Nazmul Alam

Former PhD Student

Image of Nazmul Alam
Solid phase microextraction (SPME) is a rapid growing sample preparation technique used for analytical applications. We have developed a mechanistic mathematical model for the processes occurring in SPME extraction of analyte from a sample. The parameters that contribute to the uptake kinetics of the SPME has been computationally simulated with Comsol MultiphysicsTM. We are currently developing mathematical models which will provide a clearer understanding of the SPME processes and optimum experimental parameters without the need to perform a large number of experiments in the laboratory. This research project is in collaboration with Professor Janus Pawliszyn of Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo. The respective publications of this project is available in here.

Thesis: Numerical Modeling of Solid-Phase Microextraction: Binding Matrix Effect on EquilibriumTime