UW Students at UN Climate Negotiations

Two members of UW's Climate Students group are currently in Lima, Peru for the 20th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), commonly referred to as "COP20".
Mark Pejkovic is attending COP20 with the Climate Action Network delegation and Andres Fuentes with the Verb delegation. Andres and Mark are both students in the Master of Climate Change program at the University of Waterloo.
You can follow the UN negotiations through Andres and Mark on Twitter or Facebook:
Twitter: @ClimateStudents and/or @Andresafm
Facebook: /ClimateStudents
What is COP all about anyway?
To learn more about the basics of COP negotiations, you could check out this infographic on the importance of the Peru and Paris negotiations in particular, or this cheekier summary of the rules of the game as a whole.