The Faculty of Environment's annual awards recognize faculty and staff for their committment and excellence in teaching, research and service.
Congratulations to Waterloo Climate Institute member and School of Enterprise, Environment and Development (SEED) professor, Simron Singh, for receiving this year's Faculty Research Award.
Simron Singh is a globally recognized expert in socio-ecological metabolism who has pioneered the field of island industrial ecology that analyses and leverages resource-use patterns in island systems as an adaptation strategy to climate change impacts. His work on complex disasters, which broadened the understanding of natural disasters to include disaster response and the social and ecological impacts of these responses, has also been recognized as making path-breaking and original contributions to the political ecology of disasters. The committee noted the deeply humanistic element to Dr. Singh’s research and his research program. His research is driven by a recognition of the need to keep individuals and groups at the centre of his research program with a view to improving the lives of more vulnerable communities and to promoting cross cultural understandings.
Read more about the Faculty of Environment's annual awards and this year's recipients.