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The Faculty of Environment's annual awards recognize faculty and staff for their commitment and excellence in teaching, research, and service. Congratulations to this year's winners: Dr. Cameron McCordic, Dr. Simron Singh, Dr. Su-Yin Tan, Neil Carnegie, and Sheree Solomon.

Faculty Teaching Award
Dr. Cameron McCordic is a deeply committed and highly innovative teacher, whose teaching has had a significant positive impact on developing student’s problem-solving skills and critical engagement. The committee was particularly impressed by Dr. McCordic’s innovative approach in tailoring learning experiences in large classes to the individual learning needs of students. His development of teaching materials using new technologies demonstrates a deep commitment to student success that has inspired both his students and his colleagues.

Faculty Research Award
Dr. Simron Singh is a globally recognized expert in socio-ecological metabolism who has pioneered the field of island industrial ecology that analyses and leverages resource-use patterns in island systems as an adaptation strategy to climate change impacts. His work on complex disasters, which broadened the understanding of natural disasters to include disaster response and the social and ecological impacts of these responses, has also been recognized as making path-breaking and original contributions to the political ecology of disasters. The committee noted the deeply humanistic element to Dr. Singh’s research and his research program. His research is driven by a recognition of the need to keep individuals and groups at the centre of his research program with a view to improving the lives of more vulnerable communities and to promoting cross cultural understandings.

Faculty Service Award
Dr. Su-Yin Tan has made exceptional contributions to the University and Faculty in her numerous roles, including Chair of FAUW’s Lecturers Committee, a member of FAUW’s Equity Committee and Policy 76/77 Committee, and as the Faculty’s teaching fellow. Through these commitments, Dr. Tan has shown tremendous leadership, and a specific commitment to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion within the University community. She has made a positive contribution at the institutional level, but also at a more personal level, mentoring students, and colleagues.

Staff Service Award
Neil Carnegie has demonstrated considerable leadership with lasting impact in his role as Manager, Facilities and Space Planning/Safety Coordinator for the Faculty. Neil was instrumental in the development and implementation of the Faculty’s COVID protocols and procedures for all the Faculty’s buildings allowing the faculty to continue its work in a safe and effective environment. In the last year, he has shepherded several key infrastructure upgrades, as well as developing crucial tools to manage the faculty’s growing health and safety responsibilities. Neil is highly appreciated by his colleagues for his professionalism and strong work ethic.

Staff Service Award
Sheree Solomon has contributed to the School of Planning, Faculty and University in a variety of roles, but always demonstrating a commitment to excellence and the creation of a sense of community. As the administrative manager for the School of Planning, Sheree has supported students, faculty, and staff in their many roles and responsibilities and has been the organizational core of the school. She has mentored a number of new staff and has created an atmosphere of respect and professionalism within the School. The committee notes Sheree’s contributions to University-level initiatives and her unselfish and people-centred approach to her position.