December 2024
Climate change, biodiversity loss, and Indigenous Peoples’ health and wellbeing: a systematic umbrella review protocol – co-authored by Warren Dodd, Susan J. Elliott, and Hannah Neufeld
National-level and state-level prevalence of overweight and obesity among children, adolescents, and adults in the USA, 1990–2021, and forecasts up to 2050 – co-authored by Zahid Butt
Stabilized Cu⁺-OH species on in situ reconstructed Cu nanoparticles for CO₂-to-C₂H₄ conversion in neutral media – co-authored by Chao Tan and Yimin A. Wu
New York State Climate Impacts Assessment Chapter 10: Water Resources – co-authored by Kelsey Leonard
Real-time evaluation of signal accuracy in wastewater surveillance of pathogens with high rates of mutation – co-authored by Trevor Charles
Radar near-field sensing using metasurface for biomedical applications – co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi
Perceptions of carbon dioxide emission reductions and future warming among climate experts – co-authored by Seth Wynes
Burden of disease scenarios by state in the USA, 2022–50: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 – co-authored by Zahid Butt and Simron Singh
Interspecies-chimera machine vision with polarimetry for real-time navigation and anti-glare pattern recognition – co-authored by Yimin A. Wu
Global, regional, and national burden of HIV/AIDS, 1990–2021, and forecasts to 2050, for 204 countries and territories: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 – co-authored by Angela Carter and Zahid Butt
The Migration Intersections Grid: An Organizing Framework for Migration Research in and through the Twenty-first Century – co-authored by Robert McLeman
The burden of diseases, injuries, and risk factors by state in the USA, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 – co-authored by Zahid Butt and Simron Singh
SARS-CoV-2 viral titer measurements in Ontario, Canada wastewaters throughout the COVID-19 pandemic – co-authored by Trevor Charles
Three foci at the science-policy interface for systemic Sustainable Development Goal acceleration – co-authored by Jonathan Li and Vanessa Schweizer
Soil carbon dynamics in perennial biomass crops on marginally productive cropland in southern Canada – co-authored by Maren Oelbermann
Exploring the dynamic evolution of lattice oxygen on exsolved-Mn₂O₃@SmMn₂O₅ interfaces for NO oxidation – co-authored by Yimin A. Wu and Jonathan Li
Use of multiple reference data sources to cross-validate gridded snow water equivalent products over North America – co-authored by Chris Derksen
A global dataset of gross nitrogen transformation rates across terrestrial ecosystems – co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen
Global, regional, and national progress towards the 2030 global nutrition targets and forecasts to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 – co-authored by Zahid Butt
Simple and inexpensive microwave setup for industrial-based applications: Quantification of flower honey adulteration as a case study – co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi
Towards a spatially resolved, single-ended TDLAS system for characterizing the distribution of gaseous species – co-authored by Kyle J. Daun
Reconstructing SARS-CoV-2 lineages from mixed wastewater sequencing data – co-authored by Jozef Nissimov and Trevor Charles
Embedding Reverse Electron Transfer Between Stably Bare Cu Nanoparticles and Cation-Vacancy CuWO₄ – co-authored by Yimin A. Wu
Identifying latent classes of physical activity profiles over time among adolescents in Ontario, Canada – co-authored by Kelly Skinner
Bayesian statistical model for quantifying defects in monolayer MoS₂ – co-authored by Kyle J. Daun
“If I was in charge”: A qualitative investigation of water security, gender-based violence, and wellbeing in Kenya – co-authored by Susan J. Elliott
Evaluating the Use of the Penman–Monteith and Priestley–Taylor Algorithms for Modelling Peatland Evapotranspiration Using the Cold Regions Hydrological Model – co-authored by Richard Petrone
Mining and Climate Change Alters Water Storage and Streamflow Dynamics of Northern Peatland-Dominated Catchments – co-authored by Jonathan Price
Gender dimensions of water vending in LMICs: A scoping review – co-authored by Susan J. Elliott
Multi-physics ensemble modelling of Arctic tundra snowpack properties – co-authored by Chris Derksen
Environmental stressors and zoonoses in the Arctic: Learning from the past to prepare for the future – co-authored by Kelly Skinner
Genomic surveillance of Canadian airport wastewater samples allows early detection of emerging SARS-CoV-2 lineages – co-authored by Trevor Charles
The syndemics of food and water insecurities on emotional distress and overall wellbeing in Ghana: Findings from a cross-sectional study – co-authored by Susan J. Elliott
November 2024
Cross-Sector Partnerships to Address Societal Grand Challenges: Systematizing Differences in Scholarly Analysis - co-authored by Amelia Clarke
YOLOShipTracker: Tracking ships in SAR images using lightweight YOLOv8 - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Building detection in VHR remote sensing images using a novel dual attention residual-based U-Net (DAttResU-Net): An application to generating building change maps - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Exploring the syndemic impact of COVID-19 and mental health on health services utilisation among adult Ontario population - co-authored by Zahid Butt
Global, regional, and national stillbirths at 20 weeks' gestation or longer in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2021: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt
Corporate governance mechanisms and carbon disclosure: A multilevel and multitheory literature survey - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson
Do linear clearings in boreal peatlands recover? Comparing taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional plant diversity - co-authored by Maria Strack
Synergistic Layered Design of Aerogel Nanocomposite of Graphene Nanoribbon/MXene with Tunable Absorption Dominated Electromagnetic Interference Shielding - co-authored by Chao Tan
Development, validity, and reliability assessment of the Canadian Food Literacy Measure - co-authored by Sharon Kirkpatrick
Predicting interfacial tension in brine-hydrogen/cushion gas systems under subsurface conditions: Implications for hydrogen geo-storage - co-authored by Yuri Leonenko
A simple snow temperature index model exposes discrepancies between reanalysis snow water equivalent products - co-authored by Chris Derksen
Physicochemical perturbation increases nitrous oxide production from denitrification in soils and sediments - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
Constructing the Al deficiency in Si-O(H)-Al units based on Pt/ZSM-5 for enhanced hydrocracking of polyethylene into high-quality liquid fuel - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu
Advancing ski tourism transformations to climate change: A multi-stakeholder participatory approach in diverse Canadian destinations - co-authored by Daniel J. Scott
Riparian vegetation influences aquatic greenhouse gas production in an agricultural landscape - co-authored by Maren Oelbermann
Optimization of Dry Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste in Leachate Bed Reactors - co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee
Solar Geoengineering, Learning, and Experimentation - co-authored by Juan B. Moreno-Cruz
Insights into Mechanisms of Reverse Water Gas Shift Activity Enhancement over Reverse Microemulsion-Synthesized CuCeO2 - co-authored by David Simakov
The levelized cost of carbon abatement (LCCA) in substituting conventional ammonia production with power-to-ammonia for fertilizer, hydrogen and export - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu
Enhanced CO2-to-CH4 conversion via grain boundary oxidation effect in CuAg systems - co-authored by Chao Tan and Yimin A. Wu
Constraining seasonal and spatial ambient and urban groundwater contributions to streamflow across a mixed land-use regional-scale Precambrian Shield watershed - co-authored by Merrin L. Macrae
Examining the role of community health workers amid extreme weather events in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review - co-authored by Warren Dodd
Insights into the role of surface oxygen vacancy in CuCeO2 catalyst for reverse water gas shift - co-authored by David Simakov
A robust numerical method for the generation and propagation of periodic finite-amplitude internal waves in natural waters using high-accuracy simulations - co-authored by Marek Stastna
Post-disaster housing recovery estimation: Data and lessons learned from the 2017 Tubbs and 2018 Camp Fires - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa
Research gaps and priorities for quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) - co-authored by Monica Emelko
Reverse microemulsion synthesis promotes the formation of iron carbide in direct hydrogenation of CO2 to light hydrocarbons - co-authored by David Simakov
How does restoration ecology consider climate change uncertainties in forested ecosystems? - co-authored by Andrew Trant
Increase in gross primary production of boreal forests balanced out by increase in ecosystem respiration - co-authored by Chris Derksen
Optimizing Construction Work-Rest Schedules and Worker Reassignment Utilizing Wristband Physiological Data - co-authored by Plinio Pelegrini Morita
October 2024
The Irish drought impacts database: A 287-year database of drought impacts derived from newspaper archives - co-authored by Robert McLeman
Editorial overview: Climate finance, risks, and accounting - co-authored by Olaf Weber
Exploring the decision-making process in model development: focus on the Arctic snowpack - co-authored by Chris Derksen
Assessing the influence of climate controls on grapevine biophysical responses: a review of Ontario viticulture in a changing climate - co-authored by Richard Petrone and Merrin L. Macrae
Root and biomass allocation traits predict changes in plant species and communities over four decades of global change - co-authored by Julie Messier
On the definition of the marginal ice zone: a case study with SAR and passive microwave data - co-authored by Linlin Xu and Katharine Andrea Scott
Texas water markets: Understanding their trends, drivers, and future potential - co-authored by Dustin Garrick
Advancement of a Blended Hydrologic Model for Robust Model Performance - co-authored by James Craig and Bryan A. Tolson
Seasonal- and Event-Scale Stream DOC Dynamics in Northern Hardwood-Dominated Headwater Catchments of Contrasting Forest Harvest History - co-authored by Micheal A. Stone and Monica Emelko
Tracking the Filling, Outburst Flood and Resulting Subglacial Water Channel From a Large Canadian Arctic Subglacial Lake - co-authored by Wesley Van Wychen and Christine Dow
Spatially and temporally differentiated characterization factors for supply risk of abiotic resources in life cycle assessment - co-authored by Steven Young
Multi-regional economic recovery simulation using an Adaptive Regional Input–Output (ARIO) framework - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa
Geothermal Energy Extraction-Induced Ground Movement Monitoring by InSAR and Its Implication for Reservoir Management - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Reframing climate security: The “planetary” as policy context - co-authored by Simon Dalby
September 2024
How long-term emancipatory programming facilitates participatory evaluation: Building a methodology of participation through research with youth in Honduras - co-authored by Warren Dodd
Computational and Machine Learning Methods for CO2 Capture Using Metal-Organic Frameworks - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
On the three-dimensional structure of instabilities beneath shallow-shoaling internal waves - co-authored by Marek Stastna
Patterns and mechanisms of repeat drainages of glacier-dammed Dań Zhùr (Donjek) Lake, Yukon - co-authored by Christine Dow
A Bayesian error model for quantifying methane and carbon dioxide column densities from hyperspectral measurements - co-authored by Kyle Daun
STATNet: One-stage coal-gangue detector based on deep learning algorithm for real industrial application - co-authored by Linlin Xu and Chao Tan
Corrigendum to “Characterizing satellite-derived freeze/thaw regimes through spatial and temporal clustering for the identification of growing season constraints on vegetation productivity” - co-authored by Chris Derksen
Evaluating a public–private data-sharing platform for improving flood insurance availability and affordability in Canada - co-authored by Jason Thistlethwaite and Daniel Henstra
Large eddy simulation analysis of a model reactive tracer through spatial filtering - co-authored by Marek Stastna
Reverse Hydrogen Spillover on Metal Oxides for Water-Promoted Catalytic Oxidation Reactions - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu
Concepts and criteria defining emerging microbiome applications - co-authored by Trevor Charles
Spatiotemporal evolution and key driver analysis of ozone pollution from the perspectives of spatial spillover and path-dependence effects in China - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson
August 2024
Characterizing satellite-derived freeze/thaw regimes through spatial and temporal clustering for the identification of growing season constraints on vegetation productivity - co-authored by Chris Derksen
Screen Time and Mental Health in Canadian Youth: An Examination of Nationally Representative Data - co-authored by Dillon T. Browne
Sharing data and code facilitates reproducible and impactful research - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa
What drives companies’ progress on their emission reduction targets? - co-authored by Olaf Weber
Investigating the absorption properties of metal nanoparticle aggregates during time-resolved laser-induced incandescence - co-authored by Kyle J. Daun
Youth mental health in a Canadian community sample during COVID-19: Exploring the role of perceived sense of belonging - co-authored by Dillon T. Browne
The ever-changing tree of life - co-authored by Laura Hug
Cobalt as a potential limiting factor for heterocyst frequency in nitrogen-limited Aphanizomenon and Dolichospermum: Evidence from experimental and field studies - co-authored by Sherry Schiff
Drinking water QMRA and decision-making: Sensitivity of risk to common independence assumptions about model inputs - co-authored by Monica Emelko
Emergence of Ferroelectricity in p-Type 2D In1.75Sb0.25Se3 - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu
Developing an expansion-based obstacle detection using panoptic segmentation - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Behavior of piled rafts in sand under nonuniform and eccentric loads - co-authored by Dipanjan Basu
Sociodemographic Determinants of Extreme Heat and Ozone Risk Among Older Adults in 3 Sun Belt Cities - co-authored by Peter Crank
Retrieving heavy metal concentrations in urban soil using satellite hyperspectral imagery - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Modification strategy for advanced Mn-based layered transition metal oxide cathode for sodium-ion batteries - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Corrigendum to “Reaction kinetics for high pressure hydrogen oxy-combustion in the presence of high levels of H2O and CO2” [Combust. Flame 247 (2023) 112498] (Combustion and Flame (2023) 247, (S0010218022005077), (10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112498) - co-authored by Eric Croiset
Efficient detection of ephemeral gully trajectories using topographic index-based approach: Calibration-free for large-scale applications - co-authored by Derek T. Robinson
The AutoICE Challenge - co-authored by Linlin Xu, Katharine Andrea Scott, and David Clausi
July 2024
Global, regional, and national age-specific progress towards the 2020 milestones of the WHO End TB Strategy: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Angela Carter and Zahid Butt
Energy democracy, public participation, and support for local energy system change in Canada - co-authored by Ian H. Rowlands
Advancing Evaluation of Microplastics Thresholds to Inform Water Treatment Needs and Risks - co-authored by Monica Emelko
ZIFs-Derived Hollow Nanostructures via a Strong/Weak Coetching Strategy for Long-Life Rechargeable Zn–Air Batteries - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu
Microbial communities change along the 300 km length of the Grand River for extreme high-and low-flow regimes - co-authored by Sherry Schiff
Leveraging machine learning in porous media - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Developing a transdisciplinary tool for water risk management and decision-support in Ontario, Canada - co-authored by Olaf Weber, Horatiu Rus, and Jason Thistlethwaite
Urban Stormwater Phosphorus Export Control: Comparing Traditional and Low-impact Development Best Management Practices - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
Variable soil moisture responses to rainfall events in fields under different management practices - co-authored by Merrin L. Macrae
Progress and Prospects for Applications of Extracellular Electron Transport Mechanism in Environmental Biotechnology - co-authored by Joyce Kim
DAAL-WS: A weakly-supervised method integrated with data augmentation and active learning strategies for MLS point cloud semantic segmentation - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Towards an understanding of the biopsychosocial determinants of CVD in SLE: a scoping review - co-authored by Susan J. Elliott
COFNet: A deep learning model to predict the specific surface area of covalent-organic frameworks using structural images and statistic features - co-authored by Chao Tan
Isolated Iridium Sites on Potassium-Doped Carbon-nitride wrapped Tellurium Nanostructures for Enhanced Glycerol Photooxidation - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu
A comparative study of data input selection for deep learning-based automated sea ice mapping - co-authored by Linlin Xu, Katharine Andrea Scott, and David Clausi
Developing a tile drainage module for the Cold Regions Hydrological Model: lessons from a farm in southern Ontario, Canada - co-authored by Merrin L. Macrae and Richard Petrone
Accuracy of energy and nutrient intake estimation versus observed intake using 4 technology-assisted dietary assessment methods: a randomized crossover feeding study - co-authored by Sharon Kirkpatrick
Removal of organic contamination from wastewater using granular activated carbon modified–Polyethylene glycol: Characterization, kinetics and isotherm study - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Incorporating failure mode and effects analysis into a novel framework for hydrogen production from solid waste gasification - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Improving the Estimation of Lake Ice Thickness with High-Resolution Radar Altimetry Data - co-authored by Claude Duguay
Metal cation crosslinked, partially reduced graphene oxide membranes with enhanced stability for high salinity, produced water treatment by pervaporative separation - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Greener through gender: What climate mainstreaming can learn from gender mainstreaming - co-authored by Kelly Skinner
Horizontal Wells for Enhanced CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers - co-authored by Yuri Leonenko
Subglacial Discharge Accelerates Dynamic Retreat of Aurora Subglacial Basin Outlet Glaciers, East Antarctica, Over the 21st Century - co-authored by Christina Dow
In the Realm of Aerial Deception: UAV Classification via ISAR Images and Radar Digital Twins for Enhanced Security - co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi
An initial assessment of winter microclimatic conditions in response to seismic line disturbance in a forested peatland - co-authored by Maria Strack
Tipping points in coupled human–environment system models: a review - co-authored by Chris Bauch
Toward a Unified Understanding of Estimating Evapotranspiration: The Linkage Between Three Effective Parsimonious Models - co-authored by Richard Petrone
IceGCN: An Interactive Sea Ice Classification Pipeline for SAR Imagery Based on Graph Convolutional Network - co-authored by Linlin Xu and David Clausi
June 2024
Competing in the Planning Marketplace: An Analysis of Qualifications Demanded by Municipal Planning Recruiters - co-authored by Daniel Henstra
Assessing impact of urban densification on outdoor microclimate and thermal comfort using ENVI-met simulations for Combined Spatial-Climatic Design (CSCD) approach - co-authored by Peter Crank
Food prescribing in Canada: evidence, critiques and opportunities - co-authored by Warren Dodd
Modeling energy management of an energy hub with hybrid energy storage systems for a smart island considering water–electricity nexus - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Chat3D: Interactive understanding 3D scene-level point clouds by chatting with foundation model for urban ecological construction - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Predictors of anastomotic leak and conduit necrosis after oesophagectomy: Results from the oesophago-gastric anastomosis audit (OGAA) - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa
The Impact of Comorbidities among Ethnic Minorities on COVID-19 Severity and Mortality in Canada and the USA: A Scoping Review - co-authored by Zahid Butt
A news update from the students and new professionals group of the International Society of Biometeorology - co-authored by Peter Crank
Soil respiration induces co-emission of greenhouse gases and methylated selenium from cold-region Mollisols: Significance for selenium deficiency - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Stochastic Convection–Diffusion Eigenvalue Problems - co-authored by Hans De Sterck
Exploring networks of complex developmental trauma symptomatology among children and adolescents involved in child welfare - co-authored by Dillon T. Browne
Assessing Ice Break-Up Trends in Slave River Delta through Satellite Observations and Random Forest Modeling - co-authored by Katharine Andrea Scott
Predictability of decaying stratified turbulence - co-authored by Michael Waite
Mechanistic Analysis of Urea Electrooxidation Pathways: Key to Rational Catalyst Design - co-authored by Anna Klinkova
From seawater to hydrogen via direct photocatalytic vapor splitting: A review on device design and system integration - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu
Mollisol Erosion-Driven Efflux of Energetic Organic Carbon and Microflora Increases Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cold-Region Rivers - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
The Role of Transition Metals on CeO2 Supported for CO2 Adsorption by DFT and Machine Learning Analysis - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Catalytic and biocatalytic degradation of microplastics - co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad and Philippe Van Cappellen
Highly Compact and Sensitive Dielectric Sensors - co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi
Wetlands as integral parts of surface water–groundwater interactions in the Athabasca Oil Sands Area: Review and synthesis - co-authored by Richard Petrone and Jonathan Price
The Great Canadian (Electric) Road Trip: Evaluating EV Use in National Park Tourism - co-authored by Daniel J. Scott
An implantable memristor towards biomedical applications - co-authored by Yimin A. Wu
Struvite application to field corn decreases the risk of environmental phosphorus loss while maintaining crop yield - co-authored by Merrin L. Macrae
GeoSparseNet: A Multi-Source Geometry-Aware CNN for Urban Scene Analysis - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Proof-of-Concept of the Integrated Methanol Reforming-Desalination Fuel Cell System: Effect of CO2 and CO on Cell’s Performance - co-authored by David Simakov
Simulations of buoyant flows driven by variations in solar radiation beneath ice cover - co-authored by Marek Stastna
Legacy copper/nickel mine tailings potentially harbor novel iron/sulfur cycling microorganisms within highly variable communities - co-authored by Laura Hug
A deep learning approach based on graphs to detect plantation lines - co-authored by Jonathan Li
Value of long-term isotope monitoring of an index lake for tracking changes in lake water balances across a northern freshwater landscape - co-authored by Brent Wolfe and Roland Hall
May 2024
Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt
Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt
Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022-2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt
Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950-2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 - co-authored by Zahid Butt
Environmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra - co-authored by Hyung-Sool Lee and Maria Strack
Unveiling deception: Characterizing false amber necklace messages on Facebook - co-authored by Plinio Pelegrini Morita
The impact of sustainability governance attributes on comprehensive CSR reporting: A developing country setting - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson
The longitudinal interplay between insecure attachment behaviors and psychosocial strengths among children in child welfare services - co-authored by Dillon T. Browne
RDIwS: An Efficient Beamforming-Based Method for UAV Detection and Classification - co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi
Enhancing long short-term memory (LSTM)-based streamflow prediction with a spatially distributed approach - co-authored by Bryan A. Tolson
Comparative Evaluation of Semi-Empirical Approaches to Retrieve Satellite-Derived Chlorophyll-a Concentrations from Nearshore and Offshore Waters of a Large Lake (Lake Ontario) - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
Widespread seawater intrusions beneath the grounded ice of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica - co-authored by Christine Dow
Climate change versus winter sports; can athlete climate activism change the score? - co-authored by Daniel J. Scott and Michelle Rutty
A mass-balance approach for predicting lake phosphorus concentrations as a function of external phosphorus loading: Application to the Lake St. Clair - Lake Erie System (Canada - USA) - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
Composition of Stream Dissolved Organic Matter Across Canadian Forested Ecozones Varies in Three Dimensions Linked to Landscape and Climate - co-authored by Monica Emelko
Application of artificial intelligence in active assisted living for aging population in real-world setting with commercial devices : A scoping review - co-authored by Zahid Butt and Plinio Pelegrini Morita
A meta-analytical study of cultural conditions moderating the relationship between environmental performance and environmental disclosure - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson
Modeling post-disaster recovery: Accounting for rental and multi-family housing - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa
A multi-model evaluation of probabilistic streamflow predictions via residual error modelling - co-authored by James Craig and Bryan A. Tolson
Development of a probabilistic agricultural drought forecasting (PADF) framework under climate change - co-authored by Daniel J. Scott
Carbon Stocks and Fluxes From a Boreal Conifer Swamp: Filling a Knowledge Gap for Understanding the Boreal C Cycle - co-authored by Maria Strack
Large-scale carbon dioxide removal under the Paris Agreement: Toward a principled approach - co-authored by Neil Craik
Artificial Neural Network Modeling in the Presence of Uncertainty for Predicting Hydrogenation Degree in Continuous Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Processing - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Artificial neural network for inferring radiative property variations across advanced high strength steel coils - co-authored by Kyle J. Daun
Strongly-Interacted NiSe2/NiFe2O4 Architectures Built Through Selective Atomic Migration as Catalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu and Yimin A. Wu
Human biomonitoring of dioxins, furans, and non-ortho dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in blood plasma from Old Crow, Yukon, Canada (2019) - co-authored by Kelly Skinner
Calculating of Taftan Volcano Displacement Using PSI Technique and Sentinel 1 Images - co-authored by Jonathan Li
April 2024
Justice and moral economies in “Modular, Adaptive, and Decentralized” (MAD) water systems – co-authored by Dustin Garrick
A methodology to estimate postdisaster unmet housing needs using limited data: Application to the 2017 California wildfires – co-authored by Rodrigo Costa
Achieving China's ‘double carbon goals’, an analysis of the potential and cost of carbon capture in the resource-based area: Northwestern China – co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson
Principles for the consideration of intersectionality in place-based disaster risk governance in islands – co-authored by Derek Armitage
Automated nanofibre sizing by multi-image processing and deep learning with revised UNet model – co-authored by Zhongchao Tan
Validating part of the social media infodemic listening conceptual framework using structural equation modelling – co-authored by Zahid A Butt
Antiviral discovery in toxic cyanobacteria: Low hanging fruit in the age of pandemics – co-authored by Jozef I Nissimov
Characterizing Subglacial Hydrology Within the Amery Ice Shelf Catchment Using Numerical Modeling and Satellite Altimetry – co-authored by Christine F. Dow
Dynamic clustering transformer network for point cloud segmentation – co-authored by Jonathan Li
Achieving rapid decarbonisation of Canada's residential sector requires a strategic approach – co-authored by Paul Parker
A gap-filling method for satellite-derived chlorophyll-a time series based on neighborhood spatiotemporal information – co-authored by Linlin Xu
A semi-analytical solution for laterally loaded non-circular piles in elastic soil – co-authored by Dipanjan Basu
Health trends in Canada 1990–2019: An analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study – co-authored by Zahid A. Butt
Toxic and Environmental Effects of Neonicotinoid Based Insecticides – co-authored by Ali Elkamel
Impact of freeze-thaw cycles on greenhouse gas emissions in marginally productive agricultural land under different perennial bioenergy crops – co-authored by Augustine K Osei, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Maren Oelbermann
MMSeaIce: a collection of techniques for improving sea ice mapping with a multi-task model – co-authored by Muhammed Patel, Linlin Xu, K. Andrea Scott, and David A. Clausi
Mineral formation explains the high retention efficiency of dissolved reactive phosphorus in a residential stormwater pond – co-authored by Mahyar Shafii, Philippe Van Cappellen
Partial Thermal Condensation Mediated Synthesis of High-Density Nickel Single Atom Sites on Carbon Nitride for Selective Photooxidation of Methane into Methanol – co-authored by Xiyang Wang, Yimin A. Wu
Hydrology Predominates Over Harvest History and Landscape Variation to Control Water Quality and Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potentials in Forested Pacific Coast Watersheds – co-authored by Monica B. Emelko, Fariba Amiri
Thermally coupled catalytic hydrogen combustion-reverse water gas shift reactor: Model-based feasibility study and parametric analysis – co-authored by Guanjie Sun, David S.A. Simakov
Understanding the Mechanism of Urea Oxidation from First-Principles Calculations – co-authored by Jury Medvedev, Anna Klinkova
Validation of pan-Arctic soil temperatures in modern reanalysis and data assimilation systems – co-authored by Tyler C. Herrington, Christopher G. Fletcher
Framework to Quantify Uncertainty in Microplastic Concentrations in Wastewaters and Sludges Incorporating Analytical Recovery Information into Data Analysis – co-authored by Monica B. Emelko
March 2024
Climate science, modelling and observation
Frequency Selective Surface Structures-Based RF Energy Harvesting Systems and Applications: FSS-Based RF Energy Harvesting Systems - co-authored by Omar M. Ramahi
Revealing the Mysteries of Population Mobility Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada: Comparative Analysis With Internet of Things-Based Thermostat Data and Google Mobility Insights - co-authored by Plinio Morita
Residual wave vision U-Net for flood mapping using dual polarization Sentinel-1 SAR imagery - co-authored by Jonathan Li
EPDet: Enhancing point clouds features with effective representation for 3D object detection – co-authored by Jonathan Li
Evolution of the dynamics of Airdrop Glacier, western Axel Heiberg Island, over a seven-decade-long advance – co-authored by Wesley Van Wychen
Challenges in measuring fine sediment ingress in gravel-bed rivers using retrievable sediment trap samplers – co-authored by Mike Stone
GRU–Transformer: A Novel Hybrid Model for Predicting Soil Moisture Content in Root Zones – co-authored by Linlin Xu
Valuation of carbon emission allowance options under an open trading phase - co-authored by Tony Wirjanto
The complex basal morphology and ice dynamics of the Nansen Ice Shelf, East Antarctica – co-authored by Christine Dow
A feature perturbation weakly supervised learning network for airborne multispectral LiDAR pointcloud classification – co-authored by Jonathan Li
Environmental and Management Drivers of Carbon Dioxide and Methane Emissions From Actively-Extracted Peatlands in Alberta, Canada – co-authored by Maria Strack
The apparent temperature sensitivity (Q10) of peat soil respiration: A synthesis study – co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen
A Self-Packaging Comb Spectrum Generator Based on Substrate Integrated Suspension Line – co-authored by Omar Ramahi
Deep decarbonization and sustainability transitions
Near-field electrospinning for 2D and 3D structuring: Fundamentals, methods, and applications - co-authored by Chao Tan
Development of explicit models to predict methane hydrate equilibrium conditions in pure water and brine solutions: A machine learning approach - co-authored by Yuri Leonenko
Hydrogen fuel cell electric trains: Technologies, current status, and future - co-authored by XiaoYu Wu
Prediction of hydrogen−brine interfacial tension at subsurface conditions: Implications for hydrogen geo-storage – co-authored by Yuri Leonenko
Spatially and Temporally Resolved Dynamic Response of Co-Based Composite Interface during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction - co-authored by Yimin Wu
Levelized-cost optimal design of long-distance CO2 transportation facilities – co-authored by Ali Elkamel, Yuri Leonenko
Household energy systems based on biomass: Tracing material flows from source to service in rural Ethiopia - co-authored by Simron Singh
A Novel Tiled Amplicon Sequencing Assay Targeting the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) Genome Reveals Widespread Distribution in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Systems in the Province of Ontario, Canada – co-authored by Trevor Charles
Equity and modeling in sustainability science: Examples and opportunities throughout the process – co-authored by Rebecca Saari
Valuation of carbon emission allowance options under an open trading phase - co-authored by Tony Wirjanto
Numerical analysis on hydrate production performance with multi-well systems: Synergistic effect of adjacent wells and implications on field exploitation – co-authored by Yuri Leonenko
New bottle or new label? Distinguishing impact investing from responsible and ethical investing – co-authored by Olaf Weber
New insights on social finance research in the sustainable development context – co-authored by Olaf Weber
Climate risks, resilience and adaptation
Thermal analysis of borehole thermal energy storage in unsaturated soil – co-authored by Dipanjan Basu
How Exposure to Personal Distress With and Without Self-compassion Affects Distress Tolerance: Results from a Two-Sample Randomized Trial – co-authored by Allison Kelly
Conceptualizing and evaluating the role of a data platform as an entry-point for strengthening flood risk governance in Canada – co-authored by Daniel Henstra
Municipal perspectives on managed retreat and flood mitigation: A case analysis of Merritt, Canada after the 2021 British Columbia flood disaster – co-authored by Johanna Wandel
Household energy systems based on biomass: Tracing material flows from source to service in rural Ethiopia - co-authored by Simron Singh
“It is not just about my work, my identities count”: the Influence of Intersectional Identities on the Employment Experiences of Black African Immigrant Women in Ontario, Canada – co-authored by Warren Dodd
Valuation of carbon emission allowance options under an open trading phase - co-authored by Tony Wirjanto
Sporadic diurnal fluctuations of cyanobacterial populations in oligotrophic temperate systems can prevent accurate characterization of change and risk in aquatic systems – co-authored by Monica Emelko
Attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control factors influencing Canadian secondary school students' milk and milk alternatives consumption – co-authored by Susan Elliott
Direct topsoil transfer to already planted reforestation sites increases native plant understory and not ruderals – co-authored by Derek Robinson
Hexachlorobenzene and omega-3 fatty acid intake from traditional foods in the northern Yukon: A risk and benefit analysis – co-authored by Kelly Skinner
Climate Change and the Future of Ski Tourism in Canada’s Western Mountains – co-authored by Daniel Scott
The apparent temperature sensitivity (Q10) of peat soil respiration: A synthesis study – co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Philippe Van Cappellen
Mapping current and future flood exposure using a 5 m flood model and climate change projections – co-authored by Daniel Henstra
Skiers’ perception of climate change in China: The role of activity involvement and place loyalty – co-authored by Daniel Scott
New bottle or new label? Distinguishing impact investing from responsible and ethical investing – co-authored by Olaf Weber
Assessing the impact of the sustainable development goals on corporate philanthropy: A study of Canada's leading private sector companies – co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson
New insights on social finance research in the sustainable development context – co-authored by Olaf Weber
Life cycle assessment of medical oxygen – co-authored by Steven Young
Gender identities, water insecurity, and risk: Re-theorizing the connections for a gender-inclusive toolkit for water insecurity research – co-authored by Susan Elliott
February 2024
Climate science, modelling and observation
- Noniterative Reference-Plane-Invariant Material Parameter Retrieval Method for Low-Loss Solid Samples Using One-Port Waveguide Measurements - co-authored by Omar Ramahi
- Assessing the impact of distributed snow water equivalent calibration and assimilation of Copernicus snow water equivalent on modelled snow and streamflow performance - co-authored by Bryan Tolson
- Predicting Covid-19 pandemic waves with biologically and behaviorally informed universal differential equations - co-authored by Chris Bauch
- Simulating net ecosystem exchange under seasonal snow cover at an Arctic tundra site - co-authored by Richard Kelly
- Solute depletion and reduced hydrological connectivity in subarctic patterned peatlands disturbed by mine dewatering - co-authored by Jonathan Price
- A Microwave Differential Dielectric Sensor Based on Mode Splitting of Coupled Resonators - co-authored by Omar Ramahi
- Road salt-induced salinization impacts water geochemistry and mixing regime of a Canadian urban lake - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
- Paleofloodscapes: Application of sediment source fingerprinting to track flood regime change over space and time at the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada – co-authored by Roland Hall
- A rapid high-resolution multi-sensory urban flood mapping framework via DEM upscaling– co-authored by Jonathan Li
- Machine Learning for UAV Classification Employing Mechanical Control Information - co-authored by Omar Ramahi
- Evaluating Effective Particle Size Distributions of Cohesive Sediment under Varying Shear Stress and Bed Configurations in a Rotating Annular Flume – co-authored by Mike Stone
- Advancement and perspectives of hyporheic zone hydrology: Technology, theory and environmental implication – co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad
- Correction: The Causes and Effects of Preannealed Radiative Property Variations Across Full-Hard Advanced High-Strength Steel Coils (steel research int., (2023) - co-authored by Kyle Daun
- Co-precipitation of iron and silicon: Reaction kinetics, elemental ratios and the influence of phosphorus – co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
Deep decarbonization and sustainability transitions
- Probing the effect of distance between sediment microbial fuel cells and sediment storage on electricity generation and organic matter removal in open channels - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
- Real-time evaluation of signal accuracy in wastewater surveillance of pathogens with high rates of mutation - co-authored by Trevor Charles
- Investigation of the evolved pyrolytic products and energy potential of Bagasse: experimental, kinetic, thermodynamic and boosted regression trees analysis– co-authored by Ali Elkamel
- Waterdrop-assisted efficient fog collection on micro-fiber grids – co-authored by Chao Tan
- Experimental and computational study on removal of nitric oxide using NH2-MIL-125: Revisiting removal mechanism– co-authored by Chao Tan
- Erratum: Textile waste in Ontario, Canada: Opportunities for reuse and recycling (Resources, Conservation & Recycling (2023) - co-authored by Olaf Weber
- Causal identification of transit-induced property value uplift in Canada's Waterloo Region: A spatio-temporal difference-in-differences method application – co-authored by Dawn Parker
- Estimating household demand for transit-oriented development: A two-stage hedonic analysis in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada – co-authored by Dawn Parker
Climate risks, resilience and adaptation
- Periconceptional Dietary Patterns and Adverse Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes – co-authored by Sharon Kirkpatrick
- Temporal patterns of cancer burden in Asia, 1990–2019: a systematic examination for the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study - co-authored by Zahid Butt
- Road salt-induced salinization impacts water geochemistry and mixing regime of a Canadian urban lake - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
- Disconnected active layers and unfrozen permafrost: A discussion of permafrost-related terms and definitions - co-authored by James Craig
- Advancement and perspectives of hyporheic zone hydrology: Technology, theory and environmental implication – co-authored by Fereidoun Rezanezhad
- Erratum: Textile waste in Ontario, Canada: Opportunities for reuse and recycling (Resources, Conservation & Recycling (2023) - co-authored by Olaf Weber
- Co-precipitation of iron and silicon: Reaction kinetics, elemental ratios and the influence of phosphorus – co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
- Causal identification of transit-induced property value uplift in Canada's Waterloo Region: A spatio-temporal difference-in-differences method application – co-authored by Dawn Parker
- Estimating household demand for transit-oriented development: A two-stage hedonic analysis in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada – co-authored by Dawn Parker
January 2024
Deep decarbonization and sustainability transitions
- Enhancing mechanical strength of electrospun nanofibers by coaxial electrospinning and thermal treatment - co-authored by Chao Tan
- Enhancing coal-gangue object detection using GAN-based data augmentation strategy with dual attention mechanism – co-authored by Chao Tan
- A machine learning approach for modelling and optimization of complex systems: Application to condensate stabilizer plants - co-authored by Ali Elkamel
- High accuracy key feature extraction approach for the non-stationary signals measurement based on NGO-VMD noise reduction and CNN-LSTM - co-authored by Yimin Wu
- Hindering nanoparticle growth in reverse microemulsion synthesized CeO2/γ-Al2O3 reverse water gas shift catalyst - co-authored by David Simakov
- Health and equity implications of individual adaptation to air pollution in a changing climate - co-authored by Rebecca Saari, Chris Bauch
- Food without agriculture - co-authored by Juan Moreno-Cruz
Climate science, modelling and observation
- Potential of GNSS-R for the Monitoring of Lake Ice Phenology - co-authored by Claude Duguay
- A Novel Weighted Ensemble Transferred U-Net based Model (WETUM) for Post-Earthquake Building Damage Assessment from UAV Data: A Comparison of Deep Learning- and Machine Learning-based Approaches - co-authored by Jonathan Li
- Point Transformer-based Salient Object Detection Network for 3D Measurement Point Clouds - co-authored by Jonathan Li
- Neighborhood Attention Makes the Encoder of ResUNet Stronger for Accurate Road Extraction - co-authored by Jonathan Li
- Weakly Supervised Learning for Pixel-Level Sea Ice Concentration Extraction Using AI4Arctic Sea Ice Challenge Dataset - co-authored by David Clausi, Andrea Scott, Linlin Xu.
- Applied Geochemistry Presents its 2023 Excellence-in-Review Awards - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
- On the use of an In-Package Dielectric Lens Antenna for Radar-based Applications - co-authored by Plinio Morita
- Direct topsoil transfer to already planted reforestation sites increases native plant understory and not ruderals - co-authored by Derek Robinson, Andrew Trant
- Experimental artefacts affecting characterization of the evolving interfacial heat transfer coefficient in hot stamping of Al-Si coated 22MnB5 steel - co-authored by Kyle Daun
- High strain rate constitutive and fracture characterization of AA7075-T6 sheet under various stress states - co-authored by Kyle Daun
- Declining Geoengineering Efficacy Caused by Cloud Feedbacks in Transient Solar Dimming Experiments - co-authored by Chris Fletcher
- Health and equity implications of individual adaptation to air pollution in a changing climate - co-authored by Rebecca Saari, Chris Bauch
- Biobased residues sustain crop productivity and soil health in a maize–soybean rotation - co-authored by Maren Oelbermann
- Interactions Between Internal Solitary Waves and Sea Ice - co-authored by Marek Stastna
Climate risks, resilience and adaptation
- News media coverage of hurricane events and Caribbean tourism: a critical analysis of the last 40 years - co-authored by Michelle Rutty, Daniel Scott
- Multi-level analysis on determinants of sustainability disclosure: a survey of academic literature - co-authored by Jeffrey Wilson
- Periconceptional Dietary Patterns and Adverse Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes - co-authored by Sharon Kirkpatrick
- Temporal patterns of cancer burden in Asia, 1990–2019: a systematic examination for the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study - co-authored by Zahid Butt
- Impact of hepatitis B birth dose on immune response in Pakistani children: an open-label, non-inferiority randomized controlled trial, implications for achieving SDG target - co-authored by Zahid Butt
- National burden of rheumatoid arthritis in Canada, 1990-2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 - a GBD collaborator-led study - co-authored by Zahid Butt
- Antiviral discovery in toxic cyanobacteria: Low hanging fruit in the age of pandemics - co-authored by Jozef Nissimov
- Global Polycrisis: The Causal Mechanisms of Crisis Entanglement - co-authored by Thomas Homer-Dixon
- Exotic pet trade in Canada: The influence of social media on public sentiment and behaviour - co-authored by Brent Doberstein
- Modeling post-disaster recovery: Accounting for rental and multi-family housing - co-authored by Rodrigo Costa
- Simplified Continuum Model for Laterally Loaded Rigid Piles and Poles Considering Vertical and Horizontal Soil Displacements - co-authored by Dipanjan Basu
- Applied Geochemistry Presents its 2023 Excellence-in-Review Awards - co-authored by Philippe Van Cappellen
- Correlation of Pressuremeter Test Results with SPT N Values and Liquidity Index for Cohesive Soil of Normal Calcutta Deposit - co-authored by Dipanjan Basu
- Direct topsoil transfer to already planted reforestation sites increases native plant understory and not ruderals - co-authored by Derek Robinson, Andrew Trant
- Social psychological factors drive farmers' adoption of environmental best management practices - co-authored by Michael Drescher
- Reddit and Engaged Science Communication Online: An Examination of Reddit’s R/Science Ask-Me-Anythings and Science Discussion Series - co-authored by Ashley Rose Mehlenbacher