2024 member publications

Person writing

A collection of publications that our members contributed to in 2024. 

December 2024

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and Indigenous Peoples’ health and wellbeing: a systematic umbrella review protocol – co-authored by Warren Dodd, Susan J. Elliott, and Hannah Neufeld 

National-level and state-level prevalence of overweight and obesity among children, adolescents, and adults in the USA, 1990–2021, and forecasts up to 2050 – co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Stabilized Cu⁺-OH species on in situ reconstructed Cu nanoparticles for CO₂-to-C₂H₄ conversion in neutral media – co-authored by Chao Tan and Yimin A. Wu 

New York State Climate Impacts Assessment Chapter 10: Water Resources – co-authored by Kelsey Leonard 

Real-time evaluation of signal accuracy in wastewater surveillance of pathogens with high rates of mutation – co-authored by Trevor Charles 

Radar near-field sensing using metasurface for biomedical applications – co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi 

Perceptions of carbon dioxide emission reductions and future warming among climate experts – co-authored by Seth Wynes 

Burden of disease scenarios by state in the USA, 2022–50: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 – co-authored by Zahid Butt and Simron Singh 

Interspecies-chimera machine vision with polarimetry for real-time navigation and anti-glare pattern recognition – co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Global, regional, and national burden of HIV/AIDS, 1990–2021, and forecasts to 2050, for 204 countries and territories: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 – co-authored by Angela Carter and Zahid Butt 

The Migration Intersections Grid: An Organizing Framework for Migration Research in and through the Twenty-first Century – co-authored by Robert McLeman 

The burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors by state in the USA, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 – co-authored by Zahid Butt and Simron Singh 

SARS-CoV-2 viral titer measurements in Ontario, Canada wastewaters throughout the COVID-19 pandemic – co-authored by Trevor Charles 

Three foci at the science-policy interface for systemic Sustainable Development Goal acceleration – co-authored by Jonathan Li and Vanessa Schweizer 

Soil carbon dynamics in perennial biomass crops on marginally productive cropland in southern Canada – co-authored by Maren Oelbermann 

Exploring the dynamic evolution of lattice oxygen on exsolved-Mn₂O₃@SmMn₂O₅ interfaces for NO oxidation – co-authored by Yimin A. Wu and Jonathan Li 

Use of multiple reference data sources to cross-validate gridded snow water equivalent products over North America – co-authored by Chris Derksen 

A global dataset of gross nitrogen transformation rates across terrestrial ecosystems – co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen 

Global, regional, and national progress towards the 2030 global nutrition targets and forecasts to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 – co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Simple and inexpensive microwave setup for industrial-based applications: Quantification of flower honey adulteration as a case study – co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi 

Towards a spatially resolved, single-ended TDLAS system for characterizing the distribution of gaseous species – co-authored by Kyle J. Daun 

Reconstructing SARS-CoV-2 lineages from mixed wastewater sequencing data – co-authored by Jozef Nissimov and Trevor Charles 

Embedding Reverse Electron Transfer Between Stably Bare Cu Nanoparticles and Cation-Vacancy CuWO₄ – co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Identifying latent classes of physical activity profiles over time among adolescents in Ontario, Canada – co-authored by Kelly Skinner 

Bayesian statistical model for quantifying defects in monolayer MoS₂ – co-authored by Kyle J. Daun 

“If I was in charge”: A qualitative investigation of water security, gender-based violence, and wellbeing in Kenya – co-authored by Susan J. Elliott 

Evaluating the Use of the Penman–Monteith and Priestley–Taylor Algorithms for Modelling Peatland Evapotranspiration Using the Cold Regions Hydrological Model – co-authored by Richard Petrone 

Mining and Climate Change Alters Water Storage and Streamflow Dynamics of Northern Peatland-Dominated Catchments – co-authored by Jonathan Price 

Gender dimensions of water vending in LMICs: A scoping review – co-authored by Susan J. Elliott 

Multi-physics ensemble modelling of Arctic tundra snowpack properties – co-authored by Chris Derksen 

Environmental stressors and zoonoses in the Arctic: Learning from the past to prepare for the future – co-authored by Kelly Skinner 

Genomic surveillance of Canadian airport wastewater samples allows early detection of emerging SARS-CoV-2 lineages – co-authored by Trevor Charles 

The syndemics of food and water insecurities on emotional distress and overall wellbeing in Ghana: Findings from a cross-sectional study – co-authored by Susan J. Elliott 

November 2024

Cross-Sector Partnerships to Address Societal Grand Challenges: Systematizing Differences in Scholarly Analysis - co-authored by Amelia Clarke 

YOLOShipTracker: Tracking ships in SAR images using lightweight YOLOv8 - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Building detection in VHR remote sensing images using a novel dual attention residual-based U-Net (DAttResU-Net): An application to generating building change maps - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Exploring the syndemic impact of COVID-19 and mental health on health services utilisation among adult Ontario population - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Global, regional, and national stillbirths at 20 weeks' gestation or longer in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2021: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Corporate governance mechanisms and carbon disclosure: A multilevel and multitheory literature survey - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson 

Do linear clearings in boreal peatlands recover? Comparing taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional plant diversity - co-authored by Maria Strack 

Synergistic Layered Design of Aerogel Nanocomposite of Graphene Nanoribbon/MXene with Tunable Absorption Dominated Electromagnetic Interference Shielding - co-authored by Chao Tan 

Development, validity, and reliability assessment of the Canadian Food Literacy Measure - co-authored by Sharon Kirkpatrick 

Predicting interfacial tension in brine-hydrogen/cushion gas systems under subsurface conditions: Implications for hydrogen geo-storage - co-authored by Yuri Leonenko 

A simple snow temperature index model exposes discrepancies between reanalysis snow water equivalent products - co-authored by Chris Derksen 

Physicochemical perturbation increases nitrous oxide production from denitrification in soils and sediments - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen 

Constructing the Al deficiency in Si-O(H)-Al units based on Pt/ZSM-5 for enhanced hydrocracking of polyethylene into high-quality liquid fuel - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Advancing ski tourism transformations to climate change: A multi-stakeholder participatory approach in diverse Canadian destinations - co-authored by Daniel J. Scott 

Riparian vegetation influences aquatic greenhouse gas production in an agricultural landscape - co-authored by Maren Oelbermann 

Optimization of Dry Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste in Leachate Bed Reactors - co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee 

Solar Geoengineering, Learning, and Experimentation - co-authored by Juan B. Moreno-Cruz 

Insights into Mechanisms of Reverse Water Gas Shift Activity Enhancement over Reverse Microemulsion-Synthesized CuCeO2 - co-authored by David Simakov 

The levelized cost of carbon abatement (LCCA) in substituting conventional ammonia production with power-to-ammonia for fertilizer, hydrogen and export - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu 

Enhanced CO2-to-CH4 conversion via grain boundary oxidation effect in CuAg systems - co-authored by Chao Tan and Yimin A. Wu 

Constraining seasonal and spatial ambient and urban groundwater contributions to streamflow across a mixed land-use regional-scale Precambrian Shield watershed - co-authored by Merrin L. Macrae 

Examining the role of community health workers amid extreme weather events in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review - co-authored by Warren Dodd 

Insights into the role of surface oxygen vacancy in CuCeO2 catalyst for reverse water gas shift - co-authored by David Simakov 

A robust numerical method for the generation and propagation of periodic finite-amplitude internal waves in natural waters using high-accuracy simulations - co-authored by Marek Stastna 

Post-disaster housing recovery estimation: Data and lessons learned from the 2017 Tubbs and 2018 Camp Fires - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa 

Research gaps and priorities for quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) - co-authored by Monica Emelko 

Reverse microemulsion synthesis promotes the formation of iron carbide in direct hydrogenation of CO2 to light hydrocarbons - co-authored by David Simakov 

How does restoration ecology consider climate change uncertainties in forested ecosystems? - co-authored by Andrew Trant 

Increase in gross primary production of boreal forests balanced out by increase in ecosystem respiration - co-authored by Chris Derksen 

Optimizing Construction Work-Rest Schedules and Worker Reassignment Utilizing Wristband Physiological Data - co-authored by Plinio Pelegrini Morita 

October 2024

The Irish drought impacts database: A 287-year database of drought impacts derived from newspaper archives - co-authored by Robert McLeman 

Editorial overview: Climate finance, risks, and accounting - co-authored by Olaf Weber 

Exploring the decision-making process in model development: focus on the Arctic snowpack - co-authored by Chris Derksen 

Assessing the influence of climate controls on grapevine biophysical responses: a review of Ontario viticulture in a changing climate - co-authored by Richard Petrone and Merrin L. Macrae 

Root and biomass allocation traits predict changes in plant species and communities over four decades of global change - co-authored by Julie Messier 

On the definition of the marginal ice zone: a case study with SAR and passive microwave data - co-authored by Linlin Xu and Katharine Andrea Scott 

Texas water markets: Understanding their trends, drivers, and future potential - co-authored by Dustin Garrick 

Advancement of a Blended Hydrologic Model for Robust Model Performance - co-authored by James Craig and Bryan A. Tolson 

Seasonal- and Event-Scale Stream DOC Dynamics in Northern Hardwood-Dominated Headwater Catchments of Contrasting Forest Harvest History - co-authored by Micheal A. Stone and Monica Emelko 

Tracking the Filling, Outburst Flood and Resulting Subglacial Water Channel From a Large Canadian Arctic Subglacial Lake - co-authored by Wesley Van Wychen and Christine Dow 

Spatially and temporally differentiated characterization factors for supply risk of abiotic resources in life cycle assessment - co-authored by Steven Young 

Multi-regional economic recovery simulation using an Adaptive Regional Input–Output (ARIO) framework - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa 

Geothermal Energy Extraction-Induced Ground Movement Monitoring by InSAR and Its Implication for Reservoir Management - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Reframing climate security: The “planetary” as policy context - co-authored by Simon Dalby 

September 2024

How long-term emancipatory programming facilitates participatory evaluation: Building a methodology of participation through research with youth in Honduras - co-authored by Warren Dodd 

Computational and Machine Learning Methods for CO2 Capture Using Metal-Organic Frameworks - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

On the three-dimensional structure of instabilities beneath shallow-shoaling internal waves - co-authored by Marek Stastna 

Patterns and mechanisms of repeat drainages of glacier-dammed Dań Zhùr (Donjek) Lake, Yukon - co-authored by Christine Dow 

A Bayesian error model for quantifying methane and carbon dioxide column densities from hyperspectral measurements - co-authored by Kyle Daun 

STATNet: One-stage coal-gangue detector based on deep learning algorithm for real industrial application - co-authored by Linlin Xu and Chao Tan 

Corrigendum to “Characterizing satellite-derived freeze/thaw regimes through spatial and temporal clustering for the identification of growing season constraints on vegetation productivity” - co-authored by Chris Derksen 

Evaluating a public–private data-sharing platform for improving flood insurance availability and affordability in Canada - co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Henstra 

Large eddy simulation analysis of a model reactive tracer through spatial filtering - co-authored by Marek Stastna 

Reverse Hydrogen Spillover on Metal Oxides for Water-Promoted Catalytic Oxidation Reactions - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Concepts and criteria defining emerging microbiome applications - co-authored by Trevor Charles 

Spatiotemporal evolution and key driver analysis of ozone pollution from the perspectives of spatial spillover and path-dependence effects in China - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson 

August 2024

Characterizing satellite-derived freeze/thaw regimes through spatial and temporal clustering for the identification of growing season constraints on vegetation productivity - co-authored by Chris Derksen 

Screen Time and Mental Health in Canadian Youth: An Examination of Nationally Representative Data - co-authored by Dillon T. Browne 

Sharing data and code facilitates reproducible and impactful research - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa 

What drives companies’ progress on their emission reduction targets? - co-authored by Olaf Weber 

Investigating the absorption properties of metal nanoparticle aggregates during time-resolved laser-induced incandescence - co-authored by Kyle J. Daun 

Youth mental health in a Canadian community sample during COVID-19: Exploring the role of perceived sense of belonging - co-authored by Dillon T. Browne 

The ever-changing tree of life - co-authored by Laura Hug 

Cobalt as a potential limiting factor for heterocyst frequency in nitrogen-limited Aphanizomenon and Dolichospermum: Evidence from experimental and field studies - co-authored by Sherry Schiff 

Drinking water QMRA and decision-making: Sensitivity of risk to common independence assumptions about model inputs - co-authored by Monica Emelko 

Emergence of Ferroelectricity in p-Type 2D In1.75Sb0.25Se3 - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Developing an expansion-based obstacle detection using panoptic segmentation - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Behavior of piled rafts in sand under nonuniform and eccentric loads - co-authored by Dipanjan Basu 

Sociodemographic Determinants of Extreme Heat and Ozone Risk Among Older Adults in 3 Sun Belt Cities - co-authored by Peter Crank 

Retrieving heavy metal concentrations in urban soil using satellite hyperspectral imagery - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Modification strategy for advanced Mn-based layered transition metal oxide cathode for sodium-ion batteries - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Corrigendum to “Reaction kinetics for high pressure hydrogen oxy-combustion in the presence of high levels of H2O and CO2” [Combust. Flame 247 (2023) 112498] (Combustion and Flame (2023) 247, (S0010218022005077), (10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112498) - co-authored by Eric Croiset 

Efficient detection of ephemeral gully trajectories using topographic index-based approach: Calibration-free for large-scale applications - co-authored by Derek T. Robinson 

The AutoICE Challenge - co-authored by Linlin Xu, Katharine Andrea Scott, and David Clausi 

July 2024

Global, regional, and national age-specific progress towards the 2020 milestones of the WHO End TB Strategy: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Angela Carter and Zahid Butt 

Energy democracy, public participation, and support for local energy system change in Canada - co-authored by Ian H. Rowlands 

Advancing Evaluation of Microplastics Thresholds to Inform Water Treatment Needs and Risks - co-authored by Monica Emelko 

ZIFs-Derived Hollow Nanostructures via a Strong/Weak Coetching Strategy for Long-Life Rechargeable Zn–Air Batteries - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Microbial communities change along the 300 km length of the Grand River for extreme high-and low-flow regimes - co-authored by Sherry Schiff 

Leveraging machine learning in porous media - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Developing a transdisciplinary tool for water risk management and decision-support in Ontario, Canada - co-authored by Olaf Weber, Horatiu Rus, and Jason Thistlethwaite 

Urban Stormwater Phosphorus Export Control: Comparing Traditional and Low-impact Development Best Management Practices - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen 

Variable soil moisture responses to rainfall events in fields under different management practices - co-authored by Merrin L. Macrae 

Progress and Prospects for Applications of Extracellular Electron Transport Mechanism in Environmental Biotechnology - co-authored by Joyce Kim 

DAAL-WS: A weakly-supervised method integrated with data augmentation and active learning strategies for MLS point cloud semantic segmentation - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Towards an understanding of the biopsychosocial determinants of CVD in SLE: a scoping review - co-authored by Susan J. Elliott 

COFNet: A deep learning model to predict the specific surface area of covalent-organic frameworks using structural images and statistic features - co-authored by Chao Tan 

Isolated Iridium Sites on Potassium-Doped Carbon-nitride wrapped Tellurium Nanostructures for Enhanced Glycerol Photooxidation - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

A comparative study of data input selection for deep learning-based automated sea ice mapping - co-authored by Linlin Xu, Katharine Andrea Scott, and David Clausi 

Developing a tile drainage module for the Cold Regions Hydrological Model: lessons from a farm in southern Ontario, Canada - co-authored by Merrin L. Macrae and Richard Petrone 

Accuracy of energy and nutrient intake estimation versus observed intake using 4 technology-assisted dietary assessment methods: a randomized crossover feeding study - co-authored by Sharon Kirkpatrick 

Removal of organic contamination from wastewater using granular activated carbon modified–Polyethylene glycol: Characterization, kinetics and isotherm study - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Incorporating failure mode and effects analysis into a novel framework for hydrogen production from solid waste gasification - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Improving the Estimation of Lake Ice Thickness with High-Resolution Radar Altimetry Data - co-authored by Claude Duguay 

Metal cation crosslinked, partially reduced graphene oxide membranes with enhanced stability for high salinity, produced water treatment by pervaporative separation - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Greener through gender: What climate mainstreaming can learn from gender mainstreaming - co-authored by Kelly Skinner 

Horizontal Wells for Enhanced CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers - co-authored by Yuri Leonenko 

Subglacial Discharge Accelerates Dynamic Retreat of Aurora Subglacial Basin Outlet Glaciers, East Antarctica, Over the 21st Century - co-authored by Christina Dow 

In the Realm of Aerial Deception: UAV Classification via ISAR Images and Radar Digital Twins for Enhanced Security - co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi 

An initial assessment of winter microclimatic conditions in response to seismic line disturbance in a forested peatland - co-authored by Maria Strack 

Tipping points in coupled human–environment system models: a review - co-authored by Chris Bauch 

Toward a Unified Understanding of Estimating Evapotranspiration: The Linkage Between Three Effective Parsimonious Models - co-authored by Richard Petrone 

IceGCN: An Interactive Sea Ice Classification Pipeline for SAR Imagery Based on Graph Convolutional Network - co-authored by Linlin Xu and David Clausi 

June 2024

Competing in the Planning Marketplace: An Analysis of Qualifications Demanded by Municipal Planning Recruiters - co-authored by Daniel Henstra 

Assessing impact of urban densification on outdoor microclimate and thermal comfort using ENVI-met simulations for Combined Spatial-Climatic Design (CSCD) approach - co-authored by Peter Crank 

Food prescribing in Canada: evidence, critiques and opportunities - co-authored by Warren Dodd 

Modeling energy management of an energy hub with hybrid energy storage systems for a smart island considering water–electricity nexus - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Chat3D: Interactive understanding 3D scene-level point clouds by chatting with foundation model for urban ecological construction - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Predictors of anastomotic leak and conduit necrosis after oesophagectomy: Results from the oesophago-gastric anastomosis audit (OGAA) -  co-authored by Rodrigo Costa 

The Impact of Comorbidities among Ethnic Minorities on COVID-19 Severity and Mortality in Canada and the USA: A Scoping Review - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

A news update from the students and new professionals group of the International Society of Biometeorology - co-authored by Peter Crank 

Soil respiration induces co-emission of greenhouse gases and methylated selenium from cold-region Mollisols: Significance for selenium deficiency - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen 

Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Stochastic Convection–Diffusion Eigenvalue Problems - co-authored by Hans De Sterck 

Exploring networks of complex developmental trauma symptomatology among children and adolescents involved in child welfare - co-authored by Dillon T. Browne 

Assessing Ice Break-Up Trends in Slave River Delta through Satellite Observations and Random Forest Modeling - co-authored by Katharine Andrea Scott 

Predictability of decaying stratified turbulence - co-authored by Michael Waite 

Mechanistic Analysis of Urea Electrooxidation Pathways: Key to Rational Catalyst Design - co-authored by Anna Klinkova 

From seawater to hydrogen via direct photocatalytic vapor splitting: A review on device design and system integration - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu 

Mollisol Erosion-Driven Efflux of Energetic Organic Carbon and Microflora Increases Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cold-Region Rivers - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen 

The Role of Transition Metals on CeO2 Supported for CO2 Adsorption by DFT and Machine Learning Analysis - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Catalytic and biocatalytic degradation of microplastics - co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen 

Highly Compact and Sensitive Dielectric Sensors - co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi 

Wetlands as integral parts of surface water–groundwater interactions in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area: Review and synthesis - co-authored by Richard Petrone and Jonathan Price 

The Great Canadian (Electric) Road Trip: Evaluating EV Use in National Park Tourism - co-authored by Daniel J. Scott 

An implantable memristor towards biomedical applications - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu 

Struvite application to field corn decreases the risk of environmental phosphorus loss while maintaining crop yield - co-authored by Merrin L. Macrae 

GeoSparseNet: A Multi-Source Geometry-Aware CNN for Urban Scene Analysis - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Proof-of-Concept of the Integrated Methanol Reforming-Desalination Fuel Cell System: Effect of CO2 and CO on Cell’s Performance - co-authored by David Simakov 

Simulations of buoyant flows driven by variations in solar radiation beneath ice cover - co-authored by Marek Stastna 

Legacy copper/nickel mine tailings potentially harbor novel iron/sulfur cycling microorganisms within highly variable communities - co-authored by Laura Hug 

A deep learning approach based on graphs to detect plantation lines - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Value of long-term isotope monitoring of an index lake for tracking changes in lake water balances across a northern freshwater landscape - co-authored by Brent Wolfe and Roland Hall 

May 2024

Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950-2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022-2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt 

Environmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra - co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee and Maria Strack 

Unveiling deception: Characterizing false amber necklace messages on Facebook - co-authored by Plinio Pelegrini Morita 

The impact of sustainability governance attributes on comprehensive CSR reporting: A developing country setting - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson 

The longitudinal interplay between insecure attachment behaviors and psychosocial strengths among children in child welfare services - co-authored by Dillon T. Browne 

RDIwS: An Efficient Beamforming-Based Method for UAV Detection and Classification - co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi 

Enhancing long short-term memory (LSTM)-based streamflow prediction with a spatially distributed approach - co-authored by Bryan A. Tolson 

Comparative Evaluation of Semi-Empirical Approaches to Retrieve Satellite-Derived Chlorophyll-a Concentrations from Nearshore and Offshore Waters of a Large Lake (Lake Ontario) - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen  

Widespread seawater intrusions beneath the grounded ice of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica - co-authored by Christine Dow 

Climate change versus winter sports; can athlete climate activism change the score? - co-authored by Daniel J. Scott and Michelle Rutty 

A mass-balance approach for predicting lake phosphorus concentrations as a function of external phosphorus loading: Application to the Lake St. Clair - Lake Erie System (Canada - USA) - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen  

Composition of Stream Dissolved Organic Matter Across Canadian Forested Ecozones Varies in Three Dimensions Linked to Landscape and Climate - co-authored by Monica  Emelko 

Application of artificial intelligence in active assisted living for aging population in real-world setting with commercial devices : A scoping review - co-authored by Zahid Butt and Plinio Pelegrini Morita 

A meta-analytical study of cultural conditions moderating the relationship between environmental performance and environmental disclosure - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson 

Modeling post-disaster recovery: Accounting for rental and multi-family housing - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa  

A multi-model evaluation of probabilistic streamflow predictions via residual error modelling - co-authored by James Craig and Bryan A. Tolson 

Development of a probabilistic agricultural drought forecasting (PADF) framework under climate change - co-authored by Daniel J. Scott 

Carbon Stocks and Fluxes From a Boreal Conifer Swamp: Filling a Knowledge Gap for Understanding the Boreal C Cycle - co-authored by Maria Strack 

Large-scale carbon dioxide removal under the Paris Agreement: Toward a principled approach - co-authored by Neil Craik 

Artificial Neural Network Modeling in the Presence of Uncertainty for Predicting Hydrogenation Degree in Continuous Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Processing - co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Artificial neural network for inferring radiative property variations across advanced high strength steel coils - co-authored by Kyle J. Daun 

Strongly-Interacted NiSe2/NiFe2O4 Architectures Built Through Selective Atomic Migration as Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu and Yimin A. Wu 

Human biomonitoring of dioxins, furans, and non-ortho dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in blood plasma from Old Crow, Yukon, Canada (2019) - co-authored by Kelly Skinner 

Calculating of Taftan Volcano Displacement Using PSI Technique and Sentinel 1 Images - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

April 2024 

Justice and moral economies in “Modular, Adaptive, and Decentralized” (MAD) water systems – co-authored by Dustin Garrick 

A methodology to estimate postdisaster unmet housing needs using limited data: Application to the 2017 California wildfires – co-authored by Rodrigo Costa 

Achieving China's ‘double carbon goals’, an analysis of the potential and cost of carbon capture in the resource-based area: Northwestern China – co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson  

Principles for the consideration of intersectionality in place-based disaster risk governance in islands – co-authored by Derek Armitage 

Automated nanofibre sizing by multi-image processing and deep learning with revised UNet model – co-authored by Zhongchao Tan 

Validating part of the social media infodemic listening conceptual framework using structural equation modelling – co-authored by Zahid A Butt 

Antiviral discovery in toxic cyanobacteria: Low hanging fruit in the age of pandemics – co-authored by Jozef I Nissimov 

Characterizing Subglacial Hydrology Within the Amery Ice Shelf Catchment Using Numerical Modeling and Satellite Altimetry – co-authored by Christine F. Dow 

Dynamic clustering transformer network for point cloud segmentation – co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Achieving rapid decarbonisation of Canada's residential sector requires a strategic approach – co-authored by Paul Parker 

A gap-filling method for satellite-derived chlorophyll-a time series based on neighborhood spatiotemporal information – co-authored by Linlin Xu 

A semi-analytical solution for laterally loaded non-circular piles in elastic soil – co-authored by Dipanjan Basu 

Health trends in Canada 1990–2019: An analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study – co-authored by Zahid A. Butt 

Toxic and Environmental Effects of Neonicotinoid Based Insecticides – co-authored by Ali Elkamel 

Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on greenhouse gas emissions in marginally productive agricultural land under different perennial bioenergy crops – co-authored by Augustine K Osei, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Maren Oelbermann 

MMSeaIce: a collection of techniques for improving sea ice mapping with a multi-task model – co-authored by Muhammed Patel, Linlin Xu, K. Andrea Scott, and David A. Clausi 

Mineral formation explains the high retention efficiency of dissolved reactive phosphorus in a residential stormwater pond – co-authored by Mahyar Shafii, Philippe Van Cappellen   

Partial Thermal Condensation Mediated Synthesis of High-Density Nickel Single Atom Sites on Carbon Nitride for Selective Photooxidation of Methane into Methanol – co-authored by Xiyang Wang, Yimin A. Wu 

Hydrology Predominates Over Harvest History and Landscape Variation to Control Water Quality and Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potentials in Forested Pacific Coast Watersheds – co-authored by Monica B. Emelko, Fariba Amiri 

Thermally coupled catalytic hydrogen combustion-reverse water gas shift reactor: Model-based feasibility study and parametric analysis – co-authored by Guanjie Sun, David S.A. Simakov 

Understanding the Mechanism of Urea Oxidation from First-Principles Calculations – co-authored by Jury Medvedev, Anna Klinkova 

Validation of pan-Arctic soil temperatures in modern reanalysis and data assimilation systems – co-authored by Tyler C. Herrington, Christopher G. Fletcher 

Framework to Quantify Uncertainty in Microplastic Concentrations in Wastewaters and Sludges Incorporating Analytical Recovery Information into Data Analysis – co-authored by Monica B. Emelko 

March 2024 

Climate science, modelling and observation 

Frequency Selective Surface Structures-Based RF Energy Harvesting Systems and Applications: FSS-Based RF Energy Harvesting Systems - co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi 

Revealing the Mysteries of Population Mobility Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada: Comparative Analysis With Internet of Things-Based Thermostat Data and Google Mobility Insights - co-authored by Plinio Morita 

Residual wave vision U-Net for flood mapping using dual polarization Sentinel-1 SAR imagery - co-authored by Jonathan Li 

EPDet: Enhancing point clouds features with effective representation for 3D object detection – co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Evolution of the dynamics of Airdrop Glacier, western Axel Heiberg Island, over a seven-decade-long advance – co-authored by Wesley Van Wychen 

Challenges in measuring fine sediment ingress in gravel-bed rivers using retrievable sediment trap samplers – co-authored by Mike Stone 

GRU–Transformer: A Novel Hybrid Model for Predicting Soil Moisture Content in Root Zones – co-authored by Linlin Xu 

Valuation of carbon emission allowance options under an open trading phase - co-authored by Tony Wirjanto 

The complex basal morphology and ice dynamics of the Nansen Ice Shelf, East Antarctica – co-authored by Christine Dow 

A feature perturbation weakly supervised learning network for airborne multispectral LiDAR pointcloud classification – co-authored by Jonathan Li 

Environmental and Management Drivers of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions From Actively-Extracted Peatlands in Alberta, Canada – co-authored by Maria Strack 

The apparent temperature sensitivity (Q10) of peat soil respiration: A synthesis study – co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen 

A Self-Packaging Comb Spectrum Generator Based on Substrate Integrated Suspension Line – co-authored by Omar Ramahi 

Deep decarbonization and sustainability transitions 

Near-field electrospinning for 2D and 3D structuring: Fundamentals, methods, and applications - co-authored by Chao Tan 

Development of explicit models to predict methane hydrate equilibrium conditions in pure water and brine solutions: A machine learning approach - co-authored by Yuri Leonenko 

Hydrogen fuel cell electric trains: Technologies, current status, and future - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu 

Prediction of hydrogen−brine interfacial tension at subsurface conditions: Implications for hydrogen geo-storage – co-authored by Yuri Leonenko 

Spatially and Temporally Resolved Dynamic Response of Co-Based Composite Interface during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction - co-authored by Yimin Wu 

Levelized-cost optimal design of long-distance CO2 transportation facilities – co-authored by Ali Elkamel, Yuri Leonenko 

Household energy systems based on biomass: Tracing material flows from source to service in rural Ethiopia - co-authored by Simron Singh 

A Novel Tiled Amplicon Sequencing Assay Targeting the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) Genome Reveals Widespread Distribution in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems in the Province of Ontario, Canada – co-authored by Trevor Charles 

Equity and modeling in sustainability science: Examples and opportunities throughout the process – co-authored by Rebecca Saari 

Valuation of carbon emission allowance options under an open trading phase - co-authored by Tony Wirjanto 

Numerical analysis on hydrate production performance with multi-well systems: Synergistic effect of adjacent wells and implications on field exploitation – co-authored by Yuri Leonenko 

New bottle or new label? Distinguishing impact investing from responsible and ethical investing – co-authored by Olaf Weber 

New insights on social finance research in the sustainable development context – co-authored by Olaf Weber 

Climate risks, resilience and adaptation 

Thermal analysis of borehole thermal energy storage in unsaturated soil – co-authored by Dipanjan Basu 

How Exposure to Personal Distress With and Without Self-compassion Affects Distress Tolerance: Results from a Two-Sample Randomized Trial – co-authored by Allison Kelly  

Conceptualizing and evaluating the role of a data platform as an entry-point for strengthening flood risk governance in Canada – co-authored by Daniel Henstra  

Municipal perspectives on managed retreat and flood mitigation: A case analysis of Merritt, Canada after the 2021 British Columbia flood disaster – co-authored by Johanna Wandel  

Household energy systems based on biomass: Tracing material flows from source to service in rural Ethiopia - co-authored by Simron Singh 

“It is not just about my work, my identities count”: the Influence of Intersectional Identities on the Employment Experiences of Black African Immigrant Women in Ontario, Canada – co-authored by Warren Dodd 

Valuation of carbon emission allowance options under an open trading phase - co-authored by Tony Wirjanto 

Sporadic diurnal fluctuations of cyanobacterial populations in oligotrophic temperate systems can prevent accurate characterization of change and risk in aquatic systems – co-authored by Monica Emelko 

Attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control factors influencing Canadian secondary school students' milk and milk alternatives consumption – co-authored by Susan Elliott 

Direct topsoil transfer to already planted reforestation sites increases native plant understory and not ruderals – co-authored by Derek Robinson 

Hexachlorobenzene and omega-3 fatty acid intake from traditional foods in the northern Yukon: A risk and benefit analysis – co-authored by Kelly Skinner 

Climate Change and the Future of Ski Tourism in Canada’s Western Mountains – co-authored by Daniel Scott 

The apparent temperature sensitivity (Q10) of peat soil respiration: A synthesis study – co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen 

Mapping current and future flood exposure using a 5 m flood model and climate change projections – co-authored by Daniel Henstra 

Skiers’ perception of climate change in China: The role of activity involvement and place loyalty – co-authored by Daniel Scott 

New bottle or new label? Distinguishing impact investing from responsible and ethical investing – co-authored by Olaf Weber 

Assessing the impact of the sustainable development goals on corporate philanthropy: A study of Canada's leading private sector companies – co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson 

New insights on social finance research in the sustainable development context – co-authored by Olaf Weber 

Life cycle assessment of medical oxygen – co-authored by Steven Young 

Gender identities, water insecurity, and risk: Re-theorizing the connections for a gender-inclusive toolkit for water insecurity research – co-authored by Susan Elliott 

February 2024 

Climate science, modelling and observation 

Deep decarbonization and sustainability transitions 

Climate risks, resilience and adaptation 

January 2024

Deep decarbonization and sustainability transitions 

Climate science, modelling and observation 

Climate risks, resilience and adaptation 

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Last updated: December 1, 2024

Small isolated wetlands that are full for only part of the year are often the first to be removed for development or agriculture, but a new study, led by researchers at the University of Waterloo, including Waterloo Climate Insitute member Nandita Basu, shows that they can be twice as effective in protecting downstream lake or river ecosystems than if they were connected to them. 

Researchers from the University of Waterloo and Seneca College, including Olaf Weber environment professor and Waterloo Climate Institute member, have developed a new grading system for waste that could divert a billion pounds of clothes and other fabric items from landfills. The new method will evaluate an item’s quality from A to F and whether it can be resold, recycled or tossed. In testing this method, they found that more than half of textile waste in Canada could be reused and almost a quarter could be recycled.