Chemistry Graduate Student Society Constitution

1. Name and Affiliation

The name of the organization will be "Chemistry Graduate Student Society" (CGSS) of the Department of Chemistry, University of Waterloo. The departmental Graduate Student Association (dGSA) is composed of the Officers and will serve to fulfill the purposes of this constitution. This association agrees to adhere to the stated regulations of the University of Waterloo Graduate Student Association (GSA).

2. Objectives

The purpose of the Association is to provide an academic, political, and social forum for the graduate students of Chemistry Department of the University of Waterloo (UW) to enrich their experience. More specifically, by:

  • Providing representation to chemistry graduate students.
  • Participate in policy development related to chemistry graduate students.
  • Nominating and electing Representatives to Department and Faculty Committees and the UW Graduate Student Association (GSA) Council to represent the best interests and voice of CGSS graduate students.
  • Promoting socialization among chemistry graduate students by organization of social events.
  • Promoting socialization between the Department of Chemistry and the chemistry graduate students.
  • Holding educational events relevant to Department of Chemistry graduate students.

3. Affiliation

The Association is affiliated with the UW-GSA and the SGSA and compliant with UW-GSA bylaws and policies.

4. Membership

  1. All full-time and part-time registered students in a graduate degree program in the Chemistry department at the University of Waterloo are automatically members of CGSS.
  2. No discrimination (UW – Policy 33)
  3. Rights of membership include the right to:
    1. Vote in elections.
    2. Speak at General Meetings.
    3. Participate in all activities of the CGSS.

5. CGSS Officers and Duties of Officers

  1. The executive members include:
    1. President (max 2)
      1. The President is the official representative of the CGSS and is responsible for supervising all affairs and activities of CGSS.
      2. The President is responsible for chairing meetings and shall arrange to hold all mandatory meetings at their scheduled intervals (see section 6. Meetings)
      3. Generally being the main contact person(s) for the dGSA (Coordinate with GSA, other dGSA councils, with faculty, administrators, etc.) and coordinating/delegating as necessary to keep everything running efficiently.
      4. Be responsible for application to the GSA, or any other administrative body.
      5. Serve, along with the Treasurer, as one of the co-signees of the Association's bank account.
      6. Assist Vice-President and Treasurer in keeping records of meeting notes and budget allocations. 
    2. Vice President (max 2)
      1. Assume all duties and responsibilities of the President in their absence.
      2. Serve along with the President to address issues relevant to chemistry graduate students with the department administration.
      3. Keep record of meeting minutes at every meeting; including all decisions agreed upon. Coordinate with treasurer to provide up-to-date summary of events to GSA annually.
      4. Be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date email list of all members.
      5. Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the executive committee.
      6. Generally being the right-hand person for the President and help with running of events, meetings with other groups, faculty etc.
    3. Treasurer (max 2)
      1. Serve, along with the President, as one of the co-signees of the Association’s bank account.
      2. Shall be in charge of receiving funds, maintaining funds, and appropriately allocating funds using the CGSS bank account.
      3. Provide up-to-date financial statements once per term.
      4. Instigate any fundraising events (if necessary) to maintain a reasonable balance in the account.
      5. Keep record of all budget allocations, funds gained, and funds used within departmental events/ fundraisers. Provide up-to-date financial statements to the GSA annually.
    4. Secretary (max 2)
      1. Serve on the executive alongside President and Vice-President.
      2. Record and distribute meeting minutes.
      3. Keep record of all necessary documentation.
      4. Assist treasurer in keeping financial records.
    5. Graduate Student Association (GSA) Representative (max 1)
      1. Represent the interests and voice of the Association and its membership at all GSA meetings.
      2. Engage with and gather feedback from all membership to inform decisions at GSA Council.
      3. Serve as a point of contact for all membership for information of GSA related resources.
      4. Keep GSA Council appraised of activities of the Association at GSA Council.
      5. Report on GSA activities to the Association in a timely manner.
      6. Find an alternative to attend in their place as GSA Council when it is necessary.  
  2. Additional dGSA members include:
    1. (GWC)2 Coordinating Committee Waterloo Graduate Student Representative (max 1)
      1. Represent the interest of the chemistry graduate students from the University of Waterloo for (GWC)2. (GWC)2 representative members meet to discuss issues related to the operation of the (GWC)2 in relation to review and discussion of procedures and processes that affect the operation of (GWC)2
      2. Attend the (GWC)2 Coordinating Committee Meetings – held a minimum once a year.  Meetings are usually held either in early September or January, but other meetings may be convened throughout the year.
    2. Social Representative (max 3)
      1. Engage with members to determine the interest in various activities for events.
      2. Promote events to members.
      3. Aid the Treasurer in fundraising events.
    3. Safety Representative (max 3)
      1. Communicate with the safety office or safety committee members in the department regarding any safety concerns expressed by CGSS members.
      2. Take initiative to maintain high safety measures in research laboratories.
    4. International Student Representative (max 3)
      1. Represent and communicate concerns specific to international students.
    5. Graduate TA Representative (max 3)
      1. Serving as a liaison between the graduate student body and the Associate Chair of Graduate Studies.
    6. EDI Representative (max 3)
      1. Represent the graduate students in the GWC2 EDI-I committee/ departmental EDI committee.
      2. Planning CGSS events that promote EDI (1/term).
      3. Liaison for graduate students expressing EDI concerns.
  3. Non-executive members include:
    1. Member at Large (any #)
      1. Help to plan and organize social activities for CGSS in conjunction with all members at large and the executive officers.
      2. Submit all proposed social activities, along with budgetary information where applicable, to the executive officers for discussion and final approval.

6. Elections

  1. Timing and Terms

Elections shall take place in the Fall term each year, normally mid-term at a convenient date during the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The term of office for all positions shall be for one academic “year” starting in the following Winter term (January – December). No one person may hold the President position more than twice; this does not include selections resulting from a vacancy.

  1. Nomination and Voting

Quorum for election voting will be 20% of all Chemistry Graduate Student or 15 total students (whichever is less). All other voting (i.e. self-nominations to vacant position after the election) will require a majority vote of the current dGSA officers (50%+1).

All nominations will be self-nominations via an online form and open to all members. The candidate who receives the most votes will win the position. The election will be conducted by online ballot to allow for all members of the Association to participate independent of geographical location. If there is one (1) candidate for a position, that candidate will still require a vote in favour to be elected to the position (see 6.2 quorum).

Elections will be conducted by a Chief Returning Officer (CRO), which is typically the outgoing President or other Executive Committee member. The CRO is the person responsible for the administration of elections and does not have a conflict of interest with the current election, which includes running in the election. The CRO shall abstain their vote in elections for all positions, except in the event of a tie.

The election period will consist of the following sections:

  • Nomination period. This will be open via an online form for a minimum of 7 calendar days prior to the AGM. Candidates will submit their self-nominations to the CRO.
  • Campaign period. During the AGM, the CRO will introduce all the candidates and their statements of interest.
  • Voting Period. The voting period will take place no less than 2 calendar days after the AGM and last for 7 calendar days. CGSS members can vote for 1 candidate per position via an online, anonymous form. 
  1. Special Situations
  • Executive members are permitted to hold up to two positions; however, one cannot be both the President and Treasurer, or President and Vice-President simultaneously. Furthermore, one must have experience as a CGSS executive member prior to becoming President, unless no experienced executive members are interested.
  • Candidates for positions shall abstain their vote for elections of their desired position. 
  • If no one eligible steps forward for a position, then a General Meeting must be called to find a solution, and, if required, amend the constitution.
  • Throughout the year, any vacant position can be filled by a self-nomination and a current dGSA officer vote in favour (see 6.2 quorum).  
  • If all candidates are in agreement, candidates may run together as a joint nomination to hold the duties of a single position together. This is with a maximum of two candidates for all executive position, a maximum of three for representative positions (excluding the GSA and GWC2 representative for which can only be held by one person) and with no maximum for the members-at-large. 
  • If only one nomination (or one joint nomination) occurs for a role, they may be appointed after a CGSS vote in favour (see 6.2 quorum). 
  • If any executive position is not filled, the responsibilities of the vacant position(s) can be distributed to filled executive members at an executive meeting.

7. Meetings

  1. Annual General Meeting (AGM) (Annually in mid-Fall term):
    1. The AGM for CGSS shall be convened once every year on a convenient date.
    2. The president will send notification of the AGM via email to each member at least seven days in advance of the date set for the AGM.
    3. At this general meeting, the president will discuss the affairs of the CGSS, provide updates to the CGSS membership, and hear concerns, questions, or feedback.
    4. The quorum for the AGM of CGSS must include the president, at least one of: vice-president or treasurer and at least 10 members of the general membership (either in-person or online).
    5. By default, any voting at the AGM shall be by secret, online ballot and be ruled by majority.
    6. A summary of every AGM will be relayed to all members of the executive afterwards.
    7. A summary of every AGM will be relayed to the entire CGSS afterwards.
  2. dGSA Officer Meetings (Every Term)
    1. The quorum for the dGSA Officer meetings shall be a simple majority of the members of the dGSA.
    2. The dGSA must meet at least once per term. 
    3. The purpose of the dGSA committee meetings is to relay information gained by representatives, plan social events, and hear concerns from any member of the CGSS. 
    4. Any member of CGSS may join an executive committee meeting by approval from one of the executive members. 
    5. By default, any voting at the special general meeting shall be ruled by majority.
    6. A summary of every dGSA meeting will be relayed to all members of the dGSA afterwards. 
  3. Special General Meeting (As Requested):
    1. A special general meeting of CGSS may be called at any time by the President in consultation with the executive committee or shall be called by the executive committee at the written request of at least three members of the CGSS or by signed petition of 10% of the membership.
    2. Notification of the special general meeting shall be given to each member of CGSS via email at least three days in advance of the date set for the meeting.
    3. Notice of the special general meeting shall state the business for which the meeting is called.
    4. By default, any voting at the special general meeting shall be by secret online ballot.
  4. Executive Committee Meetings (ECM) (Every Month):
    1. The quorum for the Executive Committee meetings shall be a simple majority of the members of the Executive Committee.
    2. All executive officers must meet at least once per month.
    3. Any member of CGSS may join an executive committee meeting by approval from one of the executive members.
    4. By default, any voting at the special general meeting shall be ruled by majority.
    5. A summary of every (ECM) will be relayed to all members of the dGSA afterwards.

8. Amendments to the Constitution

  1. Amendments to the Constitution will be reviewed at the AGM. Amendments may also be considered at any special general meetings with the purpose of changing the Constitution, or at executive committee meetings. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the executive committee and/or by members of CGSS. 
  2. Quorum for amendments will be 20% of all Chemistry Graduate Student or 15 total students (whichever is less).
  3. Failure to obtain either a Constitutional quorum or a simple majority shall result in the failure of the proposed amendment.

9. Risk Management Plan

All concerns and/or issues not addressed herein shall be managed within and at the discretion of the Association’s Executive Committee. Where the Executive Committee cannot be impartial or cannot reach a solution internally, assistance from the GSA shall be sought.

10. Equity and Inclusion

We strive to be an equitable and inclusive community, rich with diversity, protecting the human rights of all graduate students of the Department of Chemistry and based upon understanding and mutual respect for the dignity and worth of every person. We seek to ensure to the greatest extent possible that all students and graduate students of the Department of Chemistry enjoy the opportunity to participate as they see fit in the full range of activities that the Department of Chemistry offers and to achieve their full potential as graduate students of the Department of Chemistry. We acknowledge that the GSA-UW, is an advocacy partner and we will work with them when issues and concerns relate to equity, diversity and inclusion.  

The Department of Chemistry is actively committed to achieving a learning environment free of discrimination and harassment as defined in the Ontario Human Rights Code. In striving to become an equitable community, we will also work to eliminate, reduce, or mitigate the adverse effects of any barriers to full participation in the Department of Chemistry that we find, including physical, environmental, attitudinal, communication or technological.

11. Dissolution

In the event of dissolution or windup of the Association and following the payment of all outstanding debts, liabilities, costs, charges and expenses properly incurred in winding up, the Association shall transfer all its property, documents and assets to the SGSA for safe keeping.