The annual meeting of the Canadian Geophysical Union – Eastern Sections of Hydrology, Biogeosciences, and Earth Surface Processes will be held at Wilfrid Laurier University on Feb. 7th.
Note that abstract deadline has been extended to Wednesday, January 28th at 5pm.
This meeting is a relaxed and peer-focussed forum for student researchers at all levels to present results of both preliminary and complete research projects related to broad subjects within the fields of hydrology, biogeosciences, and earth surface processes. Short (~12 minute) oral presentations and poster presentations are encouraged from students attending this meeting. Poster dimensions must not exceed 4 feet wide ×3 feet high. Please be aware that due to time-scheduling constraints we may have to designate some abstract submissions to either oral or poster format as required. Supervisors are very much encouraged to attend the meeting, although they may not present their research. CGU membership is not a requirement for participation at this meeting, but we always welcome new members. If interested in becoming a CGU member, please visit the CGU website.
Registration for the meeting will be $30 (cash only) to be paid upon arrival at the conference. This will help to offset the cost of lunch, refreshments and other expenses. If you plan to drive to the conference, please consult the Laurier website for information on parking.
Abstracts must include: the title, author(s), affiliation(s), email address of the student presenter, followed by the abstract body. Please use 12-font, Times New Roman. Abstracts must not contain images or diagrams, and must not exceed one-page. Please save your abstracts using the following template: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_SECTION.docx. (For SECTION, indicate one of HS, BS or ESP).
Please send abstracts to as a Microsoft Word file attachment.
Abstracts are due Wednesday, 28 January, 2015 at 5:00 p.m.
The conference programme will be posted in the week of 26 January on the Cold Regions Research Centre website.