si Solar Cells”, 33rd Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada, (Fredricton, August 2008).
M. Farrokh-Baroughi and S. Sivoththaman, "A Novel Silicon Photovoltaic Cell using a Low-Temperature Quasi-epitaxial Silicon Emitter", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.28, pp.575-577, 2007.
M. Gharghi and S. Sivoththaman, "Photoconductivity Decay in Silicon Spheres in Response to Impulse Light Stimulation", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, vol.18, pp.S111-115, 2007.
M.F. Baroughi, R.S.Tarighat, S. Sivoththaman, and M. Ropp, "Measurement of Excess Carrier Lifetime in Epitaxial Silicon Thin Films", Technical Digest of the 17th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (Fukoka, Japan, December 2007).
M. Gharghi, S. Sivoththaman, "Graded Silicon Based PECVD Thin Film for Photovoltaic Applications", Proceedings of SPIE Optics and Photonics: Thin Film Coatings for Optical Applications IV (San Diego, August 2007), vol. 6674, pp.64740A 1-10.
B. Sadeghimakki, M. Gharghi, S. Sivoththaman, "Passivation of Si Nanopillars for Photovoltaic Applications", Proc. 13th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference (Montreal, August 2007).
C. Cheng, M. Gharghi, S. Sivoththaman, "Surface Recombination in Spherical Silicon Used for Photovoltaic Applications", Proc. 13th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference (Montreal, August 2007).
M. Farrokh Baroughi, H. G. El-Gohary, C. Y. Cheng, S. Sivoththaman, "Low Temperature Epitaxy of n-doped Silicon Thin Films Using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition," Amorphous and Polycrystalline Thin-Film Science and Technology: MRS Symposium Proceedings (San Fransisco, April 2007), vol.989, pp.A06-19 1-6.
S. Chang and S. Sivoththaman, “A Tunable RF MEMS Transformer on Silicon”, IEEE MTTS 7th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems SiRF07 (Long Beach, California, January 2007), pp.177-180.
S. Chang and S. Sivoththaman, “A Tunable RF MEMS Inductor on Silicon Incorporating an Amorphous Silicon Bimorph in a Low Temperature Process”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.27, pp.905-907, 2006.
M. Baroughi and S. Sivoththaman, "Modeling of Grain Boundary Effects in Nanocrystalline/Multicrystalline Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol.21, pp.979-986, 2006.
M. Gharghi and S. Sivoththaman, "Formation of Nanoscale Columnar Structures in Silicon by a Maskless RIE Process", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, vol.24, pp.723-727, 2006.
S. Chang and S. Sivoththaman, "Development of Low Temperature MEMS Process with PECVD Amorphous Silicon Structural Layer", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.16, pp.1307-1313, 2006.
M. Gharghi, H. Bai, G. Stevens, S. Sivoththaman, "Three-dimensional Modeling and Simulation of PN Junction Spherical Si Solar Cells", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.53, pp.1355-1363, 2006.
S. Chang and S. Sivoththaman, "On-chip Inductors Incorporating Porous Si and Intrinsic Amorphous Si films for RF Integrated Circuits", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, vol.24, pp.841-845, 2006.
S. Sivoththaman and M. Baroughi, "Cost-effective, Silicon-based Solar Cells: Material and Technology Issues", International Journal of Green Energy, vol.3, pp.1-15, 2006.
M. Baroughi, C. Lee, S. Sivoththaman, "Near-unity Ideality Factor Diodes Using Nanocrystalline Si / Multicrystalline Si Heterojunctions for Photovoltaic Application", Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, vol.24, pp.821-826, 2006.
M.F. Baroughi, H. El-Gohary, and S. Sivoththaman, “Optical, Electrical, and Structural Properties of PECVD Quasi-Epitaxial Phosphorous-Doped Si Films on Crystalline Si Substrate”, Proc. 31st Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada (Montreal, August 2006).
H. El-Gohary, M.F. Baroughi, and S. Sivoththaman, “Low-thermal Budget Rapid Thermal Annealing of Hydrogenated Si Films for Photovoltaic Applications”, Proc. 31st Annual Conference of the Solar Energy Society of Canada (Montreal, August 2006).
M. Gharghi, G. Stevens, and S. Sivoththaman, "Photoconductance Decay Lifetime in Silicon Spheres", Proc. IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (Hawaii, May 2006), pp1138-1141.
M. Farrokh Baroughi and S. Sivoththaman, "A Novel Silicon-based Heterojunction Solar Cell Without Transparent Conductive Oxide", Proc. IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (Hawaii, May 2006), pp.83-86.
M.F. Baroughi and S. Sivoththaman, “Interface study of Nanocrystalline/Multicrystalline Si Heterojunctions using Photoconductivity Decay”, Proc. Materials Research Society (MRS) Symposium: Amorphous and Polycrystalline Thin Film Science and Technology (San Fransisco, April 2006) vol.910, 0910-A04-04.
S. Chang and S. Sivoththaman, "Low-loss Inductors Built on PECVD Intrinsic Amorphous Silicon for RF Integrated Circuits", Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.30, no.4, pp.179-182, 2005.
S. Ali, M. Gharghi, K. Zeaiter, S. Sivoththaman, “Properties and Characteristics of Amorphous PECVD Silicon Nitride Films for Solar Cell Passivation”, Journal of Materials Science, vol.40, pp.1469-1473, 2005.
S. Sivoththaman and M.F. Baroughi, “Cost-effective Silicon-based Solar Cells, Material and Technology Issues”, Proceedings of the International Green Energy Conference (Waterloo, June 2005), paper number 1-149, CD-ROM.
S. Chang and S. Sivoththaman, “Low-loss Inductors built on PECVD Amorphous Silicon for RF Integrated Circuits”, Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (Saskatoon, May 2005) p.329 – 333.
M. Gharghi, H. Bai, G. Stevens, S. Sivoththaman, "Modeling and Simulation of Spherical Solar Cells", Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists' Conference" (Florida, January 2005), pp.1177-1180.
2000 - 2004
M. Baroughi, R. Jeyakumar, Y.Vygranenko, F. Khalvati, S. Sivoththaman, “Fabrication and Characterization of Amorphous Si/Crystalline Si Heterojunction Devices for Photovoltaic Applications”, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, vol.22, no.3, pp.1015-1019, 2004.
M.F. Baroughi and S. Sivoththaman, “Effects of Grain Boundaries in Amorphous/Multicrystalline Silicon Heterojunction Photovoltaic Devices”, MRS Proceedings: Materials for Photovoltaics, (Boston, December 2004), vol.836, p.L8.1 1-6.
M.F. Baroughi and S. Sivoththaman, Amorphous Si/Multicrystalline Si Heterojunctions for Photovoltaic Device Applications, American Institute of Physics: Proc. 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (Flagstaff, AZ, July 2004), vol.772, p.1535.
S. Ali, M. Gharghi, S. Sivoththaman, K. Zeaiter, “Properties and Characteristics of Amorphous PECVD Silicon Nitride Films for Solar Cell Passivation”, International Conference on the Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering of Solar Cells SCELL-2004 (Badajoz, Spain, May 2004).
H. Bai, M.Gharghi, S. Sivoththaman, G. Stevens, M. Hammerbacher, “A Quasi Three-Dimensional Model for Spherical Photovoltaic Devices”, Technical Digest of the 14th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference PVSEC-14 (Bangkok, Thailand, January 2004), Vol.2, p.769-770.
J. Szlufcik, S. Sivoththaman, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, and R. Van Overstraeten, "Low-Cost Industrial Manufacture of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells", (Chapter 2b, 30 pages), in "Practical Handbook of Photovoltaics - Fundamentals and Applications", Elsevier, 2003, ISBN 1856173909.
M. Baroughi and S. Sivoththaman, “Role of Interface Quality and Film Doping Density in a-Si/Crystalline Si Heterojunctions for Photovoltaic Applications”, MRS Proceedings: Critical Interfacial Issues in Thin-Film Optoelectronic and Energy Conversion Devices, (Boston, December 2003), vol.796, pp.V2.11 1-6.
M.F. Baroughi, R. Jeyakumar, Y. Vygranenko, F. Khalvati, S. Sivoththaman, “Fabrication and Characterization of a-Si/c-Si Heterojunction Devices for PV applications”, 11th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference (Ottawa, August 2003).
S. Sivoththaman, R. Jeyakumar, L. Ren, A. Nathan, “Characterization of Low-Permittivity (low-k) Polymeric Dielectric Films for Low Temperature Device Integration, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A, vol.20, pp.1149-1153, 2002.
J. Horzel, C. Allebe, J. Szlufcik, S. Sivoththaman, “Development of RTP for Industrial Solar Cell Processing”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, vol.72, pp.263-269, 2002.
F. Khalvati and S. Sivoththaman, “Quantum Efficiency Modeling of Amorphous/Crystalline Silicon Heterojunction Photovoltaic Devices”, MRS Proceedings, Progress in Semiconductors II – Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications (Boston, December 2002), vol.744, pp.M5.14 1-6.
R. Jeyakumar, K. Karim, S. Sivoththaman, A. Nathan, “Reactive Ion Etching and Via Opening in Low Permittivity Inter-Level Dielectric Films for Pixelated TFT Arrays”, Proc. Electrochemical Society Meeting: Thin Film Transistor Technologies VI (Salt Lake City, October 2002), pp.224-230.
R. Jeyakumar, K. Karim, S. Sivoththaman, A. Nathan, “Integration Issues for Polymeric Dielectrics in Large Area Electronics”, Proc. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (Nis, Yugoslavia, May 2002) pp.543-546.
R. Jeyakumar, L. Ren, S. Sivoththaman, “Effect of Ion-Accelerated Plasma Hydrogenation and Thermal Treatments on Hydrogen Silsesquioxane Low-k Dielectric Films”, MRS Proceedings: Silicon Materials-Processing, Characterization, and Reliability (San Fransisco, April 2002), vol.716, pp.B7.24.1-6.
Z. Gu, R. Jeyakumar, S. Sivoththaman, A. Nathan, “Synthesis and Characterization of Methyltriethoxysilane Based Low Permittivity Polymeric Dielectrics”, MRS Proceedings: Silicon Materials-Processing, Characterization, and Reliability (San Fransisco, April 2002), vol.716, pp.B7.23.1-6.
J.F. Nijs, J. Szlufcik, J. Poortmans, S. Sivoththaman, R.P. Metens, "Advanced Cost-effective Crystalline Si Solar Cell Technologies", Sol. Energy Mat. & Solar Cells, vol.65, pp. 249-259, 2001.
S. Sivoththaman, R. Jeyakumar, L. Ren, A. Nathan, “Characterization of Low Permittivity (low-k) Polymeric Dielectric Films for Low Temperature Device Integration”, 10th Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference (Ottawa, August 2001).
J. Horzel, C. Allebe, J. Szlufcik, S. Sivoththaman, "Development of RTP for Industrial Solar Cell Processing", Proc. European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) Spring Meeting (Strasbourg, France, June 2001).
S. Sivoththaman, "RTP based Low Thermal Budget Processing for Si Photovoltaic Devices", Workshop on Advanced Concepts for Low-Thermal Budget Processing of Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, (Leuven, Belgium, March 2001).
S. Sivoththaman, W. Laureys, P. De Schepper, J. Nijs, and R. Mertens, "Selective Emitters in Silicon by Single-step Rapid Thermal Diffusion for Photovoltaic Devices", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.21, no.6, pp. 274-276, 2000.
J. Poortmans, S. Sivoththaman, G. Beaucarne, "Study of Si Deposition in a Batch-Type LPCVD-System for Industrial Thin-Film Crystalline Si Solar Cells", Proc. 28th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Anchorage, Alaska, September 2000), pp.347-350.
J. Horzel, S. Sivoththaman, and J. Nijs, "Screen-printed Rapid Thermal Processed (RTP) Selective Emitter Solar Cells Using a Single Diffusion Step", Proc. 16th European PVSEC (Glasgow, UK, May 2000), vol.2, pp.1087-1090.
I. Pinter, A. Abdulhadi, C. Ducso, I. Barsony, J. Poortmans, S. Sivoththaman, H. Dekkers, G. Adriaenssens, "Silicon Solar Cells Prepared by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation – RTP Technique", Proc. 16th European PVSEC (Glasgow, UK, May 2000), vol.2, pp.1743-1746.
J. Nijs, J. Szlufcik, J. Poortmans, S. Sivoththaman, R. Mertens, "Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Technology for Today and Tomorrow", Proc. 16th European PVSEC (Glasgow, UK, May 2000), vol.2, pp.1064-1069.
1995 - 1999
J. Nijs, J. Szlufcik, J. Poortmans, S. Sivoththaman and R. Mertens, " Advanced Manufacturing Concepts for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells ", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.46, no.10, pp.1948-1969, 1999.
I. Pinter, A. Abdulhadi, Z. Makaro, N. Khanh, M. Adam, I. Barsony, J. Poortmans, S. Sivoththaman, H. Song, G. Adriaenssens, "Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation for Shallow Junctions in Si", Applied Surface Science, vol.138-139, pp. 224-227, 1999.
S. Sivoththaman, P. De Schepper, W. Laureys, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, " Improving Low Temperature APCVD SiO2 Passivation by Rapid Thermal Annealing", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol.19, no.12, pp.505-507, 1998.
I. Pinter, C. Ducso, N. Khanh, M. Adam, Z. Makaro, I. Barsony, S. Sivoththaman, J. Poortmans, G. Adrianssens, "Economical Shallow Emitter Formation by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and RTA Processes", Proc. 2nd World Conf. on PV Energy Conversion (Vienna, Austria, July 1998), pp 1475-1478.
S. Sivoththaman, J. Horzel, F. Duerinckx, P. De Schepper, W. Laureys, J. Szlufcik, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, "High Throughput Processing of Large Area mc-Silicon Solar Cells by Rapid Thermal Processing and Screenprinting", Proc. 2nd World Conf. on PV Energy Conversion (Vienna, Austria, July 1998), pp.1770-1773.
S. Sivoththaman, W. Laureys, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, "Rapid Thermal Annealing of Spin-coated Phosphoric Acid Films for Shallow Junction Formation ", Applied Physics Letters, vol.71, no.3, pp.392-394, 1997.
J. Szlufcik, S. Sivoththaman, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, R. Van Overstraeten, "Industrial Technologies for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells", Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.85, no.5, pp. 711-730, 1997.
M. Ghannam, S. Sivoththaman, J. Poortmans, J. Szlufcik, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, R. Van Overstraeten, "Trends in Industrial Silicon Solar Cell Processes", Solar Energy, vol.59, no.1-3, pp.101-110, 1997.
J. Nijs, S. Sivoththaman, J. Szlufcik, K. De Clercq, F. Duerinckx, E. Van Kerschaver, R. Einhaus, J. Poortmans, T. Vermeulen, R. Mertens, "Overview of Solar Cell Technologies and Results on High Efficiency mc-Si Substrates", Solar Energy Materials and Solar cells, vol.48, pp.199-217, 1997.
S. Sivoththaman, J. Horzel, W. Laureys, F. Duerinckx, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, "Towards a Fast and Cost-effective Production of Industrial Size Si Solar Cells Using Rapid Thermal Processing & Screenprinting" , Proc.14th European PVSEC (Barcelona, Spain, July 1997), pp.400-403.
J.C. Muller, R. Schindler, S. Sivoththaman, L. Pirozzi, A. Laugier, T. Theiler, F. Schomann, and L. Frisson, “Low Thermal Budget Processing for Continuous Manufacturing of Silicon Solar Cells”, Proc.14th European PVSEC (Barcelona, Spain, July 1997), pp.100-103.
J. Nijs, S. Sivoththaman, J. Szlufcik, J. Poortmans, R. Mertens, "Modern Technologies for Polycrystalline Si Solar Cells", Solid State Phemomena, vol. 51-52, pp. 461-472, 1996.
J. Nijs, S. Sivoththaman, J. Poortmans, R. Mertens, "New Technologies for Multicrystalline Si Cells", Sunshine Workshop (Tokyo, Japan, November 1996).
J. Nijs, S. Sivoththaman, J. Szlufcik, K. De Clercq, F. Duerinckx, E. Van Kerschaver, R. Einhaus, J. Poortmans, T. Vermeulen, R. Mertens, "Overview of Solar Cell Technologies and Results on mc-Si Substrates", Technical Digest of the 9th PVSEC (Miyazaki, Japan, November 1996), pp.89-92.
S. Sivoththaman, W. Laureys, P. DeSchepper, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, "Rapid Thermal Processing of Conventionally & Electromagnetically Cast 100 cm2 Multicrystalline Si", Proc. 25th IEEE PVSC (Washington DC, May 1996), pp.621 - 624.
J. Horzel, W. Storm, T. Tenkler, S. Sivoththaman, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, G. Adriaenssens, "Improved Understanding and Characterization of Rapid Thermal Oxides", Proc. 25th IEEE PVSC (Washington DC, May 1996), pp.581 - 584.
S. Sivoththaman, W. Laureys, P. DeSchepper, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, "Fabrication of Large Area Si Solar Cells by RTP", Applied Physics Letters, vol.67, no.16, pp.2335-2337, 1995.
H. Elgamel, S. Sivoththaman, M. Ghannam, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, M. Rodot, D. Sarti, L. Nam, "640 mV VOC Multicrystalline Si Solar Cells: Role of Base Doping on Device Parameters", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol.36, no.1, pp.99 - 105, 1995.
J. Nijs, H. Elgamel, J. Szlufcik, S. Sivoththaman, O. Evrard, K. DeClercq, P. DeSchepper, J. Poortmans, M. Ghannam, R. Mertens, "Recent Results Obtained at IMEC on Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells", Renewable Energy, vol.6, no.5-6, pp.573-578, 1995.
S. Sivoththaman, J. Poortmans, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, "Investigation of Surface Passivation Techniques for High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells", Proc. 13th European PVSEC, (Nice, France, October 1995), pp.1428 - 1431.
S. Sivoththaman, W. Laureys, P. DeSchepper, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, "Large Area Silicon Solar Cells Fabricated by Rapid Thermal Processing", Proc. 13th European PVSEC, (Nice, France, October 1995), pp.1574 - 1577.
S. Sivoththaman, W. Laureys, J. Nijs, R. Mertens, "Rapid Thermal Oxidation of Heavily Doped Si for Advanced Solar Cell Processing", MRS Proceedings: Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing IV, (San Fransisco, April 1995), vol.387, pp.259-264.
1990 - 1994
A. Barhdadi, S. Sivoththaman, M. Rodot, J. Maurice, A. Riviere, "Investigation of Minority Carrier Diffusion Length in Multicrystalline Si by Quantitative Electron Beam Induced Current Mapping", Solid State Phenomena, vol.37-38, pp. 189-194, 1994.
B. Hartiti, S. Sivoththaman, R. Schindler, J. Nijs, J.C. Muller, P. Siffert, "Low Temperature Formation of Emitter and BSF by Rapid Thermal co-Diffusion of P, Al, and B", Proc. 24th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, (Hawaii, December 1994), pp.1519 - 1522.
S. Sivoththaman, B. Hartiti, J, Nijs, A. Barhdadi, M. Rodot, J. Muller, W. Laureys, D. Sarti, "High Efficiency Multicrystalline Si Solar Cells: Comparison Between Conventional and Rapid Thermal Processes", Proc. 12th European PVSEC (Amsterdam, April 1994), pp.47 - 51.
S. Sivoththaman, M. Rodot, J. Muller, B. Hartiti, M. Ghannam, H. Elgamel, J. Nijs, D. Sarti, "Enhancement of Diffusion Length of Pre-gettered Multicrystalline Silicon Solar Cells by Hydrogen Ion Implantation at the End of the Process", Applied Physics Letters, vol.62, no.24, pp.3172 - 3173, 1993.
M. Ghannam, S. Sivoththaman, J. Nijs, M. Rodot, R. Mertens, "Tailoring Degradation of the Quantum Efficiency of mc-Si Cells Caused by Non-optimized P Diffusion", Proc. 23rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Louisville, KY, May 1993), pp.122 – 126.
S. Sivoththaman, M. Rodot, D. Sarti, L.Q.Nam, M. Ghannam, J. Nijs, "Spectral Response and Dark I-V Characterization of Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells with Conventional and Selective Emitters", Proc. 23rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Louisville, KY, May 1993), pp.335 - 339.
M. Ghannam, S. Sivoththaman, H. Elgamel, J. Nijs, M. Rodot, D. Sarti, "636 mV Open Circuit Voltage Multicrystalline Si Solar Cell on Polix Material", Proc. 23rd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (Louisville, KY, May 1993), pp.106 - 110.
S. Sivoththaman, M. Rodot, R. Suryanarayanan, A. Eyer, "Optical Lamp Recrystallization of Plasma-Sprayed Silicon Deposits on Different Substrates", Materials Research Bulletin, vol.27, pp.425 - 430, 1992.
S. Sivoththaman and M. Rodot, "Preparation and Characterization of Silicon Ribbons", Crucial issues in Semiconductor Materials and Processing Technologies, NATO ASI Series E Applied Sciences, vol.222, pp.49 - 53, 1992.
J. Nijs, M. Ghannam, J. Coppye, G. Palmers, L.Q.Nam, M.Rodot, S. Sivoththaman, D.Sarti, "A 15-16% Efficient Polycrystalline Si Solar Cell Using a Relatively Simple Technology", Proc. 11th European PVSEC (Montreux, Switzerland, October 1992), pp.164 – 167.
G. Sissoko, S. Sivoththaman, M. Rodot, P. Mialhe, F. Pelanchon, "Constant Illumination-Induced Open Circuit Voltage Decay (CIOCVD) Method as Applied to High Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells for Bulk and Surface Characterization", Proc. 11th European PVSEC (Montreux, Switzerland, October 1992), pp.352 - 354.
S. Sivoththaman, L.Q.Nam, M. Rodot, J. Nijs, M. Ghannam, J. Coppye, G. Palmers, D. Sarti, "Optimization of Bulk and Surface Recombination Parameters in High Efficiency Polycrystalline Si Solar Cells", Proc. 11th European PVSEC (Montreux, Switzerland, October 1992), pp.377 - 380.
G. Brun, S. Sivoththaman, R. Suryanarayanan, M. Rodot, "A Laboratory-made Substrate Handling System for Obtaining Plasma Sprayed Deposits", Measurement Science and Technology, vol.2, pp.985-988, 1991.
F. Lasnier, S. Sivoththaman, "An Electronic Circuit to Facilitate PV Regulators to be Used in PV-Hybrid Systems", Solar & Wind Technology, vol.7, no.6, pp.735 -737, 1990.
F. Lasnier, S. Sivoththaman, "Photovoltaic System Sizing and Performance by the Comparison of Demand and Expected Radiations", International Journal of Solar Energy, vol.9, pp.65 - 76, 1990.
F. Lasnier, S. Sivoththaman, "Prediction of Photovoltaic System Performance Using Cumulative Frequency Curves of Radiations", Solar & Wind Technology, vol.7, no.5, pp.577 - 583, 1990.